Showing posts with label tunels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tunels. Show all posts

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Extraterratrials and Reverse Engineering of ET Crafts

From Academic Standpoint in the year 1950 the scientific American Magazine was talking about how easy it would be to make tunels with the air evacuated. So they were using vacuum to get to hundreds if an hour without any problem using magnetic levitation.

This was the open literature in 1950. After describing how easy was to do that it was no follow up on the subject.
At that time the underground tunelling went into the back world hidden from public scrutiny.

Naval personel and some of the extraterratrials work together.  A facility at lake Tahoe was used since 1943-1944 for testing.

Rocketing was one of the place William Tompkins worked and raised company wah heavily involved in reviewing and trying to copy extraterratrial materials thatbwere in three vehicles tvatbcrashed at Roswell. That is reverse engineering. His brother in law was manager of the electronics there. This took place in the 80'.

This company was interested in UFO sitings.

Theybhad the classified meetings at Medford Airport. Outside Medford airport was a Navy research facility. That facility was for training peoples.They recruited children and students in that area.

During summer time they had picnic with students and the human looking extraterratrials came over and started talking with children giving them technical briefings. That was in the Oregon Washington area.
The students were told never to tell their parents or family what they were doing.

This was an educational program for the students run by extraterratrials.

But the chief's daughter was the first one that finally told her father, the father told the captain and to Mr Tompkins and they had an investigation on the whole thing.

They used a holographic type of presentation to do their demonstrations. And this floated. It was interesting what was going on at Medford.

Northrop Gruman companies are Involved in refurbishing Solar Warden space system that has support facilities on Jupiter Moon Ganymede. Americans are using Nordic extraterratrial bases on at least three different star system planets.

The test facilities for the space shipsnare in underground facilities.
The Military Industrial Complex  built space carriers satellites and small ships that will support Solar Warden.

The navy space group are operating out in the galaxy but now only one of them (so there are more than one group ) is operating in the solar system. All the rest of them are outside and they have been and they may now be at war with other extraterrestrials.

There are continuing ward that are going right now between other extraterratrial civilizations. Whether it's to take iver a part of the Earth and operate it or whether it's to take the whole earth and operate it.

Thompkins source tell him that there are dozens of other wars between different civilization' people out there and some of which battke in our own atmosphere. Some of Extraterratrials fight on California sky in 2015. In that year there were 4 other battles between extraterrestrials on different part of the planet. Solar Waeden might have been observing it.

William Thomkins was selected by the Nordics in 1942 and assigned by the Navy intelligence because of his remarkable memory skills. B

He was exposed to the Navy knowledge of Hitler UFO program.

After tge war he began working in a think tank at Douglas Aircraft Company cor an aerospace executive Elmer Wheaton and with Naval Intelligence to offer creative sugestions  and designs for huge Naval spacecraft carriers.

The editor of the Book Bob Wood was employed at the same company in the same time and knew some of the same company leaders.

The Nordicnsecretaries Bill. As given may have used their psychic powers to keep NASS on the right track for an effective Apollo program and to begin the covert Naval exploration of the galaxy.

US Navy were behind all this .

Tompkins was involved in tunel lingerie rhe Earth. They are all over the western states and Antarctica.

Some of the extraterratrials have the capability to dig these tunels with their big boring machines. Theybare 59 feet in diameter and they operate these on rails.

When the tunel is finish the machine takes the ground material plain rock or dirt and convert it into glass like elastic material. All  these material is used to fill up the crevices and it then lines the tunel with a type of material that produces light.

Their machine not air Force's does this ar forty miles an hour.

The planet has caverns all under land under lakes and oceans all over the planet.
Selected by Extraterratrials Volume 3 By William Mills Tompkins 

Similar info regarding the Extraterratrials Solar Warden program and Underground Tunels all over the world.
Real Gene Decode Rumble chanel
Valiant Thor Books
Super Soldier Talk Rumble Chanel
Journey to Truth YouTube and Rumble Chanels
Elena Danaan YouTube Telegram Chanel
Michael Salla books and YouTube.