Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Anunnaki


The Anunnaki or the Sky People on Earth were originally ancient Bird People twice your size generally described as blue giants.
( I took this picture at Metropolitan Museum New York 2018)

Over millions of years, they evolved into cyborgs and left Earth as ordered by Star Elder Council to live on their artificial planet Nibiru.

Ancient Sumerian texts mention an orbiting cycle of 3600 years, but this was only what was originally prescribed and agreed upon in their mission to watch over the solar system.

They have since operated their planet-size ship along an irregular, unpredictable course as it pleases their domination agenda.

They later hybridized with reptilians like the Rakshasas
 inheriting much of their characteristics like shape-shifting.  Both are represented ted in endless depictions and described en endless records.


 ( I took this picture at Metropolitan Museum New York)

They have been ruling your institutions and governments through an elite put in place and un charge by a covert network of secret occult orders infiltrated in all parts of societies.

Ancient mythology tells how Seti or Seth or Satan murdered his father Ausar or Osiris ripped-off the eye, of his brother Heru or Horus, the heavenly messenger. He put the evil eye on top of the pyramidal hierarchy, established a reign of terror, lies deceptions and concealing the truth, through secret occult societies.

The stargates were hijacked and used by conquering forces.

Ancient mythologies recall recurring vars between benevolent and malevolent forces ears between Anu and Enki and Enlil and Marduk

For Greeks, the Olympian gods purged the Earth from the rule of titans and cast them to the Underworlds.



( I took this picture at Metropolitan Museum New York)

The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 2 Inter dimensional Teachings from our Elders.
The Conclusion of the Sasquatch Message to Humanity Conversation with Elder Kamooh. Channelled Messages received and written by Sunbow edited and designed by Kelly Lapseritis



 Genetic modifications?




Thursday, September 22, 2022

Enerrgy Project- Space Travel

Space ships hovering over mountains of basalt columns are recharging their power as if extracting electricity from the ground.

Certain kinds if geological formationsespecially crystallization or radioactive ores, emit an important amount of energy due to their molecular structures. That can be harnessed. Those natural electromagnetic fields and currents produce ionization causing free flowing of ions to become charged, forming a ionized substance convertible into plasma.

This way ships or beings shielded with plasma are unaffected by surroundings elements.

Being one of the most abundant energies on the cosmos, plasma.can be tapped from many sources oceans, waterfalls, from PowerPoint and power lines designed to leak most of their power.
This is why ships are inserted rechargingiver such places or pluging in volcanos.

Plasma is present about everywhere and can be tapped directly out of thin air or from outer Space with the appropriate knowledge,  although some sources are favored.

Some.giganticncrafts are.tapping plasma from the Sun diving straight into it. Sometimes comming out on the other side.

Stars like our Sun are also immense reservoirs of plasma that can be used as Stargates.

By creating an electromagnetic vacuum, plasma can be directed and used to form shields and fravitational fields, to propel or teleport through Hyoerspace beyond linear time.

Plasma shields as interdimensional connectors can also be used to go across walls or to enter or observe another dimension from different spaces and rimelines unperceived from the dimension observed, some like remote viewing on-site from another plane.

Sun is an immense reservor of plasma. Ships traveling through a plasma tunnel often  leaves streaks of light behind their passage. Shielded  this way they can approach and enter stars and go across them unharmed.

They can likewise traverse any apparent obstacles with ease, in interdimensional fields.

Plasma concentrated through highly charged circular electric curents of high velocity, becomes  bright crystalline liquid like substance able of acting as an interdimensional gate.

Such portals can provide access to frequencies beyond the speed of light and linear time.

By crossing it beings and ships can find themselves transportes into Htper Space and by projecting a tubular tunnel of plasma one can be teleported at any point of space-time

This type of interstellarand interdimensional travel is used on local Galactic scales, but on larger scales between Galactic super clusters this method is not the most efficient.

Plasma tunnels would have to be projected across huge distancesthrough the cosmos. Even if beyond linear time, these travels are done in a linear qay through hyper space.

For such distances the wormholes or interdimensional tunnels are made of Meta Matter. By neutralizing the electric polarity making physical matter by bringing the positive and negative charges of particles to neutral values, ions of physical matter merge with Meta Matter twins allowing access to 2D Meta Universe or one Time Space Unified field.

The oscillations of frequencies created by by the electric polarity needs 3D space to exist.

Faster than light waves travel in Hyper Space where they can be at different point in space at the same time. Slower than light wa es travel in linear time through space time.

