Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Doctors in Canada and Vaccines

Fourteen young Canadian docs die after getting the shot. Normally would be ~0 over 30 years. 

This is a list of just the docs my doctor friend in Canada heard about passively. In the past 30 years, he's never heard of a single death like this. Not one. Now there are at least 14. 

Steve Kirsch 

Aug 9

Executive summary 

A doctor friend of mine in Canada heard about 15 deaths of Canadian doctors over the last 9 months. He’s been in practice for 30 years. He’s never heard of any such unusual deaths before of doctors. Zero in 30 years. Why is he now, all of a sudden, hearing of so many deaths, and why are these deaths all happening very soon after vaccination? 

From July 13 to July 28, 7 doctors died… an average of one doctor every other day for 2 weeks straight. And the causes of death were statistically unusual: two died swimming (which is very rare), one died in her sleep (very rare), etc. 

The fact checkers assure us all that all of these doctors died for other reasons; the fact that they all died right after the vaccine was simply bad luck. That’s not the right metric. The fact checkers need to tell us the last time this happened where 7 doctors died in 14 days from unusual causes. They cannot. This is unprecedented. 

The Canadian doctors continue to ignore the deaths in plain sight and continue to believe what they are told to believe. I predict the next shots will be even worse. 

Sadly, I don’t think the Canadian doctors are ever going to figure this out. 

14 deaths of young doctors in the last 9 months, all shortly after the jab 

Canadian doctors keep lining up to get the shots to be “protected” from a disease which is easily treatable with a combination of drugs with little to no side effects. 

A doctor friend in Canada has been passively noticing the untimely death of doctors in Canada shortly after they were forced to get the third and fourth doses of the vaccine. He sent me these images below which had been sent to him. He’s not proactively researching these. There are likely a lot more deaths he doesn’t know about. 

Guess how many similar deaths (young doctors dying unexpectedly of odd causes) he’s noticed in the past 30 years in practice? Yup, zero. 

What’s astounding is that this is a vaccine, which according to this CDC study, makes it nearly impossible for you to die after the shot. Yet, these doctors all died shortly after the shot. The doctors are dead, so the CDC study must be wrong. 

Oddly, none of the deaths were covered in the Canadian mainstream media, so I thought you should know about them. 

There was coverage of six recent deaths in Health Impact News: 6 Canadian Medical Doctors Died Within 2 Weeks After 4th COVID Booster Shots for Employees Started at One Hospital. 

Let me be very clear. You cannot have 14 Canadian doctors die shortly after the vaccine if there isn’t something wrong with the shot. Period. Full stop. Each of these is a very rare event. Having them clustered like this is a sure sign the vaccines killed them. 

Any honest scientist would start with this hypothesis as the most obvious hypothesis and only reject it if there was compelling evidence to the contrary. 

The vaccine kills people in subtle ways that are NOT being investigated by medical examiners. They are deliberately looking the other way. 

Two of the most popular methods used by the vaccine to kill people are accelerating a cancer (which may have started from an earlier dose) and by causing a sudden death which, if the person is driving or swimming, appears to be a car accident or drowning. 

Nearly all the medical examiners all look the other way when assessing a vaccine-caused death. 

For example, I know a technician who works for a medical examiner who is seeing all these odd “blood clots,” but he says the pathologists “won’t listen or investigate”!

Why are people looking the other way? It’s because they want the pandemic to go away and they are told that the vaccine is the only way out of the pandemic so they look the other way when there is bad news. 

Fact checkers: Nothing to see here folks. Move along. 

According to the fact checkers, none of these doctors died from the shots, they all died of other causes. Duh. The vaccine always kills people by stopping their heart, brain, etc. so it always looks like they died from something else because they did. 

But when normally healthy people all of a sudden die like this in rapid succession, you are being totally disingenuous if you rule out the vaccine as the likely instigator of the death. 

What the fact checkers fail to point out is that in many cases, the diseases often first started after the first vaccine shot, and then got worse with progressive shots. Somehow, they always miss that point that the vaccine accelerated the death. The fact that all these doctors died in close proximity to the shots is just too coincidental. 

Canadian docs will keep believing the “safe and effective” narrative because that’s what they are trained to do: trust the authorities 

My doctor friends in Canada simply cannot believe how brainwashed his colleagues are. Zero deaths in 30 years, now all of a sudden 14 deaths in 9 months each happening shortly after their shots. Come on. That’s not bad luck. No way. 

