We have already said that the Chakana represents the Southern Cross, but then the Incas also made it represent its political, territorial division of Tawantinsuyu (the Four Directions). Or, conversely, they may have based their territorial organization on the Inca Cross. An empire with the shape of a constellation. Now for the stair-steps in between the four cardinal points, and divided in four quadrants, each of them is a stage of emotional, cognitive, spiritual development:
- Upper Left Quadrant: Love, Trust, Connections
- Lower Left Quadrant: Acknowledgement, Protection, Awareness
- Lower Right Quadrant: Happiness, Passion, Expression
- Upper Right Quadrant: Responsibility, Productivity, Present
Thus, the Chakana is a symbol of the collective unconscious which is mainly a map for complete spiritual development, that the Andean people were able to realize. Later, the Incas also gave the portal on the center of the Inca Cross the meaning of Cusco city, the capital of the empire.
Apart from being a map for our inner world improvement, the Inca Cross is also a map of the outer world, of the universe, it displays a cosmology:
- Hanan Pacha: the dimension of the higher spirits and God
- Kay Pacha: the ordinary, material world in which we currently live
- Uku Pacha: the underworld, spirits of the dead
Its twelve corners represent the 12 months of the year for the Incas, each with 30 days, and also each month with a particular festival, mostly related to agriculture, and even nowadays present in Cusco’s culture.
Chakana at the Machu Picchu Sanctuary
As it was the rule in Inca empire, there were Chakanas in many places like Pisac, Ollantaytambo and even in the Titicaca Lake region -although these are prior to Inca times- which also became part of the Tawantinsuyu. Particularly special is the Inca Cross that can be found at the Machu Picchu sanctuary.
The citadel was the main mystical place of the Incas, the luxury retreat where all their leaders regularly went to get away from daily cares, to strengthen body and mind. It was a place of deep connection to natural energy and our spiritual dimension. In Machu Picchu, the Inca Cross will be found in the middle of the Temple of the Three Windows, but the amazing thing here is that visitors will find only the upper half of the Chakana… why? Because the Incas designed it in a way that, when the Sun shines over it, the lower half of the Chakana appears as a shadow, representing the spiritual world, thus making a whole Chakana, half material, half non-material. Inca special effects.
A: At the top to the left
B: At the top to the right
Hana Pacha – HeavenThe upper world, light sophisticated energy. The stars, divine creatures, and gods.
Kay Pacha –The earth
This world, light and heavy energy, here and now, Mother Earth. People’s lives.
Uqha Pacha –The Underworld
Heavier energy, but not Hell, may be lucky, beautiful things. Death.
C: At the bottom to the left
D: At the bottom to the right
Center / “hole”
The four sides
- North, South, East and West,
- the 4 elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air
- the 4 big stars in the South Cross.
12 corners
The 12 festivals / The Inkan calendar.The Inkas had a calendar, composed by twelve months, each of 30 days. Each month in the Inka calendar had its own festival (meaning month). The twelve outer corners mark the twelve corners of the year and an achievement of awareness.
Wiracocha / GodBottom
Pachamama / Mother EarthThis is only a simple interpretation – I am sure there are others.
Andean Cross – Chakana – It is inspired by the Constellation of the Southern Cross, which orients all creation on the Southern Hemisphere, as it is above and shall be below.
On a small scale, it is the symbol of the Pachamama or Mother Earth, and on a larger scale, it is the symbol of the Universe.
The four arms represent the four cardinal points (north, south, east and west). The circle represents eternity.
The square represents the four natural elements (air, water, earth, fire).
The triangle represents the three worlds in harmony: Hanan Pacha – spiritual world; Kay Pacha – physical world; and Uju Pacha – mental or psychological world.
The small circle in the center of the triangle represents the point of harmony or equilibrium.
All these elements together mean that to feel happiness in all senses human beings need to harmonize their three worlds or bodies using the four natural elements, with wisdom. Thus we will reach eternity, guided by the Southern Cross or Square Cross.
Pachamama is a goddess revered by the indigenous people of the Andes. She is also known as the earth/time mother. In Inca mythology, Pachamama is a fertility goddess who presides over planting and harvesting, embodies the mountains, and causes earthquakes.
She is also an ever-present and independent deity who has her own self-sufficient and creative power to sustain life on this earth.
Pachamama is usually translated as Mother Earth, but a more literal translation would be "World Mother" (in Aymara and Quechua.
The Chakana, or Inca Cross, is a symbol revered by the ancient cultures of Peru, namely the Inca.
They considered it to be the most complete sacred geometrical design.
This symbol is often seen at ancient sites and sacred centers though out the Andes of Peru and Bolivia.Traditonally, it (cruz cuadrada meaning square cross in Spanish) represents the Southern Cross constellation which the ancient Andeans believed to be the center of the Universe and was easily distinguished while gazing upon the night sky.
The Chakana held great significance to the Incas and has numerous meanings in its design. It's three dimensional levels are said to represent the three worlds, which in Quechuan, the ancient Andean language, were called:
- Janan Pacha - Representing the Upper World/Above/Universe;
- Kay Pacha - Representing the Middle World /Here & Now/Mother Earth;
- Ukju Pacha - Representing the Lower World/Inner Realms/Other World.
The Inca's had three spirit animals that they felt symbolized the three worlds;
- the condor,
- puma or jaguar, and
- the serpent.
Mother Earth, Pachamama, anchors the bottom of the cross bringing vertical alignment to the equal armed cross, which ultimately leads society to the raising of the Sacred Cross.
Even today, the people of Peru and Bolivia honor the Southern Cross or Chakana each year on the 3rd of May. May is the month of harvest and during this celebration people give thanks to the cross for the protection of the their crops.
The Chakana, when used in meditation or in teaching, is said to bring spiritual balance and deeper insight into the many levels of consciousness.
The Square is the ancient sign for the earth and symbolizes
- security,
- permanence,
- balance and
- integrity.
In both Eastern and Western cultures, the Square is seen to represent the ground or land. In Egyptian
Hierographics, the Square symbolized manifestation or realization. The Square is known as a symbol of morality.
While the Circle often represents the spiritual world, the Square represents the material or physical world. It said also to symbolize the male energy.
The Circle is an ancient a symbol of unity, wholeness and completion. With no ending or beginning, it is the perfect symbol of the Infinite.
In many pagan religions, the Circle is seen to represent the feminine force, Mother Earth or the cosmos.
In Astrology, the Circle is associated with the eternal, spirit and the life force. The Celts viewed circles as having both protective and celestial significance.
The word Circle originated from the Latin word “circus”. A circus is where shows or activity take place in a circle. The Circle is a symbol of Mobility when in the form of a wheel.
One of the primary and most fundamental geometric symbols, the Triangle often represents the sacred Trinity in many religions. When pointed upward, the Triangle is said to symbolize the sun, fire, ascent to heaven, power, prosperity, royalty and the male energy.
When it is pointing downward, it symbolizes the moon, water, passivity, the great mother and grace. When the two triangles meet at their points, it is said to represent the sexual union between man and woman.
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