But in the 2D Flat Meta Universe he polarity of above or below  are not separated by space. With the depth or height.

Entering the Unified Field of the Meta Universe allows to bypass space and time limitations,  not through the wormholes bit through the quantum leaps.

Through that plane space and time are not only possible locally but universally.

What Meta Matter does it eliminate gravity and the diversity  of values and frequencies.

A black hole is a mass of Meta Matter acting as a natural gateway into Met Universe.

The central Black hole is the beginning and the end of the galaxy containing all the information about all its components beyond the duration of its existence in linear time.

When an energy enters into a vlack hole it reaches the Event Horizon and Point Zero Gravity. It's entropy merges with the entropy of the black hole apparently losing its individuality.

By reaching the Meta Universe, the energy dissapear from 3D space and 4D linear time simply blending into One Time Space Unified Field. It can from there travel to any space or time if consciousness has set its course right.

This is why black holes are used as star gates  and space travel in the cosmos.

To travel across a black hole it takes a Gravitational wave more powerful that it's own such as Gama ray burst that are observed emerging from the black holes.

To create a Gravitational pull to emerge the black hole, electric polarity must be recreated causing waves if different frequencies to leak from the black hole Meta Matter.

The differentiation of frequencies with electric polarities is efectuated by consciousness,  causing the beings to reemergenfrom the inertia of Meta Matter into 3D Hyoer Space and recover their individual entropy and frequencies in another location and timeline.

Extract from the book:
"The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 2 Interdimensional Teachings from our Elders.
The Conclusion of the Sasquatch Message to Humanity Conversation with Elder Kamooh. Chanelled Messagesnreceived and written by Sunbow editedband designed by Kelly Lapseritis 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Doctors Died Suddenly after Vaccines

September 20, 2022

32 Young Canadian Doctors “Died Suddenly” in the Past 16 Months While Fully COVID-19 Vaccinated

I have now tracked 32 Canadian doctor sudden deaths (thank you to all who contributed). These doctors were actively practicing medicine & were healthy prior to taking illegally mandated COVID-19 Vaccines (2, 3 or 4 doses).

I’ve sent a letter to Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Presidents Dr.Alika Lafontaine & Dr.Katharine Smart, both of whom supported COVID-19 Vaccine mandates on all of Canada’s 92,000 doctors and I urged them to call for IMMEDIATE termination of all COVID-19 Vaccine mandates in Canada’s healthcare, as well as Investigations & Public Inquiries into these sudden deaths. CMA cannot continue to ignore this catastrophe. Please circulate!


On July 30, 2022 we published an article documenting how 6 Canadian doctors had died within 2 weeks of each other, shortly after some hospitals in Canada mandated a 4th COVID booster shot. See:

6 Canadian Medical Doctors Died Within 2 Weeks After 4th COVID Booster Shots for Employees Started at One Hospital

That article has received over 200k views and has remained in the top 10 articles read within the past 7 days all the way up until the time of publishing this article, more than 2 months later.

However, the fact that this information has garnered this many views making it one of our top news stories of the year is not what is significant, but what is significant is how FEW views it has received compared to a few years ago, where this kind of article would have easily garnered over 1 MILLION pageviews within the first 24 hours, something that happened regularly on our network before Big Tech implemented their censorship policies.

This is the main reason why so many people are still uninformed about just how dangerous these COVID shots are today, because Health Impact News and most other Alternative Media sites that publish the truth about vaccines have had their traffic significantly reduced due to censorship by Big Tech.

This is criminal behavior, and people are dying due to a lack of true information.

Here is just one example of how Big Tech started censoring us and other Alternative Media websites on the dangers of vaccines, even before COVID started, from a 2019 article we published showing how Vitamin D supplementation is more effective in fighting the flu than the flu vaccines:

Facebook Censors Trending Vitamin D Story to Protect Flu Vaccines Using Former CNN Reporter

This article had accumulated almost 700,000 views during the first 14 hours of the day, until Facebook put a stop to it by having a “Fact Checker” slander us with false accusations that the article was not based on science, even though the entire hit piece was debating the science.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Star Elders and the Sasquatch Ages.

In  the Omniverse we are all relatives, connected, interdependent, we are all one.

Star Elder Council gathers spirituality elevated beings to sustain balance. They guard and protect worlds, guiding and teaching souls. Their role is to develop peaceful spiritual, interdimensional, interspecies cosmic relations.

The Star Elder Council counts representatives of numberless species, planets and Star systems. Some Sasquatch people are among them, such as BoloBolo that is around 300 years old, he is newly admitted, and is involved in learning from his elders about interspecies peaceful relations and interdimensionality. He has evolved at a rapid rate.

