Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Power of Love

Those who find the truth are attracted to others who know of it due to one law "Like attracts like".

The power of love is glorious and beautiful.
Read this with open mind and know that this is the truth.

When your ability to love will be much greater then pleasure and happiness will.come unto you but not until then.

Here is a guide of one of many processes or stages which man can use to help himself.

Relax and lie down. Keep your spine as straight as you can. Do this not with tight muscles but relaxed while lying down. Allow your physical body to go limp in complete relaxation.
Say to yourself "Be still, be still" and then want to know more about love.

You must think in this manner:

"I would like to know more about love. I will be still. God glorious God, within and everywhere let Thy love fill this unit and give it understanding and knowledge about the word love. And then dear God give me the ability to apply it, for I want to evolve into the purest Holiest kingdom o God."

Then be still and the small voice within your own mind will tell you guide you and help you.

If you do not succeed in this for the first five or six time do not give up, for your will is very powerful it is the power of God. Love give it more power.

The more you know of love the more glorious you will become in every day.

Then desire to help so that you may help yourself: it is necessary to realize how you have all your life been inconsiderate of many forms of life.

You have not gone out of you way to help little kingdoms about you, you have not been fully considerate.

There are men and women who know well this. No insect will bite such one.  No snake will poison him. No undesirable Astral things(which there are billions) will or can attack him, for he has learned to love all life.

There are many human beings whom insects do not bite. They will not do so because of the word "Love".

The message was received from the Lord Thinkers from the planet Venus using a sort of telepathic connection with Clark Wilkerson.

Love is an electrical energy which can be measured and felt by almost any living thing.

Here is an experiment.

Place a person approximately 20 feet from you. Have him walk toward you slowly with the palms of his hands facing you. He should sense the electrical energy of your magnetic field when he is approximately six to eight feet from you.

Now, have him return to his starting point twenty feet from you. This time you are to think love to him. Think of him as being a beautiful white light within, of radiant mind and energy, which is Godlike and you love God.
Your magnetic field will instantly double or triple in strength.

As he walks toward you this time he will sense this electrical current which you have produced by your thinking at about thirteen to fifteen feet from you.

This is a good experiment to prove that love can be measured, sensed and felt by a human being.

If two highly evolved human beings were to use this method they would have to start at least hundred feet apart. The normal natural magnetic current of an advanced soul on Earth's very strong and powerful for about eighty feet.

If mankind were to live constantly and were to know more about love there could be no wars.
Love has not been properly taught on planet Earth
The wonderful energy of love can be created and controlled by the mind in a living unit such as man on the planet Earth.

Fear is a condition of the mind not a thing that can be measured.

Fear is the lack of harmony between the outer and inner mind.
Valiant Thor's Wisdom from Venus by Valiant Thor 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Lunacy Act 1845 USA and Similar Legislation in Canada in 1839-1850


 The Lunacy Act 1845 or the Lunatics Act 1845 and the County Asylums Act 1845 formed mental health law in England and Wales from 1845 to 1890. The Lunacy Act's most important provision was a change in the status of mentally ill people to patients.

Under the Lunacy Act 1845 and the County Asylums Act of the same year, county lunatic asylums became compulsory and the Lunacy Commission was established to take responsibility, among other things, to regulate them. 

The two acts were dependent on each other. The Lunacy Act established the Lunacy Commission and the County Asylums Act set forth most of the provisions as to what was to be monitored within the asylums and helped establish the public network of the county asylums.

Records of lunatic asylums are not held in any one place and often not all their records have survived. Many records of asylums, prisons and houses of correction are kept in local archives and especially those of the patients and inmates. However, most patient files have been destroyed.

The records held by The National Archives relate mainly to the administration of the institutions, though some of these records may include the names of inmates.

1839. The Ontario government (then known as the Province of Upper Canada) passes "An Act to Authorise the Erection of an Asylum within this Province for the Reception of Insane and Lunatic Persons."