The Canadian docs will continue to ignore the stats, believe the “fact checkers,” and line up for the shots. It will get worse in the next round. 

14 Canadian doctors who have died after being given the vaccine 

From July 13 to July 28, 7 doctors died… an average of one doctor every other day for 2 weeks. 

Vincent Mak 

Died August 3rd, 2022 at 12:45pm. My friend knew him. 

Dr. Bradley James Harris 

March 14, 2022. His death went unnoticed.

There are certainly many more like this. 

It’s not just doctors being affected 

Doctors, athletes, celebrities are all very visible. 

This “problem” is happening everywhere. The only question is whether people are paying attention. 

Read this post by Anita Jader. She’s paying attention. 

Ask yourself: have you ever seen a post like this in your life? Do you think this is “normal”? 

Read this post about Wayne Root’s wedding. He basically did the post-marketing randomized clinical trial that the CDC never did. Only 200 people were “enrolled” in his “trial” which lasted just 8 months. The results are stunning and cannot be explained by just “bad luck.” There is no other possible explanation: the vaccines are a disaster. 

Wayne’s vaccinated friends had a 26% risk of severe injury and a 7% chance of death compared with a 0% level for his unvaxxed friends in the same time period. This is the type of observational study the CDC should be doing… but they aren’t for obvious reasons (it would create vaccine hesitancy). 

Does that sound like a safe vaccine to you? 

Surveys 10% of people have buyer’s remorse on the vaccine, 15% have a new medical condition post vaccine. 

An NIH study finds 40.2% of women experienced menstrual changes post vaccine. 

The evidence just doesn’t seem to matter, even when it is in plain sight. 40.2% of women had their reproductive organs affected by the vaccine and we still are mandating this vaccine?!?!

Time Travel


Time Travel.experiments in US
Reverse engineering of space crafts.
7 chackras with other 7 chackras 
Our body is a space suit
2039 AD coin in Mexico with Nazi Germany emblem on it.

Time Wars

1588 Batle Armada
 Changing of time line

911 what really happened 
Andromeda, Plaiadiens

Sunday, August 7, 2022



Those who control the weather control the world.

300 species of life form dissapear.per day due to geoengineering.
Covert Geoengineering operations.

Global heating via geoengineering could.lead.to human extinction. 
So called science community is betraying the entire human race.

Geoengineering could turn the sky white. Look up.

Plqne are carying100 tones of.materials used for geoengineering in a single flight.

Geoengineering is using g non stop.jet spraying the sky with toxic material and microwave bombardment of the clowds which brings to the overheating the atmosphere. 

We have surpassed 3 degree of over heating of the earth per year because if the geoengineering. 

Geoengineering planes can distribute in the atmosphere whatever they want including biological patogens.

Climate engineering Could may or.might.affect the life in earth? No it.will.affect it.

Military Industrial Complex is behind it.
Look up in the sky.
Central banks pupet masters and media blindness tockholdm.syndrome.

The Controllers fired the aluminum researcher that showed aluminum generate alzehaimer.

We need to expose the toxic warfare.

California is in danger. Climate intervention operations.
Wildfire serve geoengineering agends.

If we can exposing we can end it.
Military conflict might be good for the planet state the Controllers.

The Mitary personnel contaminate water supply with toxic chemicals around military bases.

Henry Kissinger talks about users eaters. Probably he is.

Marine heat wave is killing plankton and sea life.

Ice  nucleations operations .melts the ice in Antarctica. 

Global of sea water raise.
We have a complete bought up science community. 
Viruses in oceans ? So called science want that too? Militarized society is not good.

Uv ultraviolet rays affect heat waves.schedule and manipulated heat waves. Ionosphere is manipulated .
Power structure cover the tracks of geoengineering. 

The death of our forests is a war against us. Our war against nature is a war against ourself.
The dimming documentary expose the climate engineering and wild fires

Logging should end forever. 
We are here for a reason.if the planet dies we will die.

You will make a choice.we can truckers a shock wave trough the world.

Share credible data from credible sources.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Jennifer Little Imposed the No Travel Rules for Justin Trudeau PM of Canada Who is She?

