Friday, July 23, 2021


Former pfizer chief scientist states:
It was never necessary to do masks lock down vaccines. 

There are therapeutic drugs as effective as vaccines are available and cheap such as ivomectine 

Virus variants are 99.7 identical with the initial virus.
Why take a risk of a vaccine for something that is not a treat to you?
Vaccines passports are unnecessary. They provide control over your movement. The database of these passports will control your movements for the rest of your life.
What if these passports are required to enter shopping malls buying groceries.  You don't know who is setting these policies. 
What of the vaccines passports are linked to banks and if you don't comply the access to your bank money will be refused?
A simple story repeated indefinitely and censorship of alternative view is what is happening now.
The vaccines are not approved by any medical agency. They are available based on the emergency use autorization. So if it was no emergency they could not have been used.
Nuremberg Code was put in place after World War 2 when human experiments were put in place by Nazi Doctors. Doctors that do not inform patients that the vaccine is experimental are braking the international Nuremberg Code.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Cosmic Radiation

Man lives in the midst of fields of  Cosmic Radiation, which induces electro-magnetic phenomena in the cellular nuclei of the body. Each cell is the center of oscillation of very high frequency, emitting visible Radiation belonging to the gamut close to that of light.

Animation, living, being alive, is the phenomenon of oscillations in the cellular nucleus, resulting from the harmonious vibrations of Cosmic Radiation.

Cosmic Radiation is the cause of all and that cause was termed by the Masters Universal Spirit which they regarded as the Center and Cause of Intelligence and Animation.

Cosmic intelligence appears in the brain producing a state termed Mind.

Psychologists have divided the mind in three departments Conscious,  Subconscious and Subconscious.

Conscious mind we use in our daily affairs is only a small part of brain power.

Subconscious is more powerful.
Subconscious Mind is so potent that never forgets even contain wisdom of the past ages.
From the book "Awaken the World Within (1962)" by Hilton Hotem (Dictated inspired by Valiant Thor )

Friday, July 9, 2021

Medicine Whell

Historically, most medicine wheels follow the basic pattern of having a center of stone, and surrounding that is an outer ring of stones with "spokes" (lines of rocks) radiating from the center to the cardinal directions (east, south, west, and north). These stone structures may be called "medicine wheels" by the nation which built them, or more specific terms in that nation's language.

Ojibwe Indian stone medicine wheel

Key to stone medicine wheel:

  1. Creator - Center of life, the Medicine Wheel itself.
  2. Earth Mother - Gives us our home, and lives.
  3. Father Sun - Warms life, source of energy and light.
  4. Grandmother Moon - Guides dreams and visions.
  5. Turtle Clan - The element of earth. Growth and life.
  6. Frog Clan - The element of water. Cleansing.
  7. Thunderbird Clan - The element of fire. Energy.
  8. Butterfly Clan - The element of air. Transformation.
  9. The North - Knowledge and wisdom.
  10. The East - Daybreak, Illumination. Spirit.
  11. The South - Youth and innocence. Emotion.
  12. The West - Introspection, Looks within.
  13. Snow Goose – Direction.
  14. Otter - Balanced female energy.
  15. Cougar - Leadership without insisting.
  16. Red Hawk - Observant. Messengers of the Gods.
  17. Beaver - Builder and do-er.
  18. Deer - Power and gentleness.
  19. Flicker – Music.
  20. Sturgeon - Moving through life, swimming.
  21. Brown Bear - Sweetness of truth.
  22. Raven - Keeper of Sacred law.
  23. Snake - Power of creation. Transmutation.
  24. Elk - Stamina. To go the distance.
  25. Cleansing - To make clean. Purify
  26. Renewal - To begin again.
  27. Purity - Clean and innocent.
  28. Clarity - Unclouded. Free from darkness.
  29. Love - To delight in a higher state of appreciation.
  30. Wisdom - Knowledge and sense. Intelligence and foresight.
  31. Illumination - To enlighten. Cast light upon.
  32. Growth - To become. To change from one state to another. To advance.
  33. Trust - To place confidence in the reliance on the integrity and friendship of another.
  34. Experience - Knowledge and understanding
  35. Introspection - To look inside.
  36. Strength - Power and vigor of mind.

Physical medicine wheels made of stone were constructed by several different indigenous peoples in North America, especially the Plains Indians. They are associated with religious ceremonies. As a metaphor, they may be used in healing work or to illustrate other cultural concepts.

