This is happening în Canada. We pay almost $5000 in taxes for a small house. Real estate prices increased and taxes also increased. That is how a person that built Casa Loma in Toronto after a life time of work ended up sleeping in the house of his personal car driver or in other words homeless because of the taxes. This was almost 100 years ago. That is why Greeks are leaving Canada and going in Greece. They do not pay taxes there.
On these taxes are based the wall street bonds.these wall street financial :tools".are based on rhe ability of governments to raise taxes on financial slaves that we are considered. Those that do that are part of corporations that are state counties counties that are organized corporations and are borowung money using the number of people that live in the area as assets. That is why they say they are using our birth certificate St stock. Exchange the town that is charging taxes and then wasting the taxes on unnecessary work done by people that bribe the city or town employees. This is called lobying.