Friday, November 27, 2020

Claire Edward


I believe Claire Edwardt  has pertinent information regarding 5G

1. Doctors receive no training on the symptoms of exposure to electromagnetic radiation.


2. The cell phones themselves are extremely sinister.  Not only are they incredibly dangerous in terms of what they do to the human body, and we have the evidence for the health outcomes now, but I think they are used in many other ways, including mind control. 


3. All the research on microwave radiation was kept secret by the US military so that weapons could secretly be developed and no one would realise.  They thought that if they called this new generation 5G, everyone would just think it was another generation of wireless technology and nothing much to worry about.   


4.these technologies are extremely sinister and include mind and emotional control, including by HAARP.  In fact, I suspect that the 5G satellites are HAARP gone digital. 

5.Vaccines have for some time contained nanoparticles and these plus electromagnetic radiation together make a binary weapon. Each particle is a micro antenna that picks up the radiation and this then explodes cells within the body. The first use of this weapon resulted in Gulf War syndrome (Tom Bearden).  


6.The Bretton Woods agreement and the delinking of the dollar from gold in 1971, which led us into the fictional economics of game theory, which was adopted in the 1970s.  We are now fully in a game of poker, and the conspirators are bluffing us with their “laws” and illusory control of everything, hoping to be the winners that take all.


7. This microwave radiation is bringing in entities – the Archons / Jinn / demons – whatever you want to call them and it is they that have taken over most of the politicians.   


8. Harp technology is turned on at night. when is affecting sleeping pattern of peoples. 


Claire Edwards bio (in her own words):

…”You asked me to write some sort of bio and this seems to be particularly challenging when it comes down to it.  There are very many threads to this story and it is humongous, going back at least to Darwin.

I have a degree in French Language and Literature and a master’s degree in Intercultural Competence. I am a former United Nations editor and gave trainings at the UN in intercultural writing. While at the UN, for many years I edited all the documents of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and its Legal and Scientific and Technical subcommittees (such that I am familiar with space law and the particular issues of concern regarding use of the space orbits).

I am bicultural (English/Irish) and have lived in six different countries (England, France, Czech Republic, Japan, Thailand and Austria) and speak English, French, Japanese and German, in that order of competence.

I worked at the UN for 18 years as an editor, correcting and fact-checking official documents and publications, which included the topics of terrorism, drugs and space.  I was alarmed when they put up public access points with very high levels of electromagnetic radiation in the Vienna International Centre in December 2015.  No one listened to my warnings so I ended up confronting the UN Secretary-General about it on 14 May 2018, after I had retired ( – 6 minutes).

That led to my contribution to the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, co-authoring and editing it and administering its translation into 30 languages.  It was the first appeal about EMR that gained traction with the public.  So I became something of a lay expert on 5G and the dangers and history of electricity, which led to my understanding that 5G is a weapon, and that in fact wireless technology as a whole has been a weapon right from the beginning.  The person who first set the so-called safety guidelines was a Nazi scientist (Operation Paperclip) who previously worked at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics

The Appeal was hijacked, effectively by the Club of Rome, last December precisely because it had been so successful.  That then led to my finding out about depopulation and eugenics – which of course dates right back to Darwin and the Fabian Society – and Agenda 21/2030 and “sustainable development”, which in my view really means “sustainable rapaciousness” for the predatory oligarchs.  Club of Rome is also responsible for the climate change hoax, of course, and this is used as the pretext for the “Green New Deal”, which is actually about the monetization of nature or the theft of the planet, which is the ultimate goal.

The Appeal was hijacked by a subsidiary organization of Club of Rome, called Worldshift, and it is Worldshift that explains exactly what “The Great Reset” is all about, which is a Maoist Cultural Revolution, which entails the destruction of everything: the family, communities, societies, nation-states, religion, and humanity itself.  This is what we have seen enacted this year and it is why the Democrats in the US are now seeking civil war.