On August 13, 2021, the Canadian government announced that anyone who hadn’t been vaccinated against Covid would soon be barred from planes and trains. In many cases, The Backward could no longer travel between provinces or leave the country. If you lived in Winnipeg and wanted to visit your mother on her deathbed in London or Hong Kong or, perhaps, Quebec City, you’d better get jabbed—or resign yourself to never seeing your mother again. 

Jennifer Little, the director-general of COVID Recovery, the secretive government panel that crafted the mandate, called it “one of the strongest vaccination mandates for travelers in the world.” 

It was draconian and sweeping, and it fit neatly with the public persona that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had cultivated—that of the sleek, progressive, forward-looking technocrat guided by fact and reason. The Canadian Medical Association Journal, in a June 2022 article, observed that “Canada had among the most sustained stringent policies regarding restrictions on internal movement.” 

But recently released court documents—which capture the decision-making behind the travel mandate—indicate that, far from following the science, the prime minister and his Cabinet were focused on politics. (Canadians are hardly alone. As Common Sense recently reported, American public-health agencies have also been politicized 

Among other things, the court documents indicate:

No one in the COVID Recovery unit, including Jennifer Little, the director-general, had any formal education in epidemiology, medicine or public health.

Little, who has an undergraduate degree in literature from the University of Toronto, testified that there were 20 people in the unit. When Presvelos asked her whether anyone in the unit had any professional experience in public health, she said there was one person, Monique St.-Laurent. According to St.-Laurent’s LinkedIn profile, she appears to be a civil servant who briefly worked for the Public Health Agency of Canada. St.-Laurent is not a doctor, Little said.

(Reached on the phone, St.-Laurent confirmed that she was a member of COVID Recovery. She referred all other questions to a government spokesperson.) 

Little suggested that a senior official in the prime minister’s Cabinet or possibly the prime minister himself had ordered COVID Recovery to impose the travel mandate. (During cross-examination, Little told Presvelos repeatedly that “discussions” about the mandate had taken place at “senior” and “very senior” levels.) But she refused to say who had given her team the order to impose the travel mandate. “I’m not at liberty to disclose anything that is subject to cabinet confidence,” she said. 

The term “cabinet confidence” is noteworthy because it refers to the prime minister’s Cabinet. Meaning that Little could not talk about who had directed the COVID Recovery unit to impose the travel mandate because someone at the very highest levels of government was apparently behind it.

In the days leading up to the implementation of the travel mandate, transportation officials were frantically looking for a rationale for it. They came up short.

That was made clear by an email exchange in the latter half of October 2021 between Aaron McCrorie and Dawn Lumley-Myllari. McCrorie is the associate assistant deputy minister for safety and security in Transport Canada, the department that houses COVID Recovery.

The court documents are part of a lawsuit filed by two Canadian residents against the government. Until last month, they were under seal.

Both plaintiffs are business owners. Both have family in Britain. Both have refused the vaccine on the grounds of bodily autonomy. Both were reluctant to identify their businesses out of fear of losing customers.

One plaintiff is Karl Harrison. In his affidavit, Harrison, 58, said that he and his partner, Emma, had immigrated in 2009 from Britain to Canada. (He became a Canadian citizen in 2015.) They have two children, a 24-year-old son and a 14-year-old daughter, and they live in a tony neighborhood in Vancouver. He’d always been an entrepreneur. “I was involved in establishing, owning and co-owning over 40 venues of one sort or the other—restaurants, bars, music venues and comedy clubs,” he told me. “One music venue is fairly well known, called The Bedford. Ed Sheeran got his start there.” 

Since 2000, Harrison had been involved in the travel industry. “We have a company in the U.K., Ireland, Spain, and we’re the largest retailer of packages for Disneyland Paris,” he said.

He also has an 88-year-old mother in Britain, and he was furious that, for months, he couldn’t visit her. “When you’ve got oppressive government behavior,” he told me, “you’re only left with only three choices: accept it, fight it or leave. I can’t accept it. I moved my family here, and I would be letting them down if we moved away—so I’m in fight mode.”

The other plaintiff is Shaun Rickard, whose father, also in Britain, is suffering from late-stage Alzheimer’s. Rickard, 55, lives in the town of Pickering, outside Toronto, and he owns a small exterior-siding and eaves-contracting business. He portrayed himself as something of an activist. “I guess I’m the Lone Ranger,” he told me. “When I see something wrong, evil, corrupt happen, I feel I have to speak up.” 

