Wednesday, March 20, 2024
What Scientists are Doing and Reaearching
Financial Elite and Bought Academics
1. Extravagant government spending.
2. Rapid inflation
3.Crussing taxation
4 All coupled with totalitarian state regulations
Under Woodrow Willson Wall Street achieved a central Banking Monopoly the Federak Reserve System. The significance of the International Acceptance Bank controlled by the financial establishment in Wall Street was that the Federal Reserve Banks used the police power of the State to create for themselves a perpetual money making machine the ability to create moneybwith a stroke of a pen or the push of a button.
The Warburgs, key figures in the International Acceptance Bank an oversea of the Money making Machine were the advisers of the Roosevelt administration and monetary policies.
Gold was declared a "barbaric relic" opening the wau to worthless paper money in the United States. So the fiat inconvertible money is on the way to ultimate depreciation.
There may be a financial elite and the objective of this elite and the objective of this elite is monopoly acquisition of wealth. They are the advocates of corporate socialism. It drives on the political process and it will fade away if it were exposed to the activity of free market.
The Great paradox is that the socialist movement s in fact the generator of politicization of economic activity that keeps the monopoly in power.
Literature have been printed to influence the public opinion. Without it the power of any financial elite should have been collapsed long time ago.
The most important leg sustaining the credibility and so the power if the elites is the academic community. Thus group has shaped truth and integrity for a piece of the political power and the financial actions.
Apparently the academics can be bought and you don't have to pay overly much.
Wall Street Banksters Financed Franklin D Rosvelt The Bolșevic Revolution and the Rise of Adolf Hitler. By Commander X
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
The Dawes Plan
The treaty of Versailles after World War I imposed heavy reparations burden on defeated Germany. This financial burden was the real cause of discontent that ked to acceptance of hitlerism was utilized by the international bankers for their own. Benefit.
Wall Street Bankers offered profitable loans for German cartels in the United States. The Dawes Plan and later the Young Plan were engineered by these central bankers and sponsored by the US Government.
The Dawes Plan temporarily resolved the issue of the reparations that Germany owed to the Allies of World War I. Enacted in 1924, it ended the crisis in European diplomacy that occurred after French and Belgian troops occupied the Ruhr in response to Germany's failure to meet its reparations obligations.
The Plan set up a staggered schedule for Germany's payment of war reparations, provided for a large loan to stabilise the German currency and ended the occupation of the Ruhr. It resulted in a brief period of economic recovery in the second half of the 1920s, although it came at the price of a heavy reliance on foreign capital. The Dawes Plan was superseded by the Young Plan in 1929.
Because the Plan resolved a serious international crisis, the American Charles Dawes, who headed the group that developed it, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1925.
Sunday, March 17, 2024
The Past
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Licensing a Trick of Monopolists The Opression of Small Business How It All Started
1933 The National Industrial Recovery Act was used as a form of monopoly or a combination or constraints in the restraint of trade.
With this act fair competition was degenerating into the dictate of the major corporations.
With this act the president could require all members of an industry to be licensed and that means that the president could revenue a license at his pleasure an infringement on due process of law and basic property rights.
Placing the power in the hands of an executive officer in case of an emergency can exterminate an industry. That emergency can be a power placed in the hands of one individual during the war.
This law was passed during Hoover Administratiin and put free born American citizens out of business without trial by jury.
We saw how big businesses put little businesses out of business during 2020-2022 while large businesses were allowed to run and small businesses were forced to close. And that not only in US but in Canada and other parts if the world. So we need to see where all started. Who was behind it. When was the idea put in the application and who benefited from this.
So in a free country a free man ought to be required to take out a license to engage in legitimate industry and somebidy should be given the power to destroy the value of his property, which you do when you bring about a situation where he cannot operate.
That seems approaching the point if taking the property without due process of law.
This law was passed in 1933 during Roosevelt presidency that was financed by Wall Street to get into power.
The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA) was a US labor law and consumer law passed by the 73rd US Congress to authorize the president to regulate industry for fair wages and prices that would stimulate economic recovery. It also established a national public works program known as the Public Works Administration (PWA). The National Recovery Administration (NRA) portion was widely hailed in 1933, but by 1934 business opinion of the act had soured.
Born: January 30, 1882, Hyde Park, New York, United States
Died: April 12, 1945 (age 63 years), Little White House Historic Site, Georgia, United States
Presidential term: March 4, 1933 – April 12, 1945
Vice presidents: John Nance Garner (1933–1941), Henry Agard Wallace (1941–1945),
Many industries were dominated by a few major firms in turn under the control of Wall Street investment houses.
Friday, March 15, 2024
#1 Do you think God created the human body with a vaccine deficiency?
#2- Do you think God is ok with you injecting your perfect child with POISON. Yes, if you were to inject vaccine ingredients into to your children (at home) you WOULD GO TO JAIL for trying to POISON your kids.
#3- Do you think God is ok with you injecting said poison into your child that was harvested on aborted fetal tissue or monkey kidneys?
Why vaccines violate the temple of God & is a theological issue.
Vaccines contain…
*Harvested on Aborted Fetal Tissue
*Thimerosal (Mercury) highly toxic to the human body.
*Autism has risen by 6000% since vaccines were made mandatory.
*Childhood cancers are at an all time high and rising.
*Chronic illness in children is out of control.
*We are one of the WORST countries in the civilized world when it comes to health care.
The pharmaceutical company has no interest in you getting healthy. They would go broke!
They aren't a non-profit organization seeking your best interest. They want you to be dependent (from birth) on drugs for life.
That is why such a strict vaccine regimen (49 doses by age 6) is implemented.
These vaccines wreck your immune and nervous system creating all kinds of issues you will need medications for.
It's a WIN-WIN for them!
Source Charlie Wards
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