One of the applications of Tesla Technology was engineered by the Russians in order to decimate.western world through electromagnetic broadcasting. The project has been referred as Russian Woodpecker.
This is a series if electromagnetic broadcasts that began in July 4 1976. This was accomplished using Tesla Magnifying Transmitter which Teska patented in 1914.
These broadcasts disrupted communications all over the planet in the 3 to 39 megahertz bands and pulsed at 10 times oer second.
What is the purpose of Russian Woodpecker?
Speculations are from weather manipulation to mental and emotional destruction of population.
Nirth Western United States was continually irradiated with Extremely Low Frequency waves.l that were set to matches biological frequencies in order to du9licatr life energies of the larger population.
NBC admitted in Juky 18, 1981 that the purpose of Russian Woodpecker was to influence Human Behaviour.
One of the main Teska magnifying Transmitter sites discontinued broadcasting due to the Explosion of Chernobyl Nuckear Power Plant that was the main power source. Some observers suggested that Cernobyl may have been sabotaged by Westerb powers in order to disrupt Woodpaket Broadcastung.
In 2978 Specula Magazine stated that electromagnetic signals can induce earthquakes at distant points and severe atmospheric disturbances.
This is not just speculation. When Tesla was testing his broadcast power at the beginning of the 20th century it set off lighting power outages and hundred if firest fires.
Since October 1976 USSR has been emitting extremely low frequency signals from a number if Tesla type transmitters. These signals lock-in brain wave signals.
The signals created ozone depletion in the atmosphere which was discovered in 1977 one year after Russian Woodpecker went online.
These kind if transmissions disrupt the Earth Ozone Layer.
United States has a corresponding technology called the America Buzzaw. This is a osychi-active signal which is designed to interface with the mind if the human being by the way if mind brain connection.
The signal is broadcast in multiple carriers the carrier hop from one frequency to another anywhere between 4 MHz ti 30 MHz.
They have a multiple transmitter. They inky come in phase at a target site.
The signal has three modes.
1) The first mode is a search mode. They transmit a signal and a psychically sensitive human being picks up the signal and sends something back.
2) The second mode is the general transmission of a psychic interruption function which interrupt psychic function. It has a tendency to lower the psychic awareness of the population.
3) the third mode is when they target an individual .
So innocent people are war casualties of criminals in charge of producing the equipment and usung these broadcasting stations.
These emissions station should stop.
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