And then came the “Covid” scam, which I immediately recognized as the cover for the use of the electromagnetic weapon.  So I looked at what happened in Wuhan and Milan, and then I watched the murder of the old and the sick during the first half of this year.  So they are now fully embarked on their genocide and I drafted and delivered this “genocide” document on 2 November, which someone turned into a short video:

The coming “Covid” vaccines are about depopulation and the genetic modification of humanity – in effect the deletion of humanity and the imprisonment of the remainder of humanity – the cyborgised ones – in “smart” cities.  All the research on microwave radiation was kept secret by the US military so that weapons could secretly be developed and no one would realise.  They thought that if they called this new generation 5G, everyone would just think it was another generation of wireless technology and nothing much to worry about.  But in fact, as I am sure you are well aware, all of these technologies are extremely sinister and include mind and emotional control, including by HAARP.  In fact, I suspect that the 5G satellites are HAARP gone digital.

The cell phones themselves are extremely sinister.  Not only are they incredibly dangerous in terms of what they do to the human body, and we have the evidence for the health outcomes now, but I think they are used in many other ways, including mind control.  They are addictive for one thing.  They can also be used to transmit simulated pathogens to the user. Thus you can imitate contagion, and that is how the hoax is played.  Just think “contact tracing”.

No one realizes that electromagnetic radiation is so dangerous as it has been kept hidden through regulatory capture and military secrecy.  Doctors receive no training on the symptoms of exposure to electromagnetic radiation.  And of course everyone lives in a Western materialist-reductionist paradigm and thinks that the world around us is solid, so when you try to explain that the body is not solid and consists entirely of frequencies – each organ has its own frequency and each emotion has a frequency, for example – no one believes you.  I basically think that the 20th century is the lost century because quantum physics should have changed our perception of everything, but instead we descended into a complete fiction of everything: money, economics, medicine, education.

Vaccines have for some time contained nanoparticles and these plus electromagnetic radiation together make a binary weapon. Each particle is a micro antenna that picks up the radiation and this then explodes cells within the body. The first use of this weapon resulted in Gulf War syndrome (Tom Bearden). This could account for the old people, who had received flu vaccines in Wuhan and Milan, having died in such large numbers.  This binary weapon is already in use for cancer treatments, so what does that suggest about the upcoming “Covid” “vaccines”?

What doctors in general fail to realize is that the symptoms of “Covid” are in fact the symptoms of exposure to electromagnetic radiation. I made a table comparing these symptoms in an article entitled “Our Children Are Now in Grave Danger”:

Next they plan to cut off the food supply and introduce a digital currency.  All of that implies the end of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and therefore the destruction of America, which is what we are looking at now with this election because the conspirators behind this want civil war in the US. One thread of all this is the banking thread.  You can go way back to the Federal Reserve and the bankruptcy of America, but I prefer to go back to the Bretton Woods agreement and the delinking of the dollar from gold in 1971, which led us into the fictional economics of game theory, which was adopted in the 1970s.  We are now fully in a game of poker, and the conspirators are bluffing us with their “laws” and illusory control of everything, hoping to be the winners that take all.

I’ve now got to that depth in the rabbit hole where I am realising that all this microwave radiation is bringing in entities – the Archons / Jinn / demons – whatever you want to call them and it is they that have taken over most of the politicians.  I spent six years before getting involved in stopping 5G looking into the nature of reality and studying mediumship and all of that now comes into play. “–Claire Edwards



Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Backward Causation

 Mindful of the non local nature of our universe can be manifested in our healing intentions by reaching backward in time to affect critical seed moments in alterate the future pathways of the development of the illness.

This ideas of backward causation is similar with the precognitive dreams in which our dreams in the night is caused by the confirmatory experience of the next day.

Modern physics seems to indicate that we live in a non local spider web of space and time where both future and the past are tugging on the present.

We are familiar with the idea of premonition in which one has intuitive apprehension of something about to happen in the future
Also there is the experience of presentiment when one has a inner sensation or feeling about something that is about to occur.

It seems to be a person direct perception of somethings that is about to occur.

It is like an advance wave of information arises directly from timeless non local consciousness.

Your future is affecting your past.

Mind to Mind by Rene Varcollier

Interpretative Introduction by Russell Targ and Jane Katra.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

UFO Disclosure

Concepts Regarding Brain Information Processing

In 1948 three concepts came into existence the concept of models of the mind,  information transfer, and signal to  noise ratio.