The Eldest Elder Sasquatch Kamooh that is part of the Council, is iver 10,000 years old. His lifetime consort Wohola passed in the Alter world.

Kamoih excorted Wohola to the alter-worlds. He was transformed by his latest journey in the Alter-Universe with the Star Elders.

He displayed loyalty to her by supporting her journey as far as he could go and to Humanity by choosing to remain connected in the physical incarnation plane.

He could have chosen to let go of the silver cord, as it was stretched beyond attachment from the physical plane.

But he knew the fulfillment of his lifetime mission is just starting.

Although he has seen enough of the huma world and.more than any of Sasquatch or humans, he knows that the Little Brothers or Humanity are now in dire need of the help and guidance at this time.

So, although he has mastered interdimensional travel he has decided to keep an hired in physical realm, to keep helping the authors of the book and other who help Humanity in its evolution.

For his advanced mastery of interdimensionality, and his exemplar devotional services to the betterment of the greater interest of all beings in accordance with the Divine Plan, Kamooh is now admitted into the hall of immortals, being granted the gift of immortality.

It is a rare achievement and inky few if Sasquatch people had the honor to reach this.

He will.sit with the Eldest Elder of the Star Council and take part of important decisions.

Linear time is not an issue in higher planes.

From the book

The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 2 Interdimensional Teachings from our Elders.
The Conclusion of the Sasquatch Message to Humanity Conversation with Elder Kamooh. Chanelled Messagesnreceived and written by Sunbow editedband designed by Kelly Lapseritis

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Bill Sneider and Farsight Institute


Bill Sneider talks about Dulce Wars from 1979 when over 60 people.were killed in the Underworld DUMBS in a Battle with extraterrestrials.
Bill Sneidet was killed in 1996 after he told about the story.

Remote viewers research the truth of the story
Remote Viewing is.a.method developed and used by.mitary since 1970 for  spying using psychic.
Russians and Germans used psychics to spy on their enemies prior to Americans. 
Ingo Swann was one of the important people in US with Mr Pudof that started the discipline of Remote Viewing that is used by Farsight Institute under the direction of Dr. Brown.


And Daniel Therrien, who served as privacy commissioner from 2014 to 2022, confirmed that his office was not told about the secretive RCMP program, which hacked into 49 individual devices since 2017 while pursuing targets suspected of serious crimes like terrorism and murder.

READ MORE: RCMP has used spyware to access targets’ communications as far back as 2002: Senior Mountie

“I was surprised by the tool itself and how intrusive it was, it is, and that it was used for so long,” Therrien told the House of Commons Ethics committee Tuesday.

“Certainly there have been many discussions over the years … on the ‘lawful access’ issue. And both in my term as commissioner and when I was at the Department of Justice, I was following and part of these discussions. But the use of this particular tool to go around encryption? Yes, it was a surprise.”

The RCMP revealed to Parliament in June that it used what it called “on-device investigative tools” or ODITs — spyware that gives the force a range of surveillance techniques such as remotely listening in on device microphones or activating cameras, along with collecting data like text messages or emails. The force said this type of electronic monitoring happened 10 times between 2017 and 2018.



Operation Matchbox was the codename for Australia’s version of Operation Paperclip bringing chemical & biological weapons experts to Aus Military labs.

Mk ultra moved from war time experiments to home populations around the world.

After WWII ended in 1945, military intelligence began a treasure hunt throughout occupied Germany & Eastern Europe for military and scientific assets.

Declassified Australian Government papers which confirm the German scientists sent to Australia under a top secret deal included high-ranking SS and Nazi party members.

The Guardian newspaper states: “The leading Nazi-hunting watchdog, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, in Jerusalem, yesterday demanded an investigation into the recruitments ordered by Britain and the US and said Australia was a haven for ‘holocaust perpetrators and mass murderers’.”

They tell us we are the lucky country

Read more ▶️ https://www.theguardian.com/uk/1999/aug/17/iantraynor




Aluminum is in rainfall.
Alcaline ph of the rainfall.
Magnesium in the rainfall.
Nanoparticles in the rain.
Grapheene is in the rain that will coagulate when you put them together.
Snow was tested positive for grapheene.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Quantum Physics

You tend to believe that you live in a three dimensional material space because you perceive the length the width and the height if the space around you.

But there are no other limits of the space around you than the extent of what you can perceive in time.

What separate you from the rest of space around you is the time it takes you to perceive it.