He was surprised when Trudeau announced the travel mandate. “I said to myself, ‘Holy fuck, how can this be happening here?’” He added that the only way to stop it would be “through revolution, which is never going to happen in Canada, or through the courts, and the latter is what we did.”

Court Documents Reveal Canada’s Travel Ban Had No Scientific Basis



Friday, July 22, 2022

Government of Canada Spying on Unaware Citizens


Databases of citizens data provided by spying agencies.to the government at t
Your tax dollar expense.

Public Health Agency of Canada 
Bluedot. Founded by Cameron Con from the University of Toronto. Same university that was firing people that were not vaccinated. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Abolish Arivecan.ca an Abusive Government of Canada control Mechanism


87 year old person harassment because he has no phone
Children stranded in Switzerland because the app.did not work
More abuses by an abusive Government of Canada birocracy.

Non Traveller Digital ID Platform

I can add more absurdity of people.paid to be touching you inserting needles in your nose or irradiation you with strange machines just to access public transportation airplane.

Abuses of Canadian Government with Arive Can

The arrivecan app is insidious and useless.


Known Traveller Digital ID Platform - brainchild of Wolrd Economic Forum which Trudeau and Freeland are part of . Suprastatal organization sponsored with our taxdollars while there are people in Canada that sleep on the streets.


Healthy people are forced to quarantine 14 days because they refused poisonous injection after traveling in packed airports where  o regard for distancing or health safety. Mask is enforced on Canadia  Airplanes while nobody talks about it in other airports.
Every 10 minutes airports in Canada have announcements to use mask is like a Muslim prayers. The virus stop being active when you eat or drink water in airport but jumps on you if you do not? Same in the airplane. They do serve water and food in airplane.



Cobra venom and Remdesevir
Treatment for Covid in hospitals uses Remdesevir is connected with snakes venom.
Lecinepro high blood pressure drug is made vrom snakes venom.  Merk own the pattent on this drug.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Hollow Earth Theory

The Hollow Earth Theory was postulated by various well known individuals such as Raymond Bernard's, William Hallet discoverer of Hallet comet Edgar Akan Poe, Edgar Rice Burrough , John Cleves Symmes, John Uri Lloyd.

The theory refers to the Geocavitic sphere theory, or thT as the earth was firming in its.molton state the planetary spin created a Hollow or concave within the center similar to  the Hollow created by a centrifugal force of a horizontal washing machine flowing a spin cycle.

The theory states that the shell of the earth averages between 800-1000 miles thick with an interior surface consisting of oceans and land Illuminated perpetually by a sphere of electromagnetic and or nuclear energy suspended at the very centre if the empty space.

There are reputedly fuel like openings near the polar regions perpetually concealed by a mist created by the collision of cold air from the outside and hit air from the inside which permits the ingress and the egress to and from this inner world.

Rhe theory states that the inner surface has his own  gravity, yet slightly less that the outside gravity.

One side theory is that between the inner and the outer surface where the gravity is nullified there exists a layer of weightless or low weight caverns 8n an eternal state of chaos where minerals liquids, gases and chemicals continually slams together from the earth rotation causing intense magnetic activity, a virtual inferno a bottomless pit.

Underground Alien Bases Flying Saucers Co.e from Inside The Earth! by Commander X

Friday, June 17, 2022



Show up for yourself so you can show up for everyone around you. 

Fill up and offer everything to you first and foremost so you can fill up and offer everything to everyone. 

Be the best you can be to you first and foremost so you can be the best possible version of you to me....and for me. 

Love everyone when they need it...because believe me we all need it more than ever now.
We love others because it is the right thing to do. No other reason. 

Even when you feel that others are undeserving of kindness and love...that is when you pour our your heart the most and give all you got to those who are hurting the most. They are the ones that deserve and desire it the most. 

People lash out, reject and are fearful of our love because they have never once experienced love. Remember...when you yourself inwards then love will redirect the trajectory of love outwards to the world and others. 

Be a lighthouse in such a beautiful and extraordinary way that you shift the trajectory of love inwards for others to heal themselves. 

Be kind, be gentle, be easy and be forgiving to yourself so that you may and be the same fore others. Be the living example. 

Because when you are hurting, angry, upset, spiteful, cynical, possessive, or selfish how can you show up for the rest of humanity with all of that poison and acid in your heart and soul? 

Do you want someone to show up for you? Then show up for yourself. By doing so you then create space that will outwardly project for others to show up for you. 

You get what you give.

