Space ships hovering over mountains of basalt columns are recharging their power as if extracting electricity from the ground.
Certain kinds if geological formationsespecially crystallization or radioactive ores, emit an important amount of energy due to their molecular structures. That can be harnessed. Those natural electromagnetic fields and currents produce ionization causing free flowing of ions to become charged, forming a ionized substance convertible into plasma.
This way ships or beings shielded with plasma are unaffected by surroundings elements.
Being one of the most abundant energies on the cosmos, plasma.can be tapped from many sources oceans, waterfalls, from PowerPoint and power lines designed to leak most of their power.
This is why ships are inserted rechargingiver such places or pluging in volcanos.
Plasma is present about everywhere and can be tapped directly out of thin air or from outer Space with the appropriate knowledge, although some sources are favored.
Some.giganticncrafts are.tapping plasma from the Sun diving straight into it. Sometimes comming out on the other side.
Stars like our Sun are also immense reservoirs of plasma that can be used as Stargates.
By creating an electromagnetic vacuum, plasma can be directed and used to form shields and fravitational fields, to propel or teleport through Hyoerspace beyond linear time.
Plasma shields as interdimensional connectors can also be used to go across walls or to enter or observe another dimension from different spaces and rimelines unperceived from the dimension observed, some like remote viewing on-site from another plane.
Sun is an immense reservor of plasma. Ships traveling through a plasma tunnel often leaves streaks of light behind their passage. Shielded this way they can approach and enter stars and go across them unharmed.
They can likewise traverse any apparent obstacles with ease, in interdimensional fields.
Plasma concentrated through highly charged circular electric curents of high velocity, becomes bright crystalline liquid like substance able of acting as an interdimensional gate.
Such portals can provide access to frequencies beyond the speed of light and linear time.
By crossing it beings and ships can find themselves transportes into Htper Space and by projecting a tubular tunnel of plasma one can be teleported at any point of space-time
This type of interstellarand interdimensional travel is used on local Galactic scales, but on larger scales between Galactic super clusters this method is not the most efficient.
Plasma tunnels would have to be projected across huge distancesthrough the cosmos. Even if beyond linear time, these travels are done in a linear qay through hyper space.
For such distances the wormholes or interdimensional tunnels are made of Meta Matter. By neutralizing the electric polarity making physical matter by bringing the positive and negative charges of particles to neutral values, ions of physical matter merge with Meta Matter twins allowing access to 2D Meta Universe or one Time Space Unified field.
The oscillations of frequencies created by by the electric polarity needs 3D space to exist.
Faster than light waves travel in Hyper Space where they can be at different point in space at the same time. Slower than light wa es travel in linear time through space time.
But in the 2D Flat Meta Universe he polarity of above or below are not separated by space. With the depth or height.
Entering the Unified Field of the Meta Universe allows to bypass space and time limitations, not through the wormholes bit through the quantum leaps.
Through that plane space and time are not only possible locally but universally.
What Meta Matter does it eliminate gravity and the diversity of values and frequencies.
A black hole is a mass of Meta Matter acting as a natural gateway into Met Universe.
The central Black hole is the beginning and the end of the galaxy containing all the information about all its components beyond the duration of its existence in linear time.
When an energy enters into a vlack hole it reaches the Event Horizon and Point Zero Gravity. It's entropy merges with the entropy of the black hole apparently losing its individuality.
By reaching the Meta Universe, the energy dissapear from 3D space and 4D linear time simply blending into One Time Space Unified Field. It can from there travel to any space or time if consciousness has set its course right.
This is why black holes are used as star gates and space travel in the cosmos.
To travel across a black hole it takes a Gravitational wave more powerful that it's own such as Gama ray burst that are observed emerging from the black holes.
To create a Gravitational pull to emerge the black hole, electric polarity must be recreated causing waves if different frequencies to leak from the black hole Meta Matter.
The differentiation of frequencies with electric polarities is efectuated by consciousness, causing the beings to reemergenfrom the inertia of Meta Matter into 3D Hyoer Space and recover their individual entropy and frequencies in another location and timeline.
Extract from the book:
"The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 2 Interdimensional Teachings from our Elders.
The Conclusion of the Sasquatch Message to Humanity Conversation with Elder Kamooh. Chanelled Messagesnreceived and written by Sunbow editedband designed by Kelly Lapseritis