If you expand your consciousness just a little more you can see that what limits your existence in the material plane is not as much space as time.

For highly spiritual evolved souls, the material plane is perceive as a dimension of higher densities and lower frequencies often inhospitable for them.

Linear time is defined by the speed of light, rhe limits dividing nin-material forms from material planes and enclosing the planes with these Continuum of the universal laws of physics.

The physical plane involved time limitations space restrictions and survival necesities and a constant need for renewung of itself until exhaustion of the biological bodies, which thennfree the Soul's to the Alter Universe or so called after life.

Linear time or 4D is 3D space unfolding on itself. It can only exist in a material space and be calculated through movement. It us if relative value every planet and star has their own rimeline and cycle, defining all their respective time scales  elocity and duration.

When looking at star light years away, what you see is what happened  long ago, far away in cosmos. You might be looking at long extinction stars without knowing yet younstill see them today.

Linear time is a relative quantitative value that applies only in 3D material space.

At the speed of light, time becomes a unified field and Matter becomes pure energy, which is consciousness carying information beyond time.

Linear time.flows.like a river in the physical world and never return on its path.

Matter really is information codes manifested in Linear time by observing consciousness.

Matter is made of data that composed electromagnetic fields appearing as solid and Stable in the physical plane, while being continously changing collection of quantum or in other words interracting with other dimensions in the Multiverse.

The greatest achievements science could make is to find higher planes beyond Matter.

Physical matterrepresents just a thin layer of the electromagnetic spectrum, a small fraction made of lower frequencies and higher densities turned into forms and shapes.

When your consciousness start to know other time consciousnes, dimensions, you realize that the material plane is but a movie played in a screen in linear time or, a 3D holographic projection unfolding through material space in 4D Linear time.

You observe this material universe through the reflection of light upon electromagnetic fields, just like a movie on the screen, but the images projected are optical illusion.

The original images are stored on the film rolls or on the computer disks. This is 2D form, the whole movie timeline exists outside the Linear time, as data information.

Just as you can view the movie anytime, ship screen, rewind or fast forward, the awakening of interdimensional consciousness  can allow yountonread the holigraphic library, containing the blueprint of all past and future timelines in the universe, known as Akashic records or Akhasha a Sanskrit word meaning 'space' relative to the 2D flat Universe, the first manifestation of Space outside 3D.

The Universal Memory of Universal Mind is like a computer drive holding the data or mirror reflecting the material plane.

The data or information carrying the codes of the material Universe is contained in the second dimension or Meta-Verse,  made of what we call Meta Matter, but the scientists call it anti Matter.

Although it is the antythesis of physical matter it contains the information codes thatbare reflected in 3D space and 4D linear time.

The scientists consider that if a particle of anti Matter and one of Matter are brought together they will eliminate each other.

What happens really is that by combining the two opposed particles, the Linear time illusion disolves and the physical matter particle becomes undetectable to the technology of material science.

The science has just discovered the law of Suoer Symmetry, learning that everybsingle particle of physical matter has an existing twin or ghost in anti Matter.

These Meta Matter twins are data codes stored out of the material plane and Linear time.

Since information exists outside of Linear time and consciousness conceived it, consciousness is the only infinite dimension  existing by itself in infinite time, outside of space, in and outside of all other planes.

It is the original 1D that created all planes and the only infinite external dimension of time-consciousness. It is the essentially of all rhe elements, that includes all powers and possibilities, all information truth and existence, all planes dimensions and Continuum.

This immanent One in All Unity and transcendent All in One Unicity is what you may call God, Creator, Suoreme Spirit, Great Mystery, Universal Consciousness, Original Soul or Atman.

From the book
The Sasquatch message to Humanity Conversation with Elder Kamooh Book 2 by SunBow prepared by Kelly Lapseritis.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Planes and Dimensions of the Omniverse

Knowledge of the Omniverse or the holistic science, explains the meaning of existence.

There is nonexistence without consciousness. This has been proven by quantum physics with the well known two shots experiment showing that particles manifest into existence only when observed by consciousness without which everything remains as waves of possibilities in parallel dimensions.

Thus the purpose of existence is the evolutuob of consciousness through experience and expansion of the soul and on the biological level, by transmission of acquired information to the following cells through genetic codes.

Everything in the Universe including sounds, images entities and material particles is made of information codes or electromagnetic messages carried on waves in the Cosmis.

All remain in a state of possibilities until waves cross, opening interdimensional portals or wortices allowing quantum leak, where they combine to create a suited harmonic resonance forming defined energy fields that become physical particles when stabilize in linear time.

