Showing posts with label telepathy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label telepathy. Show all posts

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Practical Applications of Psychic Stuff


Peoples are interested if something is used for it can be found, whether or not science can account for it or not.
What purposes and functions serve the psychic staff, the psychic linkage between mind body organism and something else?

Intuition is a link between the person and something he or she needs to know.
Clairvoyance is a link between distant places and events
Telepathy is a link between people and even animals.
Precognition and prophecy form link with the future.
Postcognition is a link with the past.
Psychokinesis is a link through which some kind of energy flows to create physical effects.
Past life memory is a link with a past life.
Apparitions are links with different dimensions.
Spirituality is a link with harmony or heaven.
The Devil is a link with disharmony.
Dreams and visions and inspired ideas are links to the unconscious which in turn are linked to past and future events.
The whole comes together with the concept of psychic linkage.
Like a fish swimming in the water, the last thing the fish will notice is the water. We are swimming in a sea of physical and psychic linkage of connections so omnipresent that unless we turn our attention to deliberately trying to perceive the environment in detail we probably will not.

The psychic phenomena are not things in themselves they are the result of linkage.

Humans are linked together with the visible and invisible environments with others with past present and future events with other dimensions.

We are not independent biological organisms. We are biopsychic organisms linked together in many ways including psychic ways.

All things are in some form linked to each other and independent of each other. When linkage breaks down so does the interconnectedness. All psychic phenomena are information link exchanges of some kind.


Telepathy, and clairvoyance, are not a thing in itself it is an information exchanges.
We live in a universe of information exchange of all kinds. Our psychic interconnectedness is the key to entering those networks.
Communication between all beings is apparent and easily demonstrated the purpose of all our psychic potentials.

Saturday, March 18, 2023


The thoughts and images may be transferedfrom one mind to another without the agency of the recognized organ of sense

Sir Williams Crooks president of Royal Society in Bristol considered telepathy as a fundamental law of thought and images transference.

If telepathy exist we have two physical facts; the physical charge in the brain A thebsugestor and the analogous physical charge in the brain B the recipient if the suggestion. Between these two events there must exist a train of physical causes.
Such a sequence can occur only through a intervening medium.

All phenomena in the universe are presumably in some way continuous. Ether Vibrations have powers and attibutes abundantly equal to any demand even the transmission of thought.

The essential cells if nerves do not actually touch but are separated by a narrow gap which widens in sleep while it narrows almost to extinction during mental activity.

This condition is so singularity like that of Branly or Lidge ciherer a device that led Marconi to the discovery of wireless telegraphy.

Our physical force creates a movement of Ether which transmits itself afar like all movements of Ether and becomes perceptible to brains in harmony with our own.

The transformation of a psychic action into etheral movement and the reverse may be analogies to what take place on a telephone where the receptive plate which is identical to the plate at the other end reconstruct the the sonorous movement transmitted not by means of sound but by electricity.

There are undoubtedly Vibrations set up in the brain when one thinks and there are waves of thought just as there are waves of electricity.

There is an increase of temperature in the human brain during periods of thoughts activity and there are constant chemical changes in the structure going on when the brain cells are active.

This is akin to generation of electricitry in a battery and acts in the same way producing vibrations and transmitting them to the brain of another.

Mind travels in waves from one brain to another just as electricity from the transmitter to receiver.

By holding this picture in your mindyounwill have the whole practical theory in condensed form right before you so that you might be able to act accordingly. 

Practical Mind-Reading bywilliam Walker Atkinson ( the book was written in 1907 imspired or influenced by Valiant Thor tbat is still alive in 2023)