The medicine wheel has been adopted as a symbol by a number of pan-Indian groups, or other native groups whose ancestors did not traditionally use it as a symbol or structure. It has also been appropriated by non-indigenous people, usually those associated with New Age community 

A Medicine Wheel is simply a way of making sacred space more real and more visible. A Medicine Wheel is made of stones. Each stone tells part of the story. The Stones are the Ancestors of the Earth. There were about 20,000 medicine wheels in North America, before the Europeans came. Medicine wheels are places for energy and healing, teaching and understanding. They are used for times of reflecting on life, and for joyous celebrations.  Medicine Wheels were always a place of sacred ceremony and ritual.

The Medicine Wheel creates an axis and an atlas to sacred space.  It is a mapping of the sacred landscape we live in.  The Medicine Wheel is spinning.  It is rotating like the Earth.   The things in your life are spinning and you are the centre.

Some thoughts are common, such as the principle that Life is a Circle and that the Four Directions stand for North, South, East and West. A Circle is also used in other practices, considered pagan, with the same four directions and various colours.

A Medicine Wheel is a physical manifestation of Spiritual energy, an outward expression of an internal dialogue. It is a mirror in which we can better SEE what is going on within us. It is a wheel of protection that enables us, and allows us to gather surrounding energies into a focal point.

It helps to see exactly where we are and in which areas we need to develop in order to realize and become our full potential. It is a place of knowing that we are all connected to one another. And by showing us the intricacies of the interwoven threads of life, we can better see what is our part in it all. It helps us understand that without our part in this tapestry, the “Bigger Picture” is not as it should be. We add colour, dimension and life to each other, to all of life

It is a model to be used to view self, society, nation or anything that one could ever think of looking into. The Wheel, once we learn how to dance within it, offers a picture of Life and helps to add clarity to a foggy view. Like so many other things…it is a tool to be used for the upliftment and betterment of mankind, healing and connecting us.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Hilton Hotema

Hilton Hotema, born George R. Clements (7 February 1878, Fitchburg, Massachusetts - 1970),[1] was a 20th-century American alternative health writer, esoteric author and mystic, who also adopted the names Kenyon Klamonti and Dr. Karl Kridler

Hilton Hotema, born George R. Clements (7 February 1878, Fitchburg, Massachusetts - 1970),[1] was a 20th-century American alternative health writer, esoteric author and mystic, who also adopted the names Kenyon Klamonti and Dr. Karl Kridler.

1. Ancient Secret Of Personal Power (Tetragrammaton) (1960)
2. Ancient Sun God (1956)
3. Awaken The World Within (1963)
4. Breath Of Life And The Flame Divine (1957)
5. Cosmic Creation (Second Edition) (1958)
6. Cosmic Creation Part One (1956)
7. Cosmic Science Of The Ancient Masters
8. Cosmic Science of the Ancient Masters (2nd edition)
9. Creation: Cosmic Radiation In Florida
10. Divine Life (1963)
11. Empyreal Sea - Live 1400 Years (1964)
12. Facts of Nutrition: Vegetarianism & Longevity (1957)
13. Fasting Story #1:
14. Fasting Story #2: Wilborn, Carrington, Tanner, Hotema & Hanish
15. Genesis Of Christianity (1967)
16. Geriatrics
17. Glorious Resurrection
18. Golden Dawn
19. Great Law (1963)
20. The Great Red Dragon (1987)
21. Health Thru Scientific Nutrition
22. Hidden Creator (1961)
23. How High Do You Climb?
24. How I Lived To Be Ninety (1966)
25. Kingdom Of Heaven
26. Land Of Light - The Tarot (1959)
27. Law of Life And Human Health
28. Live 1400 Years: Empyreal Living Sea (How High Do You Climb)
29. Live Better: Ancient Unknown Knowledge (1963)
30. Live Longer (1959)
31. Living Fire & God’s Law Of Life: Sacred Wisdom of the Ancients
32. Long Life In Florida (1962)
33. Lost Wisdom of the Ancient Masters
34. Lost Word Of Freemasonry (1967)
35. Magic Beam
36. Magic Temple (1968)
37. Magic Wand (1956)
38. Magic World (Magicalism) (1967)
39. Man’s Higher Consciousness
40. Man’s Miraculous Unused Powers (4 volumes)
41. Mysterious Sphinx
42. Mystery Man Of The Bible
43. Mystery Of Man
44. New Super Sprays Endangering Your Health
45. Orthopathy (Elementary Orthopathy): New Science Of Health & Natural Healing
46. Perfect Creation
47. Pre-Existence Of Man #1
48. Pre-Existence Of Man #2
49. Pythagoras
50. Science Of Organic Dietetics
51. Secrets Of Regeneration
52. Son Of Perfection #1
53. Son Of Perfection #2
54. Soul's Secret (1958)
55. Virgin Birth
56. We Do Not Die
57. Why Do We Age (1959)