The whole process of emission of the information on waves and of the manifestation of possibilities in aterial form is conducted all along by consciousness.

When materialistic mindsbdeny the existence of other planes or of interdimensionaloty they go against what the science already know. The more they deny the Omniverse the more theybrebel against their own self.

Ignorance lead to disaster leaving you in the fatality of material temporality.

Knowledge andntruth information and consciousness are forever present and available.

When new facts or principles are discovered decided and expressed by individuals they manifest in your collective consciousness,  but universal laws remain always the same.

Knowledge can be distorted or hidden so it takes long time before reaches your collective consciousness.

Human people have hard time to grass the multidimensional nature of the Omniverse,  because the collective consciousness have been tapped into an illusion grid, keeping it locked into the material plane which is merely a thin layer of the spectrum of the Omniverse, representing only 4% of its different energy forms.

The material plane is the only dimension subjected to the limitations of the linear time. A.simple fleeting illusion that persists in which we have been conditioned hard to believe.

The theory of relativity defined time as thenfour dimension yet a century later most of people still believe they live in a three dimensional universe in material space.

This theory has bennadjusted since.
Because any amount of energy or quantum can be calculated for only a given moment in time, since quantum leak continually occur, exchanging energy between a diversity of quantum, the equation E= mc2 can only apply to the material plane for a given moment in 4D linear time.

This formula does not applied to other dimensions of time-consciousness because it requires mass in 3D space multiploed by speed of light in 4D linear time.

Since the material plane is not fixed in Stable values and interacts continually with other dimensional planes like Meta Universe of Anti Matter and the Alter Universe of the Dark or Alter Matter causing constant quantum changes, thus equation does not describe the Omniverse with its multidimensional possibilities rather only the material Universe.

Tesla corrected Einstein by adding time ri the equation
E=mc2 ÷T connecting all planes.

Because there are other dimensions of time thN 4D linear time you know.

You have been led to call them the dimensions of space, but theybare in fact dimensions of time-consciousness , each one having different timesand ine existing outside of space. While consciousness exists innall Continuum times and cycles are it's measures.

Eistein's equation keeps you locked in 4D linear time and the material plane while Tesla's open your understanding to other planes or dimensions of time consciousness.

Extract from
The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 2
Conversations with Elder Kamooh by SunBow and Kerry Lapseritis

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Society Control

Lower lords always tried to extermine the indigenous people and the shamanic tribes because they have kept the ancient wisdom from the Star Elders and their spiritual connection with mother Earth.

This ongoing genocide has been happening since the downfall of Atlantis when the genetically modified Homo Sapiens started in their long conquest of the world.

Since the age of colonialism ancient t cultures have been constantly supresswd erased assimilated when not completely eradicated.

In the last century colonial powers have increased opression on all ancient cultures of all continents, the Tibetan, the tribalism cultures of the Middle East all have been victims of systematic violence and genocide conducted by the cabal.

Occult Science human institutions and governments have been working in secret with the lower lords in deep underground military bases as in the other planets in top secret super black projects receiving advancement in exchange of abducating Earth's sovereinity and letting reptilian lower lords rule the world in the shadow, behind the courtain of public knowledge with weather, magnetic and genetic manipulation.

This explain the technological book that humanity has known in the last 70 years.

The technology presented to the public is a mere reflection of the real level of technology insiders have access.

Insiders keep this hidden from the public is because they depend on their alien lower lords for interstellar and time travel.

You have seen the advertising of jetliner propulsion but were uninformed about chemtrails: of radar but not told about weather manipulation and wave control Applications of waves.

You saw the rise of electronic and telecomunicatuons but never heard of free energy.

You have been deliberately kept in ignorance of higher scientific understanding.

The Rocket satelits abd space stations are example of primitive level of technology that will never achieve interstellar travel because the density of these fuels.

Materialistic science and technology cannott rravel interstelar.

Interstellar Journeys are interdimensional, and that can only be achieved by bending the space time Continuum through portals as Stargate and wormholes.


Your scientists and governments know this and have been developing these technologies on Earth in underground secret laboratories and bases, while leaving the population in the dark about their real agenda because they are controlled by the reptilian alien masters and serve their interest against mother Earth.

The technologies have been gradually exchanged to your human governments by the alien invaders for a growing power over our planet, but the lower lords keep control over their technologies so that Humanity cannot reach planetary sovereignty and Peace.

The only way the science can evolve from here in is with interdimensional understanding.

Collective destiny is made of intertwined individual timelines influencing one another.