This legislation resulted in the opening of the "Provincial Lunatic Asylum" in Toronto, Ontario, on January 26, 1850 (

First proto-eugenics articles by Francis Galton in MacMillan's Magazine

Canadian Constitution Act gives federal parliament legislative authority over "Indians, and Lands reserved for Indians"

1873 British Columbia’s first legislation addressing mental illness, the Insane Asylums Act, was passed by the provincial legislature in 1873. According to this Act, persons deemed to be “lunatics” could be committed to an insane asylum upon certificates issued by doctors who examined the patient in each other’s presence.

What is the simple definition of eugenics?
Eugenics the practice or advocacy of controlled selective breeding of human populations (as by sterilization) to improve the populations' genetic composition. Population cleansing. Hitler was practicing it..
Since I just finished reading the book Man the Unknown by Alexis Carrel written in 1934, it is worth mentioning that he was promoter of eugenics. He worked since1906,  the newly formed Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research in New York where he spent the rest of his career.
Alexis Carrel 1873-1944a French surgeon and biologist who spent most of his scientific career in the United States. He is known for his leading role in implementing eugenic policies in Vichy France.

1776 North America



"Common Sense." Thomas Paine moved many to the cause of independence with his pamphlet titled "Common Sense." In a direct, simple style, he cried out against King George III and the monarchical form of government.

The British Evacuate Boston. American General Henry Knox arrived in Boston with cannons he had moved with great difficulty from Fort Ticonderoga, New York. Americans began to entrench themselves around Boston, planning to attack the British. British General William Howe planned an attack, but eventually retreated from Boston.

Congress Calls for the Colonies to Adopt New Constitutions. In May, the Second Continental Congress recommended that the colonies establish new governments based on the authority of the people of the respective colonies rather than on the British Crown.

Congress Declares Independence. When North Carolina and Virginia empowered their delegates to vote for American independence, Virginian Richard Henry Lee offered a resolution stating that the colonies "are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States." A committee was appointed to draft a declaration of independence, and Thomas Jefferson was chosen to write it. On July 2, Congress voted in favor of independence, and on July 4, the Declaration of Independence was approved. Copies were sent throughout the colonies to be read publicly.

Battle of Long Island. After leaving Boston, British General Howe planned to use New York as a base. The British captured Staten Island and began a military build-up on Long Island in preparation for an advance on Brooklyn. Washington succeeded in saving his army by secretly retreating onto Manhattan Island. Washington eventually retreated from Manhattan, fearing the prospect of being trapped on the island, and the British occupied New York City.

Congress Names Commissioners to Treat with Foreign Nations. Congress sent a delegation of three men to Europe -- Silas Deane, Benjamin Franklin, and Arthur Lee -- to prepare treaties of commerce and friendship, and to attempt to secure loans from foreign nations.

The Battle of White Plains. British and American forces met at White Plains, New York, where the British captured an important fortification. Washington once again retreated, still attempting to save his army from the full force of the British army.

Retreat through New Jersey. Washington and his army retreated across New Jersey, crossing the Delaware River into Pennsylvania. Congress, fearing a British attack on Philadelphia, fled to Baltimore.

Battle of Trenton. On December 26, Washington launched a surprise attack against a British fortification at Trenton, New Jersey, that was staffed by Hessian soldiers. After one hour of confused fighting, the Hessians surrendered. Only five American soldiers were killed.


Love Versus Ego

No human beings truly in love would be the last beings to plan a war or any other type of dissension upon their beautiful planet. It could not and would not enter their minds.

Humans who do not know the word love have woven a cocoon around themselves which has blinded them.

This cocoon could be referred to as negative ego or false assurance.

There are two types of ego positive and negative. Positive ego is tru pride. Negative ego is dislike or hate.

As women on the planet Earth is far superior in every way in emanating love so is superior for guiding the planet towars peace and harmony. But because of false assurance, the masculine leaders do not realize nor understand it. They attempt to lead and control without love.

From the book: Shocking Obscure and Beneficial
Valiant Thor's Wisdom from Venus by Valiant Thor

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Earth Alliance And Q

 As Earth Alliance Unveils Revolutionary Shift: From Petrochemical Dominance to Tesla Technology and Free Energy"

The Earth Alliance, a coalition of forces of light dedicated to humanity's liberation, is poised to dismantle the cabal's stranglehold on the petrochemical industry. This momentous transition will usher in an era of free energy, Tesla-inspired technologies, and advanced healing modalities. By pulling the trigger on this transformative initiative, the Earth Alliance aims to replace outdated, polluting industries with sustainable, life-enhancing innovations.

