Thursday, September 15, 2022

Planes and Dimensions of the Omniverse

Knowledge of the Omniverse or the holistic science, explains the meaning of existence.

There is nonexistence without consciousness. This has been proven by quantum physics with the well known two shots experiment showing that particles manifest into existence only when observed by consciousness without which everything remains as waves of possibilities in parallel dimensions.

Thus the purpose of existence is the evolutuob of consciousness through experience and expansion of the soul and on the biological level, by transmission of acquired information to the following cells through genetic codes.

Everything in the Universe including sounds, images entities and material particles is made of information codes or electromagnetic messages carried on waves in the Cosmis.

All remain in a state of possibilities until waves cross, opening interdimensional portals or wortices allowing quantum leak, where they combine to create a suited harmonic resonance forming defined energy fields that become physical particles when stabilize in linear time.

The whole process of emission of the information on waves and of the manifestation of possibilities in aterial form is conducted all along by consciousness.

When materialistic mindsbdeny the existence of other planes or of interdimensionaloty they go against what the science already know. The more they deny the Omniverse the more theybrebel against their own self.

Ignorance lead to disaster leaving you in the fatality of material temporality.

Knowledge andntruth information and consciousness are forever present and available.

When new facts or principles are discovered decided and expressed by individuals they manifest in your collective consciousness,  but universal laws remain always the same.

Knowledge can be distorted or hidden so it takes long time before reaches your collective consciousness.

Human people have hard time to grass the multidimensional nature of the Omniverse,  because the collective consciousness have been tapped into an illusion grid, keeping it locked into the material plane which is merely a thin layer of the spectrum of the Omniverse, representing only 4% of its different energy forms.

The material plane is the only dimension subjected to the limitations of the linear time. A.simple fleeting illusion that persists in which we have been conditioned hard to believe.

The theory of relativity defined time as thenfour dimension yet a century later most of people still believe they live in a three dimensional universe in material space.

This theory has bennadjusted since.
Because any amount of energy or quantum can be calculated for only a given moment in time, since quantum leak continually occur, exchanging energy between a diversity of quantum, the equation E= mc2 can only apply to the material plane for a given moment in 4D linear time.

This formula does not applied to other dimensions of time-consciousness because it requires mass in 3D space multiploed by speed of light in 4D linear time.

Since the material plane is not fixed in Stable values and interacts continually with other dimensional planes like Meta Universe of Anti Matter and the Alter Universe of the Dark or Alter Matter causing constant quantum changes, thus equation does not describe the Omniverse with its multidimensional possibilities rather only the material Universe.

Tesla corrected Einstein by adding time ri the equation
E=mc2 ÷T connecting all planes.

Because there are other dimensions of time thN 4D linear time you know.

You have been led to call them the dimensions of space, but theybare in fact dimensions of time-consciousness , each one having different timesand ine existing outside of space. While consciousness exists innall Continuum times and cycles are it's measures.

Eistein's equation keeps you locked in 4D linear time and the material plane while Tesla's open your understanding to other planes or dimensions of time consciousness.

Extract from
The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 2
Conversations with Elder Kamooh by SunBow and Kerry Lapseritis

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