Whether an individual soul chooses a path of peace or a path of violence will have a direct consequence in this soul destiny and influence those around.

Humanity must turn the collective consciousness into a peaceful planetary civilization evolving into spiritual maturity necessary for interstellar travel and interspecies communication. 

The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 2
Conversations with Elder Kamooh by SunBow and Kerry Lapseritis

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Extremely Ancient History

Sasquatch are Lemur people but much more ancient than humans. Two hundred million years ago they first walked here and fifty million years ago they had lived on many planets and became the main caretakers of this planet Earth after Bird Peoples started living in artificial space stations.

Humans share 95% of the DNA with Ape People and 99% of the DNA with Sasquatch People. Humans and Sasquatch are of the same star lineage.

Human DNA was sown on Mother Earth by the Star Elders, conceived by Elementals,  hatched by Ant People, grown by Lizard People, raised by Bird People and nurtured by Sasquatch People.

Human People is not the first intelligent species on this home planet. Humans are the product if eons of care and evolution of consciousness and genetics.

Human genetic memory did not exist prior to 6 millions years, when the first ancestors were conceived and created in Lemuria. Human DNA has been modified several times since making us to forget the of the greater Soul plan we are part of.

Extract from the Non-fiction book
"The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 2
Conversations with Elder Kamooh" by SunBow and Kerry Lapseritis

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Stargate is an Einstein–Rosen bridge portal device within the Stargate fictional universe that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations.[1] The devices first appeared in the 1994 Roland Emmerich film Stargate, and thereafter in the television series Stargate SG-1Stargate Atlantis, and Stargate Universe. In these productions, the Stargate functions as a plot device, allowing the main characters to visit alien planets without the need for spaceships or any other type of technology. The device allows for near-instantaneous travel across both interstellar and extragalactic distances.

Within the Stargate fictional universe, Stargates are hyper-advanced large rings capable of harnessing any source of energy and applying it to maintain artificial stable Einstein–Rosen bridges for the purpose of interplanetary and intergalactic travel, allowing the one-way travel of matter and energy (radio transmissions can travel either way through an open wormhole).

A stargate's destination is not fixed, but is singled out by a process known as "dialing". Once a three-dimensional destination is selected by the traveler, the Stargate generates a stable wormhole between itself and a complementary device at the destination, by being supplied with a threshold amount of raw energy.[9] Objects in transit between gates are broken down into their individual elemental components, and then into energy as they pass through the event horizon, and then travel through a wormhole before being reconstructed on the other side.[10]

Akin to a rotary dial, each Stargate has nine prominent points (chevrons) spaced equally around its circumference, which are used to determine the address being dialed. On the inner ring is a set of unique glyphs; on Milky Way and Pegasus gates, the glyphs represent constellations, while the meaning of the glyphs on Destiny-style gates is unknown. The number of glyphs is dependent on the network to which the gate belongs; Milky Way gates feature 39 glyphs, while Pegasus and Destiny gates have 36. Of these symbols, 38 and 35 for Milky Way and Pegasus gates, respectively, can be used to select a destination. One symbol represents one's own location, the so-called point of origin. The first seven of a Stargate's chevrons and glyphs are "maps" used to isolate the location of another gate and establish a connection.[citation needed][10] Chevrons one-through-six are used to designate points in space (i.e. star clustersconstellations and planets) and form three-dimensional coordinates for the destination, while the seventh chevron is coded to the Stargate's current position, to provide a point of origin for the Einstein–Rosen bridge. When sufficient power is available, the eighth chevron can be used to connect to another galaxy, effectively acting as an "area code" connecting to an entirely different network of Stargates. The ninth chevron enables a connection to a specific Stargate with its own unique nine-symbol address, regardless of distance or location.

The show is consistent with the mechanics of address-dialing. The process involves associating a unique symbol of the inner ring to each of at least the first seven of the chevrons on the outer circumference. The main "address" is invariably dialed first, and the last symbol is the "point of origin", representing the gate being used, which acts as the final "send button" trigger for the completion of the address sequence.[11] As each symbol is dialed, the chevron is said to "engage" or "encode" and usually responds by lighting up or moving. When the final symbol of an address is dialed, that chevron is said to "lock" and the wormhole opens (this terminology is arbitrary and often interchangeable, but preferred by the recurring character Walter Harriman).[11] If the address is incorrect or does not correspond to an existing or otherwise functional stargate within that three-dimensional space, the last chevron will not lock, and all of the chevrons will "disengage".[9]

Each location in the Stargate universe has its own unique "address", which is a combination of six or more non-repeating symbols appearing on the dialing stargate.[citation needed][12] By "dialing" these symbols in the correct order, the traveler selects a three-dimensional destination.

