În quantum space everything is very small. This reality could be distorted upside down, backward or sideway.
Quantum space has different affects and views of a scale and color that are not easy to describe.
The Interdimensional realms have more of a surreal state. In the space of dreams or Astral we find the remote viewers the mediums, the earth-bounds souls, the fairies elves, the elementals the Ascending Masters, guides and all the sages who are here to help us on our Earthly journey.
We can see the spirits of contrast mischief and darkness in rhe Astral Plane.
There is also the subterranean plane where exists the beings of the middle earth. Some say that this is a plane where extraterrestrials hide.
There is also a phenomena of time lines crossing each other or.moving in non linear manner.
The psyche can record and experience time backyard and forward or sideway through a system of alternate presents or it an maintain its own integrity in a no time environment.
The psyche is the creator of time complexes.
Time and space don't exist when we are dealing with the spirit or other dimensions. There seems to be other set of rules similar to quantum physics.
It is possible that Joules Vernes to have been a Time Traveller.
The time keepers arr tue divine. Beings and are not human in nature, though they can take form of a human.
Source: "The Seer Violets in the Grass" by Jessica Arael Marrocco
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