Showing posts with label Ingo Swann. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ingo Swann. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Wisdom Versus Fear and Weapons of Mass Distraction

 In its simple form wisdom can be thought of as doing the right thing at the right time so that things turn out well positive and pro survival.

Weapons of Mass Destruction development and production are not a part of the wisdom narrative.

 On average wisdom in considered to consist of a last ditch hope that will save us from what threatens us after reason, logic, rationality and gambling against the several morbid fates that have failed.

Weapons of Mass Destruction have come about because their inventor say they are there to be invented.

However the history shows that such weapons have been invented and developed because of fear that if we don't have them someone else will.

Equally present is the fear that if others have developed them then we must also have them. If only for purpose of deterrence via equal powers of Mass destruction.

Available records show that this fear potential is so significant that it overwhelmed the concerns of many who could intuition or foresee the probable outcome of the weapons of mass destruction(WMD).

The rational is seen rational among the higher echalones of those who manage equal fear deterrence.

The problem has to do with matching and becoming equal with any new WMD that can arise anywhere. So the expertise is to take WMD to their next higher and.more massive destructive potentials.

Already there are underway the development of:
Neutron bombs
Sonic bombs
EM Pulse bombs
X-Ray emitting  bombs.
Various kinds of space orbiting energy guns that boil brain and sterilized males in broad targeted land surface areas.
Biological genetic engineering of hetero unknown Mass killed diseases.
Certain chemical compound that interference with and regard human nervous systems, sexual.proficiency and sense of directions.
Chemical compound that artificial magnify the emotions of fear, hatred, anger and rage.

And the behind the scene experts say that the Age of WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction is only in its infancy.

All of these forthcoming development are very trend within WMD circles and in all nations.

This information was written  sometime before 2013 since Ingo Swann the father of remote viewing  lived between 1933-2013.

Remote viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target, purportedly "sensing" with the mind. During the Cold War years, the USA and Soviet Union are known to have been spying on each other using the services of psychic ‘remote viewers’, with the specific objective of gathering intelligence information of military significance. In simple terms ‘remote viewing’ is ‘the ability of human participants to acquire information about spatially (and temporally) remote geographical targets otherwise inaccessible by any known sensory means’. 

This was an extract from the book "The Wisdom Category Shedding Light on a Lost Light" by Ingo Swann

In 2022 we are in the middle of Covid crisis that some afirme that is a result of one or more of WMD.

It is time to reconsider the development and production of such arsenals if we aim for the human specie survival.