The symbols dialed are often referred to as "coordinates", and are written as an ordered string; for example, this is the address used in the show for the planet AbydosStargate SG·1 symbol 27.svg Stargate SG·1 symbol 07.svg Stargate SG·1 symbol 15.svg Stargate SG·1 symbol 32.svg Stargate SG·1 symbol 12.svg Stargate SG·1 symbol 30.svg(corresponding to the constellations of TaurusSerpens CaputCapricornusMonocerosSagittarius and Orion). As explained by Dr. Daniel Jackson in the movie, the Stargate requires seven correct symbols to connect to another Stargate. As shown in the picture opposite, the first six symbols act as co-ordinates, creating three intersecting lines, the destination. The Stargate uses the seventh symbol as the point of origin allowing one to plot a straight line course to the destination. With the stargates of the Milky Way, with 38 address symbols and one point of origin, there are 1,987,690,320 possible six symbol co-ordinates (leading to 38!/(38-6)!/8/6=41,410,215 addresses as the six symbol addresses are composed of three tuples that can be permuted in 6 ways and the two symbols within each tuple are invariant for 8 more permutations.). With the stargates of the Pegasus or Destiny, with 35 address symbols and one point of origin, there are only 1,168,675,200 possible six symbol co-ordinates.

This diagram illustrates how Stargate symbols translate to physical coordinates.

By identifying six constellations in space, a single sextangulation point can be interpolated that corresponds to the destination desired.[10] As only a small portion of the possible combinations of Stargate symbols represent valid addresses, dialing the Gate at random is largely futile. In "Children of the Gods", SG-1 discovers a room on Abydos with a list of valid Stargate addresses and (luckily) a map that allows the SGC to compensate for thousands of years of stellar drift. In the series, the fictional planet Abydos could be dialed because it is relatively close to Earth, although in the film, Abydos was located in the fictional Kaliam Galaxy.[10] It was initially believed that the Goa'uld created the Stargates, but this was proven false in "The Torment of Tantalus" when the SGC discovered that Earth had accidentally dialled an address in 1945 that was not on the Abydos cartouche. Following this revelation, a larger list of Stargate addresses is provided by Jack O'Neill in "The Fifth Race" from knowledge downloaded into his mind by a repository of the Ancients, allowing them to travel to worlds unknown to the Goa'uld.[13] In "Rising", a list of Stargate addresses in the Pegasus galaxy is found in the Atlantis database.[14] The SGC assigns designations to Stargate-accessible planets in the form Pxx-xxx or Mxx-xxxSamantha Carter explains in "The Broca Divide" that the designation "is based on a binary code the computer uses for extrapolation".

Eight-symbol addresses are introduced in "The Fifth Race", opening up new plot lines by connecting Stargates to different galaxies. The additional symbol acts as a type of "area code". Such connections, in comparison to seven symbol codes, require substantially more energy to complete a functional wormhole – much more than any standard dialing method can provide. In the first instance, opening an intergalactic wormhole is shown to exceed the total power generation capacity of the SGC at the time. O'Neill fashioned an additional power source using spare parts and the liquid naquadah power core of a staff weapon using the same enhanced knowledge that had allowed him to determine this address in the first place,[13] but this new power source only functioned twice and required repair work to operate the second time.[15] A fully charged Zero Point Module (ZPM) can provide enough power for regular travel between galaxies.[14][16][17] The 8th chevron is a key element in the Stargate Atlantis series, allowing travel to the Pegasus Galaxy. With the stargates of the Milky Way, with 38 address symbols and one point of origin, there are 63,606,090,240 possible seven symbol co-ordinates. With the stargates of the Pegasus or Destiny, with 35 address symbols and one point of origin, there are only 33,891,580,800 possible seven symbol co-ordinates.

