Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Thoughts Are Things

Man with his thinking capacity, the abilitybto speak and place into Ether his generated thoughts withbthe pulsating magnitude of the spoken words produces things of different sizes, description, colors and a wide variety of vibratory rates. This  depend evolvement of the human and which he puts forth from his mouth ( known to you as language off speach)

The thought is the thing that takes form and color; the speech merely energizing it.

The thought and the speech are a creative force. This has been reference to as "the power of the spoken word".

Whatever man has about him he has created from his speech, emotions and thoughts patterns.

Of the individual is ill, or has accidents,  is because these thoughts creations are  clustered around him and on him causing his own dissension.

If the individual is more evolved and does not verbally state undesired words, but speaks of love, kindness,  happiness and pleasant things, then along that person will be a barrier of protection, a blessing, a good health and a protection against so called accidents.

Man is and becomes as he speaks.

From the generating plant within the Etheric Astral.and material bodies of man thoughts can be covered and projected into ethers in many forms and rate of Vibrations.

If man thinks wonderful pleasant things, from his mouth will come living pulsating things of beauty into the ethers and into space around him.

If you speak dissension ridicule undesirable things about people and things then you will wallow in that you have created undesirable thoughts patterns.

Man who understands that love and kindness in his speech  and actions, has risen above creating undesirable things for himself his family and his friends and is attracted to peoples and things that are of higher rate of beauty.

If you go into an area where there are those that speak and think undesirably,  there are thoughts forn creations around you. You will not be subjected to them.

Within you within you there are after form of different colors of great brilliance.  It is soft white. This soft white within you and around you has all beautiful colors free from distorted shades if black or brown.

Surround yourself with your mind and thought forms. Speak about "We have creates a white glow within used we are white glow. It is good. It is pure and it is love and beauty and will repell all undesirable things from all dimensions ".  Then you may go where you must go to takencare of business,  about earning a livelihood.

When you are around peoples who have not evolved and say or think something undesirable it will come to you and hit the white glow. This white light will change its rate of vibration.  It will take the sting and harm from it, thus disarming and letting it fall to the ground to go into the Ethers where it was generated.

This is the waybto go forth. No longer will these undesirable thoughts forms creations hang on you, leeching you and making you ill, and draining your energy.

Exercise nr 2

If younare going to be subjected to contradiction hatred or discussion of others use this method for short periods of time. 2 or 3 hours.

Enter innsilence, be still and gather within you that which is needed to clothe a thought form body. Create a thought form body in your own size and imagine before you. Create it in lemon yellow or brilliant light green. Bring this form into you so you become it. Know that you have protection against evil mind.

Any negative thought things thatbwould be sent to you would merely dissolve upon making contact with this thought form body you have created.

These Rituals and meditations are only for those evolved people that can enter in silence and create with clear mental capacity .

Those who can control themselves in this manner and do not create dissension by their speech or thoughts  may go wherever they wish.

These Rituals are greatly needed. Do not take them lightly. Do not speak dissension for you will dissolve your own creation and it would cease to exist.

Sould you at any time be under a bombardment of negative thoughts forms stay straight outside where is clear air around you and say:
"Power within me, power about me, fill this unit full throughout.  Cast any dissension sent our way into the frequency and melt it away"

Know you have the energy and power to do this. Do not sent the undesirable creation back to those that created them. Feel sorry for the unlightened soul. Drop the thought form to the ground and will them back to the Ether where theybwere created.

There is a law of transmutation to transmute that which younwant from one object to another.

In your course of travels if you need to cast anything undesirable from you you can transfer it from you into a living thing such as a piece of fruit or an egg and then be sure this is changed in its molecular structure by being buried in the ground or burning it to ashes, or casting it into the sea, making sure it will go to the bottom of the sea and not float ashore..

This are Rituals.for decursing realignment and rebalamcing that which is  within and around mankind.

Source: Shocking Obscure and Beneficial
Valiant Thor's Wisdom from  Venus by Valiant Thor