_Q is a United States Military Intelligence Operation, working hand-in-hand with the President of the United States. Some could easily argue that Donasld J. Trump was hand chosen years ago by the United States Military to aid them in this critical and historic operation.

Q is not a single person, but a team of high-ranking persons with "Q" level security clearance, executing operations that have been planned for many years (the plan). Some of the objectives are: A) A massive information dissemination program meant to 1) expose massive global corruption and conspiracy to the people. 2) Cause the people to research further to aid further in their "great awakening". B) Root out corruption fraud and human rights violations worldwide. C) Return the Republic of the United States to the Constitutional rule of law and also return "the people" worldwide to their own rule. In short the Q operation is the greatest criminal sting and anti-treason/sedition event in world history.

It certainly does appear that we as a country are lawfully living out The Declaration of Independence once again

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the Governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to alter are to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying it's foundation on such principles and organizing it's powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

- The Declaration of Independence

Due to the classified nature of much of the information/evidence Q team holds, they can not just come right out with it, however, they can drop breadcrumbs that the people, often the 8chan "Anons", can dig into and help us all discover the truth. Further, it must be understood that the enemies in this war are monitoring Q as well. Therefore, some of the information Q drops is strategically misinformation/disinformation. Think Military game theory and "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. Sure, none of us want to filter through and try to discern truth from falsehood, however these warfare tactics really cause "We The People" no harm when they must be used, however they are devastating to the enemy and a necessary part of warfare. Military planning at it's finest!

The message above was taken from a blog called UFO Disclosure

We continue with the response of the people who know something about the subject

Saturday 16 November 2019 at 11:41:00 GMT
We re waiting for about 70yrs now for disclosure.And i bet it will be a new enemy to fight to.To unite mankind under one banner.But if aliens were hostile i guess we wouldn't be here anymore.Many officials always ve claimed bout no threat to the national security.Even Angeltons Papers refering to that. But also were a sign for the influence to folks in Washington. And if they ren't helpful anymore they re easy to manipulate. In any kind of possibility. Like wet works. Projects like Jehovah, parasite, parhelion, enviro(ment) and even this odd Spike and House Cleanings making things very odd to look through. Do this Special Groups like Green using MK Ultra and Artichoke Projects to use it on their own citizens and people in charge? In different layers of our society worldwide. The big question is ,during the alien encounters? Or after them? To look what's really happened to them? While in direct contact? Or is it all staged? Like the iron mountain equal programs? It wouldn't make me wonder. WTF is going on here since decades now? And if they re in control of alien technologies why they aren't using it for the benefits to whole mankind and all here on earth? I don't get it? They cannot be so selfish. Right? (referring to Gen. Tom Wilsons Claims).Thanks. Be the truth be with all of us. Cause there's just one.

Saturday 16 November 2019 at 13:00:00 GMT
What's with this MILABs ? Wasn't this run by them? Is there anyone that's really good out there? I think many normals are but those in power aren't .Cause power corrupts them. We need people from the public. Honest ones. That re not easily being turn around. To fight against life and our whole planet. We need real heroes. Worldwide. And i guess that most scientists doesn't even like what they re doing for certain groups. Those with the big money. I bet on it that many would change this path right into extinction. We will rush all with us. If we won't end it immediately.

Orbs and ET

Jp Talks about orbs
They are use to measure the frequency of the persons they encounter.
They are connected with extraterestrials humans.

chapter 4 page 57. I talk about my friend Lovent. On this video I give a little bit more details of his home in the Moon and the orbs.. enjoy


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Gene Decode and Michael Salla


Gene Decode (pseudonym) is a 20+ year US Navy veteran who served on five classes of submarines during his military career where he attained a senior NCO rank. In 1992 he had a Near Death Experience in which he received information downloads from the celestial realm about how Earth is run by dark forces, and also enhanced abilities such as remote viewing. He soon after retired from the US Navy and has ever since been researching anomalous phenomenon and exposing the elite groups, both human and extraterrestrial, secretly running our planet.