Stargate Universe introduces the concept of a nine-symbol address, the purpose of the ninth chevron never having been explored in the previous series.[18] The nine-symbol addresses act as codes to dial specific Stargates, with the only two known nine-symbol addresses used to dial from the Milky Way galaxy to Destiny, a massive Ancient vessel that was part of a project to explore the universe, with the project being abandoned when they started researching into ascension among other things, and from Destiny to Earth. It is unknown if any other Stargates are reachable with a nine-symbol address, or if this is a feature unique to the Stargates on Destiny and Earth. Like eight-symbol addresses, the dialing of this address requires a significant amount of power, such that the scientists on Icarus Base had to tap into the planet's naqahdriah core. With the Stargates of the Milky Way, with 38 address symbols, there are 1,971,788,797,440 possible eight symbol destinations. With the Stargates of the Pegasus or Destiny, with 35 address symbols, there are only 948,964,262,400 possible eight symbol destinations. Provided the ninth symbol is your point of origin. If the ninth symbol can also be added to the destination, even 59,153,663,923,200 combinations with a Milky Way stargate or 25,622,035,084,800 combinations with a Pegasus or Destiny Stargate are possible.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Conflict of interests


Conflict of interests in Ontario regardin Pfizer vaccines and bribery of officials that imposed vaccines. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Cell Phone for Mind Control

 Cell phone use for mind control allow military and police agencies to follow every user influnce thir thoughts through microwaves, cause healthy people to hear voices in their heads and if needed burn thir brains in a second by increasing the current 20,000 times

Could that have happen to Chechnyan leader General Dudayev who died talking on the phone.

Heating effect of tissues with the speed of light in a known effectof high power microwave and electromagnetic pulse weapons.

They can cause fatigue states, depression, insomnia, aggressiveness, long and especially short term memory loss, short catatonic states, cataracts, leukemia, cancer, hearth attacks, brain tumours and so forth.Alteration of human behaviour and attitudes has been demonstrated as well.

Dr Ross Adey has found out that by using 0.75 milliwatts per square centimetre intensity of pulse modulated microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz it is possible to control all aspects of human behaviour.

Microwave radiation excites the hydrogen bond in the cells and can interfere with meiosis, which held to tumours.

My mother kept the cell phone under the pillow to be close to it when somebody call and she got brain anurism, started falling without a reason. Then she developed a tumour. in another part of the body.

Another of my relatives kept the phone in a pocket close to the belly and developed health problems in that part of the body.

All our emotions and moods and thoughts have a specific brain frequency which has been catalogued. If these records fall into the wrong hands our behaviour and attitudes can be manipulated by persons whose ethics and morals are not in our best interest.

Both military and intelligence agencies have been infiltrated with such persons. The director of the Swiss Secret Service had to resign in September 1999 because of his agency involvement in illegal deals.


Mind Stalkers By Commander X and Tim R Swartz

Funding of World Economic Forum

By SarahWestall | SarahWestall.com

Pennsylvania congressman, Scott Perry, introduced a new bill on August 26th, 2022, H.R. 8748: Defund Davos Act, “To prohibit funding for the World Economic Forum”. The bill was cosponsored by Representative Lauren Boebert of Colorado and Representative Thomas Tiffany of Wisconsin.

The bill was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and states

No funds available to the Department of State, the United States Agency for International Development, or any other department or agency may be used to provide funding for the World Economic Forum”


Here is the bill in it’s entirety:

HR-8748-565x800 Congressman introduces new bill to prohibit funding of the World Economic Forum



To become law, the bill would still need to pass through the Committee on Foreign Affairs, pass through Congress, then pass through the Senate and then the President would need to sign it. It is unlikely that even if it does pass through congress and the senate, that Biden would sign it.

Regardless, legislation such is this may help change culture, but it is unlikely to remove funding to the WEF even if the bill did pass and become law. Why? Because the United States will continue to fund WEF partners and initiatives under different names and organizations.

For example, the United States is the largest donor to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which is a partner organization to the World Economic Forum.


Table 1 – Top 10 IMF Member Nations by Quota and Voting Power

A Congressman introduces new bill to prohibit funding of the World Economic Forum


You can see on the WEF forum’s website their commitment to the IMF. The website posts IMF articles and other information to help the IMF cause:

International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization of 188 member countries established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability and orderly exchange arrangements. It seeks to foster economic growth and high levels of employment and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment. Since it was established in 1944, its purposes have remained unchanged but its operations, which involve surveillance, financial assistance, and technical assistance, have developed to meet the changing needs of its member countries in an evolving world economy.

IMF is behind the Geoengineering program and Chemtrails. They spend 10 Billions of Dollars per year for this project alone.

While there isn’t a graph or table that one can post showing direct funding of WEF initiatives, it is clear that these two organizations work in tandem. That means that the U.S. undoubtable funds WEF activities through the IMF or through other IMF/WEF sponsored initiatives.

The United States is not going to pull out of the IMF anytime soon. But if we want to be free from globalist predators, we must not only defund and pull out of the WEF, we must also pull out and defund the IMF and the World Health Organization.