Friday, September 1, 2023

Extraterratrial Awareness

Selected information from the book "Selected by Extraterratrials Volume 2" by William Mills Tompkins 

This is the information that William Tompkins was aware of regarding ET races. He was part of a thinkntank group paid by the US Government to find that kind of information and classify it.

Initially the Think Tank at Douglas were aware of few types of Extraterratrials like mybe two tyoes if Grays. It turned out that there were eleven types of Grays all with different agendas. There is a constant interference from extraterratrials in human affairs tearing down everything thatbalkows us to live in harmony.

The secretaries and administrative assistants in The Think Tank were Nordic Extraterrestrials looking human.

Nordics Grays and Reptilian extraterratrials have the ability from the starship to see hear everything we are doing. They can also projec their intentions to us through activation, and sending us thoughts messages.

William Tompkins felt that he received messages that would accomplish something according to et agenda different from the specifications of the contract.

According to Mr Thomkins there are over 100 species here some from other galaxies.

Theybare disrupting worrying or controlling every activity that humans are involved in.

TRW is a massive think tank that us comoatimentalized with over 179 special laboratories. These represent individual research companies or universities that participate in a.multitude of deep space and Galactic programs.

There are 20 laboratories devoted just in Biological warfare alone (2016 data)

Inside TRW there were dozens if aliens implementing hundreds of their agendas.
They operating on people take the organs and clonning some of the people. Theybare not invisible theybare playing with people's brains.

Some Nordic type of aliens human looking lectured in South America about futuristic modern looking buildings. These buildings were later constructed
.Dr Allen Hynes Dr Joe Conley had tge opportunity to fly several Nordic vehicles during many years of alien support. He had convinced millions that it was time to release the truth about aliens in this planet.
He wanted to implement their plan to move a lot of us to the Nordic Star Cluster

About 2003 moved in again and kicked the Nordics off the planet. So we are slipping back into dark ages.

Everything in the Nordic planet is extremely futuristic.

John Alexander was the boos at TRW the office that researched aliens and their influence on the planet.

There are according to their research alien insects 6 foot black ants. There are millions swarming over the planet.

This department researched the number of known alien races that participate in secret societies.

They believed that there were  36 but had confirmed 20.

Secret societies are operating and influencing many organizations right now on our planet.

In ehese secret societies most prieminent Extraterratrials are the reptilians.
The docume ts in the TRWsupport that reptilian home star system is utilizing masonic technology not just from caverns control centers and Antarctica but also from their home star system.

And that's just ine of about twenty alien species muddling the water.

Ancient aristocratic European secret societies enforced absolute control of every element of life in European countries for thousands of years.

The aristocratic leaders the kings, queens princess and princesses and Roman's before them were all controlled by secret societies.

They used remote viewing to find information regarding aliens and then the information was confirmed from other sources.

12 for praying mantises and crabs that were 9 feet in diameter roaming other planets, some of which were capable of managing secret societies that controlling other tyoes of aliens.

7 feet wide 25 foot high praying mantises mind controlled other animals. It's groups had control of 37 stars in one arm of the Milky Way Gallaxy.  The Secret society that controlled them were membersbofnthenreptilian gangs that through mind controlncausednteror to earth people.

Other finds ; the Navy medical guys at area 51 developed food for New Mexico reptiles that eat peoples.

Aliens influenced aerospace development and continuous instigating wars throughout history.

There is a race of royal Reptile Human Hybrid bloodlines who are controlling the population of planets near their stars innthisbarea of our galaxy. They do this by setting them at war with each other.

The earth moon is their regional.command centernfirnthisnregiin of our gallery.  The moon is hollow.

Earth is considered Draco's planet by these aliens.Earth is considered a laboratory for these alien races.

Somehow we seem to not understand that aliens limit our intelligence.

There is a strong possibility that aliens have controlled this planet for thousands of years.

The group are TRW  compiled a list of known facts about aliens.
1. In legal areas they created rules that conflict in outcome with other legal cases.
2. Food They have poisoned our farm food, livestock, fish and the seas.
3. Falsifiednour history and burned our books.
4. Controlled our brain to not allow us to use 95% of our subconscious.
5.Education and learning The teaching of bad politics, incorrect schooling from kindergarten to university is devastating because take place all iver the country.
6. Communication control if all books radii TV putting publishing companies out of business.
7. Finance all countries are controlled by Bildelbergs.
8. Hate create hate in our brains sonwenstartnwars.
9. Freedom destroyed US constitution
10. Transportation every time we accomplish something good they destroy it see public transportation.
11  Destroying love
12 Creator of War
13 Movies and propaganda
14. Secret controlling organizations like freemasonry.
15. Religion create competing religions like Muslims and the Koran
16 medical all cintrol
17 drugs bad every drug has side effects more damaged that the drug.
18 Abductiins interpreting and massive Galactic slavery.

They have done for humanity this for 30,000 years.

Two species of aliens can survive only on human blood.

Hard to believe but therebare more than 60,000 different advanced alien research underground laboratories onbEarth. Not even the person editing the manuscriot of William could not believe it.

Alien transport vehicles travel daily between different centres Dulce Mt Shasta Mars Venus, Jupiternand Satur moin and local starts planet.

The nirdics cannitnget flu ir cold like we do they have very long life span.

Many aliens such as insectoid types live underground throughout thus region of the Gallaxy  abd have lifespan of hundred of thousands of years.theybare at war with Draco Reptilians.

Many different species are involved in different is difficult to understand thatbat different underground levels 20,30, 40 levels down there are thousands of laboratories working on various types of interbreading involving humans extraterrestrials and animals.

Dulce has over 60 levels starting one Mile down is in operation since 1930and are controlled by Grays and Reptilians with Navy support ( meaning American military support în exchange for technology).

The tunel from. Mount Shasts runs directly ți Dulce Center In New Mexico.

Large underground tunnels with the aliens that have parrot like beau head.
They have a massive underground facility.

Remote wievers recorder the presence of such aliens.

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