According to research author William Bramley "War is profitable to those
who lend money or sell arms and an excellent means of social and
political control. War can be used to encourage populations to think in way they would ot
otherwhise do and to accept the formation of institutions that they
would normally reject."
from "Alien Agenda" by Jim Marrs
The longer a nation involves itself in wars the more entrenched those institutions and ways of thinking will become. In the book the "Gods of Eden" Brameley disclose the discovery of UFO as a continuous influence in history.
From the concept of ancient astronauts to the modern flying
saucers phenomena he found traces of UFO manipulation whether of space
beings or spiritual entities well documented trough the ages.
As he proved deeper he found the most bizarre realities imaginable.
Because such realities are rarely acknowledged let alone understand they are not really dealt with.
As a result the problems those realities generate are
rarely resolved and so the world seems to stumbles from one calamity to
the next.from "Alien Agenda" by Jim Marrs