Monday, October 3, 2022

Crop Circles and Anunnaki


With all the evidence. Crop circles are amazing. I seen a documentary about the CROP CIRCLES. And they caught one being created in the early morning.
There are several ORB's, a perfect sphere about 3 feet in diameter and glowing brightly. 

And the CROP CIRCLES are definitely messages.

by Enki
July 2, 2020


 Barbara Lamb reports that

*800 degree hot plasma penetrates the Earth beneath a crop-meadow.

*The plasma strikes next to water or on fields that have water under them.

*The heat hits the water, turns it to steam, which gushes up, makes the plants pliable, and twists them into meaningful patterns.

*All bugs are vaporized; porcupines caught in forming crop circles fry (Don’t get in the middle of crop circle a-forming).


The Anunnaki make ice-pictures in space and crop circles on Earth to ready us for their return.   The crop circle you see with this post spells Enki and thus proclaims his age, the Age of Aquarius, in the crop. 

Leakers, however, say the clandestine military will generate its own crop circles with HAARP technology.  HAARP crop are crap circles.

Crop circles “originate where specific minerals and iron is available in the ground and water. Information is transmitted through waves we call Reiki, blue light and vril.  These waves are sent through space.  Water presses the halm and the crop into the desired pattern. The waves inform the ferrous water and this changes the temperature at specific points within a short time. Signs in the crops show us the way and prepare us for our god-parents’ return.” [Penre, 2009:173]

Michael Lee Hill writes that

Both 432, 444 (Arcturian Frequency) and 528 hz are all super related and are all connected and are perfect overtones of one another and can explicate crop circling messages from our Maker.  

“Enki Ea” A Sumerian Anunnaki ET/God Shows Up In Recent 2011 Crop Circle! 

“The Poirino 2011 Crop Circle contains some coded information. Among other things, the outer rim contains the names “Enki Ea”, coded in ASCII. These are names of a Sumerian god: Lord of the earth, god of water, creator of mankind.  A new ASCII code was drawn in crops at Poirino, Italy on June 20, 2011, and seems to identify the crop artist as “Ea” or “Enki” who was a tall, blond, extra-terrestrial god in ancient Sumeria.  At Poirino the precise number of “stars” in a crop circle formation specified E = mc2 in decimal ASCII code in a Crop Circle.  In the middle of the circle’s  a 7-pointed star, like the crop circle crop picture from Lane End Down.  That 2005 crop picture predicted the outburst of comet 17P Holmes two years later in October of 2007.

“Seven rays along the outside of that new crop picture at Poirino are written in eight-bit ASCII code, and seem to identify the crop artist as “Ea” or “Enki”, who was a tall blond extra-terrestrial god in ancient Sumeria.

“According to ancient legends, he and NINGARHSAG created modern humans by hybridizing sperm from the male gods with eggs taken from local aboriginals, already living on Earth tens of thousands of years ago. 

“The precise ASCII code which was drawn at Poirino goes as follows, reading clockwise around its large seven-pointed star:
01000101 E
01100001 a
01000101 E
01101110 n
01101011 k
01101001 i
00100000 space

“In 2010 at Poirino, the precise number of “stars” in a similar crop picture specified the famous equation E = mc2 in decimal ASCII code.”

We sent our 2-stranded genome and planetary location digitally into space, a crop circle response showed the 3-stranded genome and planetary location of the consciousness creating the circle.


Ancient Sumerians considered Anunnaki Gods and depicted them in their clay tablets.

Nibiru is their artificial planet cicling the Sun initially in an elliptical trajectory of approximately 3600 earth years. Later the trajectory became inconsistent. 

Anunnaki were initially bird people. That is why They were depicted with eagle heads on basoreliefs of ancient t Mesopotamia present Irak. The basireliefs were brought in United States by Rockefeller and are exposed in the present st MET Metropolitan Museum of Art and Brooklyn Museum.

They arrived on Earth aproximative 450,000 years ago.

Who are Igigi?

Sumerian tablets tak about 300 space people that were stationary on the moon Igigi that were used by Anunnaki to transport gold on Nibiru . The same male Anunnaki that came in earth complaining that they do not have women and produced a revolt against the Anunnaki rullers as per Zechariah Sitchin books.

Who is Enki?
The Annunakis or the Sky People on Earth were originally ancient Bird People twice your size generally described as blue giants.

Over millions of years they evolved into cyborgs and left Earth as ordered by Star Elder Council to live on their artificial planet Nibiru.

Ancient Sumerian texts mention an orbiting cycle of 3600 years, but this was only what was originally prescribed  and agreed upon in their mission to watch over the solar system.

They have since operated their planet size ship aling an irregular, unpredictable course as it pleases their domination agenda.

They later hybridized with reprilians like the Rakshasas inheriting much of their characteristics like shape shifting.  Other are represented in endless depictions and described en endless records.

They have been ruling your institutions and governments through an elite put in place and un charge by a covert network of secret occult orders infiltrated in of societies.

Ancient mythology tells how Seti or Seth or Satan murdered his father Ausar or Osiris ripped

off yhe eye if his brother Heru or Horus, rhe heavenly messenger. He out the evil eye on top of the pyramidal hierarchy , established a reign of terror, lies deceptions and cicealing the truth, through secret occult sicieties.

Thus us whe  the stargates were hijacked and used by conquering forces.

Ancient mitologies recall recurring vastness between benevolent and.malevolwnt forces ears between Anu and Enku and Enkil.and Masduk

For Greeks the Olympians gods purged the Earth from the rule of titans and cast them to Underworlds.

The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 2 Interdimensional Teachings from our Elders.
The Conclusion of the Sasquatch Message to Humanity Conversation with Elder Kamooh. Chanelled Messagesnreceived and written by Sunbow editedband designed by Kelly Lapseritis 

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