In his first Exopolitics Today interview, Gene Decode discusses his naval background and a detailed paper he wrote about the history of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs), and the key figures involved in revealing the truth. He is optimistic that despite the long control global elites (Deep State) have had over our planet using DUMBs and other extraterrestrial-related resources, the truth is being slowly revealed through the great awakening that is happening in the US and around our planet.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Artificial Intelligence Used by Private Corporations People


Biometric Readers in Schools AI used by bosses to monitor employees tracking emotions. Wearable ChatGPT is CIA GPT
Is affecting Search results and provide hints
Artificial Intelligence used by la enforcements
AI used by private companies
Facial recognition databases where are they deployed browsing history shopping history used by HR.
Surveillance is dehumanizing.
Mental health status.
Companies are using AI for big corporations.
Social credit store deployed.
UN is getting in digital agenda they have released UN agenda.
Manipulation of science for consolidate the control.
IS the AI used in elections?
Criminalizing free speech across the border
WHO proposing a treaty that consolidate even a mental health emergency to take over the world governments.
We need to pay attention to these people.
DARPA had new projects during COVID.
Who financed these treaties. Bill Gates. He benefits from the pandemic.
Trudeau want to put in house arrest for things you might say in the future.
This is the trend in the western nations.
A government employee can listen to everything you say.
Surveillance cameras fit bits automated reading of car numbers create surveillance states.
Transumanism social credit score, inversion of speech.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024




Chris Lehto: In this video, we delve into the fascinating phenomenon of intelligently controlled orbs, reported as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) from 1996 to November 2023. We'll explore detailed reporting trends from the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, highlighting characteristics such as size, color, altitude, and incredible velocities up to Mach 2. Watch an exclusive interview with Captain Eric Delgado, a seasoned commercial and Air Force pilot, who captured a pulsating orb on video during a flight at 37,000 feet. Join us as we analyze these mysterious sightings and what they could mean for our understanding of UAPs

I can confirm that I saw and filmed the orbs in Toronto airport and Mexico

Saturday, June 8, 2024


Any questions to ponder?
1- What does an Egyptian pyramid do on a US dollar bill?
2- Why did 56 countries sign a treaty not to venture into Antarctica?
3- Why do planes never fly over Antarctica?
4- How did NASA "lose" the footage of the moon, probably one of the most important moments for humanity?
5- If Neil Armstrong was the first to set foot on the moon, who was holding the camera?
6- Why have we never gone back to the moon?
7- If monkeys evolved into people, why are monkeys still monkeys?
8- How does 95% of "garbage" DNA exist? Who decided this is actually "garbage"?
9- How were giant, symmetrical, detailed, sacred and geometrically solid structures such as cathedrals and parliament buildings created by people who lived in wooden huts, rode horse-drawn carriages and had no machines or lasers?
10- How is this same pre-Luvian architecture found all over the world?
11- Why are there images in ancient Egyptian art that appear to depict "spaceships"?
12- Why are remains and images of giant human beings found? And why are giants mentioned in several ancient writings of cultures distant from each other, including the Bible?
13- Why are there images of mushrooms in all ancient Christian art? And why is daddy dressing like giant mushrooms Amanita Muscaria?
15- Why do ancient Egyptian artworks represent pine trees and is it a coincidence that even the pineal gland looks like a pine?
16- Why are there depictions of dragons all over the world and in different cultures, thousands of years apart and is also mentioned in the Bible?
17- Why is there so much blatantly demonic symbolism in the music and entertainment industry?

Friday, June 7, 2024



FBI Worker Says President Eisenhower
Wasn't The Same After Being Told
About UFO's & Alien Life

They cited specific details, such as the way the date was written, as well as the wording of the documents themselves, as evidence that they were not real or true government documents.

On the evening of February twentieth nineteen fifty four, Eisenhower suddenly vanished.

The official reaction to the rapidly spreading suspicions and fears that the president might have passed away was that he had needed emergency dental work and was now doing well.