Showing posts with label Cell Phones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cell Phones. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Cell Phone for Mind Control

 Cell phone use for mind control allow military and police agencies to follow every user influnce thir thoughts through microwaves, cause healthy people to hear voices in their heads and if needed burn thir brains in a second by increasing the current 20,000 times

Could that have happen to Chechnyan leader General Dudayev who died talking on the phone.

Heating effect of tissues with the speed of light in a known effectof high power microwave and electromagnetic pulse weapons.

They can cause fatigue states, depression, insomnia, aggressiveness, long and especially short term memory loss, short catatonic states, cataracts, leukemia, cancer, hearth attacks, brain tumours and so forth.Alteration of human behaviour and attitudes has been demonstrated as well.

Dr Ross Adey has found out that by using 0.75 milliwatts per square centimetre intensity of pulse modulated microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz it is possible to control all aspects of human behaviour.

Microwave radiation excites the hydrogen bond in the cells and can interfere with meiosis, which held to tumours.

My mother kept the cell phone under the pillow to be close to it when somebody call and she got brain anurism, started falling without a reason. Then she developed a tumour. in another part of the body.

Another of my relatives kept the phone in a pocket close to the belly and developed health problems in that part of the body.

All our emotions and moods and thoughts have a specific brain frequency which has been catalogued. If these records fall into the wrong hands our behaviour and attitudes can be manipulated by persons whose ethics and morals are not in our best interest.

Both military and intelligence agencies have been infiltrated with such persons. The director of the Swiss Secret Service had to resign in September 1999 because of his agency involvement in illegal deals.


Mind Stalkers By Commander X and Tim R Swartz