Showing posts with label king cobra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label king cobra. Show all posts

Monday, October 31, 2022

Watch the water

Remdesevir is poison. 
FDA is compliance to knowing destroying lives.
Rattle snake connection  with drugs 
Ceres of COVID 
Monoclonal antibodies are antivenums.
Is CoVid a Venum?
Is controlled?
Fact checking is desinformation. The opposite of fact checkung.
Snake Venum is targeting specific organs. pancreas in pancreatic patients, liver in diabetic patients, hearth in hearth patients.
Snake  venum is a bioweapon. 
Mrna is connected with snake venum in the vaccines.
Dana bits and nanoparticles in the vaccines. Magnetic particles.
Peptided found in red venum.
Waste.water surveillance tab on the Coved website.
400 testing sites in USA
They are PCR testing the water. after the water is tested positive in a city there is an outbreak in the city.
There is a Lost of taste and smell whe  you have covid.
Cobra venum in the human organism has the effect of lost of smell and taste.
They target liver tissues brain tissues hearth tissues pancreas tissues.
CDC is working with contracting companies.
Nicotine receptors influenced the diafragm ability to move and help breathing.
5 drugs that affect the ability of diafragm to move and to help you to breathe were given in the Hospital Remdesevir for example.
In Latin virus meant venum.
Corona is gold ribbon at the base of the miter
Miter means the pope head dress
Corona virus means the pope venum.
Corona means also crown.
We see kings with the Crown symbol..
It can mean king cobra venum pandemic.
Moderna cofounder uses MRNA to treat snake  bites.
He is going to create a company named Oferix.A comoanynthat create antidots fir snake bites.
The company is funded by the department of Defence the Wellcome Fund (Rockefeller related cimpany) and the UN United Nations  
D dimer test done by a doctor in  Canada shows Snake Venum poisoning.
D dimer is in charge of fibranigen in charge of control of coagulation.
The kidney failure is the number ine targeted by Remdesevir.