These three important concepts have achieved broad recognition in science and technology and their fundamentals can be applied to phenomena of the mind telepathy and other formats of psi as well.

People do develop basic frames of reference. These frames of reference  have a great deal to do with how minds are set and then with how reality is or is not viewed via these mindsets.

From "Mind to Mind" by Rene Warcollier preface by Ingo Swann

Warcollier was closely affiliated with International Metaphisic Institute at Paris. Serving as treasurer from 1929-1938, then as editor of its publication. Revue Methaphisique from 1938-1940 and as uts president from 1951- 1962. Similar instructions that reearch psi phenomena are British Society for Psychical Research and American Parapsychology.  All of these organizations investigated the same phenomena in general did so based on different frames of reference.

Between 1924-1862 the Institute published 46 of Warcollier's papers. Among these papers "Psychic space time", 1949, "Qualitative evidence of telepaty" 1957 and "Mental cognition within group telepathy" 1962

Warcollier model for telepathy was not exactly based in the mind to mind idea, but in the meta mind to meta.mind concept. In other words is not the daily average awake conscious mind that has telepathic faculties. Rather those faculties belong to the meta.minds of the individuals involved., the process which is hidden from the awake conscious mind. As war collier indicated the awake cinscious mind becomes aware of those processes only by experiencing their effects.

The brain sensing systems are un a meta kind of way nonnconsciously processing enourmous amounts if information perhaps in electronic form.
On average only about 24% or less of the larger information whike us downloaded into awake mind. This information is inlynwhat fits into an individual's frame if reference.

Warcollier defined telepathy as including the communication of emotions ideas mental images sensations or words from one individual to another without the help of the physical senses.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Vaccination Book

I am just going to put my sweet little find here for you:
It is a book written in 1889 called "45 years of Registration Statistics, Proving Vaccination to be both useless and dangerous". It covers 45 years (so starting in the year 1844) the statistics of vaccine FAILURES including an INCREASE in death from other diseases once the blood has been poisoned by vaccination. They cover the health of the vaccinated VERSES the UNvaccinated.....bad news for the vaccinated...they were dying more from other diseases such as measles, mumps, smallpox and diphtheria because of a weakened countenance from vaccines. This was covered 128 years ago.
Oh and all you "The science is settled on Vaccines" People... Nope. It never has been settled. They knew it was hurting mankind.

So the power of advertising predictive programming and forced imposing the poisons, in 2020 vaccines are a norm even though the life span and quality of life did not increased because of these poisons.


  • Azodicarbonamide is a yellow orangish powder, more commonly used commercially in the creation of foamed plastics – like yoga mats, shoe soles, floor mats and window gaskets.
  • The FDA allows food companies to use azodicarbonamide as a flour bleaching agent and dough conditioner in any food product giving it a status of GRAS or “Generally Regarded As Safe”.
  • But, the FDA doesn’t even keep track of the companies who use azodicarbonamide as an ingredient. The lack of information leads the FDA to not update or include an toxicity information about this ingredient in its EAFUS or “Everything Added to Food in the United States” database.
  • When a truck carrying azodicarbonamide overturned on a Chicago highway in 2001, it prompted city officials to issue the highest hazardous materials alert and evacuate people within a half mile radius! Many of the people on the scene complained of burning eyes and skin irritation as a result. (Source: Pandora’s Lunchbox by Melanie Warner)
  • The U.K. has recognized azodicarbonamide as a potential cause of asthma if inhaled, and advises against its use in people who have sensitivity to food dye allergies and other common allergies in food, because it can exacerbate the symptoms.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) studied azodicarbonamide, and also linked it to asthma and other allergic reactions.
  • When azodicarbonamide partially degrades with the heat of processing, it forms trace amounts of semicarbazide, which shows carcinogenicity that can result in tumors over time.
  • The United States is one of the only countries in the world that still allows this ingredient in our food supply. It is banned as a food additive in the U.K., Europe, and Australia, and if you get caught using it in Singapore you can get up to 15 years in prison and be fined $450,000. I’d like to see the head of the FDA put in jail for allowing it, wouldn’t you?