Showing posts with label Greada treaty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greada treaty. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Greada Treaty

Roswell Incident happened as the result of microwave radar technology being developed by the Nazi scientists at the White Sands military secret base which caused the crash of the flying disk.

The alien being recovered were described as small greys.

New Deep Underground Military Bases like the Area 51 ornthe Dulce Base started to be built to study the captives their biology psychic power and technology.

Us Russia and China crashed and recovered a series of spaceships to try to back-engineere their technology.

Until then the small greys had stayed outside if human affairs without interfering in human realms appart from flying from Underworld and moon bases.

Theybstarted having concerns among them and they reptilian talk freys about humanity space conquest.

Small greys abducted human governments and kept captu e in top secret underground bases, and proved their psychic abilities managing to negotiate meetings between their leaders and human governments.

After a series of.meetings US agencies under Eisenhower signed in 2964 the Greada Treaty

A code name for Grey Agenda in which they agreed to surrender a  large part of suveranity on earth in exchange for somen technolov.

The Grey agenda include:
1  plans for ecocide
2. Deportation to make room on earth for the ancient hybrids that have lost control iover this home planet.
3.mind control of rhe masses through ignorance and desinformation.
4. Gradual and continual pollution of the environment and atmosphere raising the carbon level in the air as used to  e aeons in the past.
5 poisoning the food and the water supplies  through chemical additions.
6. Genetic modifications
7. Spraying of chemtrails with toxic cocktails  and nanobots affecting humans and all biological life  ut not the ancient t hybrids and their cyborgs.
8. The goal is to gain back power over Earth with 10% of Human serving them.
9.the Grenada Treaty also holds responsible the Human governments for preventing any disclose of information about extraterrestrial or  on human intelligence,   y the creation of fake research commissions such as Project Blue Book which was meant only to deny and ridicule records or witnesses.

The Treaty also stipulates that human governments must submit to a global dictatorship ruled by talk reptilian greys that must be kept in total secrecy until the time is deemed to ripe openly the tyrany.

A global secret psychic police corps, operated by the Grey themselves and known as Men in Black started appearing in mid fifties to threaten whiteness disclosing their UFO experiences .

The name greys does not apply for rhebskin color but rather the color of their auras which carry many heavy karmic loads.

Huma governments threw the first stone and engaged in  hostilities forcing small greys who had survived se real near extinction before, to require help.from the tall greys.

Extract from the book:
The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 2 Interdimensional Teachings from our Elders.
The Conclusion of the Sasquatch Message to Humanity Conversation with Elder Kamooh. Chanelled Messagesnreceived and written by Sunbow editedband designed by Kelly Lapseritis