Showing posts with label Enlil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enlil. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Conversation with Enki

This material is an extract from the book The Seeders by Elena Danaan.

Enki is alive in 2023.
He had conversation wit Ekena Danaan in 2022 with the help of Thor Han the humanoid ET that she is in constant contact with.

Enki ship is spherical , was situated at that time close to Saturn.

Teleportation is the way people are transfered on that ship.

A device belt adjusted the frequency to the frequency of the Anunnaki ship for Elena Danaan.

The gravity on the ship is lighter and the smart suit that Elena use regulate the blood flow and avoid hearth damage. The smart suit is provided by Thor Han that is an officer of the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

Enki called Terra Ki.
His name was Custodian of Ki. Other name of Enki was Ea.

From their conversation we find that Enki is from Ashkera and Uru An Na. Their society is spread out to many Worlds,and the core center of their culture is in the Immaru system a parallel dimension of this one. Their prime homeland is named Ashtari.

Nibiru is the name of a vessel that theybhad the conversation on.l, the round ship. Nibiru is not a planet.Nibi-ru is a description of their original world Ashtari. The meaning Is "One of two" Nibi-ru or one of two civilizations.

Nibiru also means "The masters if the light Portal" or the Light Portal is also the name of the super Stargatr in the Oriin Nebuka Trapezium Cluster.

Ashkera is Sirius.

There was in the past a Galactic War or Orion War after which there was the rise of Nebu which is a race of Grey aliens.

Anunnaki do not  have a Hive mind but they do interact with the collective consciousness.

Enki told Elena Danaan that his soul is ancient , they do not live in the linear time, a d they are Ethernal.

Enki can jump from clone body to another. The reason is not to loose knowledge. Each of their corporeal existence are worth many thousands of years.

His half brother Enlil was in charge at the time of this Galactic sector where Earth or Terra is located.

He personally left Terra long time ago, after a lengthy reign but he trained armiestonstay and rulenupon of the slaves.

Enlil is alive.
Enkil is a title the same as Enki. His true name is Yu Enlil name. It means fire. N means master and can be heard as Ne.

The title Ne  Bu , Bu identified their Domain.

Enlil Or N-Li means Master of Power.
The first female hybrid that Enki the geneticist and scientist created was Llth.

Enlil design for humans of Terra was Enslavement.

The black head primates were already a compound of different interstellar races. The Guardians didn't leave any guidelines.

When Enkil discovered it he feared that. The great power if the Terra Humans would activate that they would learn about their true nature and surpass Anunnaki in consciousness intelligence and power.

The history of Anunnaki presence on Earth was recorded by humans epoch after it occurred.

Long before was carved on clay the stories were carries from mouth to ear from generation to. Generation.

Anunnaki came to mine resources on this planet.Not only gold although gold was the most difficult resource to extract.

Gold was a valuable component of their technology and theybextracted from it the dust of immortality.

That means they used monoatomic gold.The bio composition of thei bodies oscillate at a rate slightly inferior of monoatomic gold. Ingesting or coating their skin with it regenerate their cells and increase their immune defence system.

When they synchronize atomicalky with the vibratory rate of monoatomic gold their skin create a bright radiance that glows around them as a halo.

When they are taking monoatomic gold the natural degeneration of the cells resumes where it stopped. The more they take the longer the effects lasts.

That is until they reach Abra'ah the perpetual physicality which is a transmutation of the soul that locks the body vehicle into a still unalterable state.
Holly Graul is the Huma. DNA that was tempered by Anunnaki. According to Elena Danaan Enki brought back the chalice of the original unspoiled Terra Human lineaage that need to be reactivated and the original sequence key will do this when transfered onto altered pattern.

DNA is a currency for it carries the formulas required to replicate other forms if intelligence throughout the universe.

According to Enki in his conversation with Elena Danaan  his half brother Enlil split the Science in several strands of disciplines and was compartmentalized.

These disciolies were cleverly driven to clash against each other so that Science never becomes whole again.

But humans of Terra or Ki as Enki call the Earth, found the way. Science is about to be whole agin.

Enki talks further about ancient times when he participated to the genetic modification of human race for the purpose of Enslavement to the extraterratrial Anunnaki.

The primitive humanoids creatures they called black heads. They were extremely curious. Anunnaki allowed them to visit their ships. These primitives turned out to be very handy at helping Igigiworkers in their work. Anunnaki provided terrans food, tools and clothing in exchange.

Igigi were a subclass of Anunnaki as per Enki explanation. They rebelled and were dealt with. Some escaped to the underground of Terra.

Enkil was concerned with the debit of production and was decided to study the genes if early humans the black heads for the purpose of improving their capacities.

Enki and Enkil decided but Enki was in charge of genetic manipulation. It was decided to upgrade only their bodies. The original project was to create a race of slaves. Enkil talks about how he got all DNA strands activated in a female after many imperfect experiments.

When enkil found about the results he cast them out of the laboratory on their ship and a great war started.

The biodome where Enki conducted the genetic experiments was called EDEN.

Enlil turned Marduk Enki's son against him against Enki, and he engineered droughts,  floods and many other "natural" disasters to give a lesson in humility to the humans of Ki (Earth).

Enki helped few humans to escape these disasters and find refuge in safe places.

Enlilnwas furious with Enki and he felt betrayed, thinking that Enki raised these humans as sovereign rebels against him.

Enki saved the original genetic codes because Enlil would also try to destroy them.

Later Enki left the unit and took these codes with him. He left a gift  encoded in what you call DNA. This gift has always been there. It is the key to unlock this power to reactivate all the codons that was missing.

The key was brought back by Enki.

Here he further explains about great Secrets.

Encrypted in the DNA there are great secrets such as mind resonance communication.

Desoxyribonucleic acid is a transmitter and a receiver beyond space and time. It can generate micro magnetic wormholes bridging even to distant galaxies.

DNA transfers information it receives to the cells if the host body,  but as well to the consciousness that inhabits it.

This is called Inter dimensional thought transference. This ability explains intuition,  extra sentience, healing and self-regeneration, translicatiin in space and time.

There are two coils that are a power device. Fully activated DNA vibrates at the rate of quartz, and when the coils awakens the power generated is prodigious.

This power is the key they tried to destroy it. They never could because humans are spirited; they never loose hope.

They always crave for knowledge because it is in their nature.

The Grail is the unaltered original genetic sequence.

There are more strands in the Terra huma genome that need to be reactivated and the original sequence key will do this when transfered onto the altered pattern.

DNA is a currency for it carries the formulas required to replicate other forms of intelligence throughout the universe.

The Intergalactic Confederation have templates and archives all o f them.