Captain Kal El 👨‍✈️☝🏼

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Weather Manipulation

What effect have these waves on human and wild life? What about ecosystems?
What effect have on forests and trees?

Who pays for these weather manipulation?
Who aprove them?
What is the end scope if these activities?
Who.make a profit from the weather manipulation?

Why is not made public?

The front that generate clowds is too regular. 
Where is the press? The real journalism?
How much bribery is involved in this activity of accepting weather manipulation?

What are the human and ecosystems costs?

PCR Tests and Money

The whole pandemic script – from the ‘contagion curve’ to the ‘Covid deaths’ – rests on the PCR test, which was authorised for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 by a study produced in record time on commission from the WHO. As many will know by now, the diagnostic unreliability of the PCR test was denounced by its inventor himself, Nobel laureate Kary Mullis (unfortunately passed away on 7 August 2019), and recently reiterated by, among others, 22 internationally renowned experts who demanded its removal for clear scientific flaws. Obviously, the request fell on deaf ears.

The PCR test is the driving force behind the pandemic. It works through the infamous ‘cycle thresholds’: the more cycles you make, the more false positives (infections, Covid-deaths) you produce, as even guru Anthony Fauci recklessly admitted when he stated that swabs are worthless above 35 cycles. Now, why is it that during the pandemic, amplifications of 35 cycles or more were routinely carried out in laboratories all over the world? Even the New York Times – certainly not a den of dangerous Covid-deniers – raised this key question last summer. Thanks to the sensitivity of the swab, the pandemic can be turned on and off like a tap, allowing the health regime to exert full control over the ‘numerological monster’ of Covid cases and deaths – the key instruments of everyday terror.

All this fearmongering continues today, despite the easing of some measures. To understand why, we should return to the economic motif. As noted, several trillions of newly printed cash have been created with a few clicks of a mouse by central banks and injected into financial systems, where they have in great part remained. The aim of the printing-spree was to plug calamitous liquidity gaps. Most of this ‘magic-tree money’ is still frozen inside the shadow banking system, the stock exchanges, and various virtual currency schemes that are not meant to be used for spending and investment. Their function is solely to provide cheap loans for financial speculation. This is what Marx called ‘fictitious capital’, which continues to expand in an orbital loop that is now completely independent of economic cycles on the ground.

The bottom line is that all this cash cannot be allowed to flood the real economy, for the latter would overheat and trigger hyperinflation. 



Monday, June 13, 2022

L3Harris Company


 About L3Harris Technologies
L3Harris Technologies is an agile global aerospace and defense technology innovator, delivering end-to-end solutions that meet customers’ mission-critical needs. The company provides advanced defense and commercial technologies across space, air, land, sea and cyber domains. L3Harris has more than $17 billion in annual revenue and 47,000 employees, with customers in more than 100 countries.

Harris Corporation and L3 Technologies have completed the all-stock merger between the two companies. The combined company is called L3Harris Technologies, and it will be the sixth largest defense company in the U.S.

The new company will have approximately $17 billion in revenue and 50,000 employees.

The company announced on Monday that it has organized its businesses into four segments including Integrated Mission Systems, Space and Airborne Systems, Communication Systems, and Aviation Systems.

The Communication Systems Division will be led by Dana Mehnert, and it will be headquartered in Rochester.

Harris has more than 3,500 employees in the Rochester area in the Communications segment and the Space and Intelligent Systems business. There are nearly 200 employees who work for L3 Technologies in Victor.

Last fall, Senator Chuck Schumer said that he had talked with Harris CEO William Brown and the senator said that Brown told him he was committed to keeping the number of employees now employed by Harris in the Rochester area with the possibility that number will grow.

With the new management structure, Brown will serve as Chairman and CEO of L3 Harris, with Christopher Kubasik serving at Vice Chairman, President and COO.

The plan, as outlined last year, would see Brown serving as Chairman and CEO for the first two years; after that, Brown would become Executive Chairman and Kubasik becomes Chairman and CEO. Following that time, Kubasik becomes both Chairman and CEO.

L3Harris Technologies will trade on the NYSE under the ticker symbol ‘LHX.’
It was formed from the merger of L3 Technologies (formerly L-3 Communications) and Harris Corporation on June 29, 2019, and was expected to be the sixth-largest defense contractor in the United States.
In October 2018, L3 announced an all-stock "merger of equals" with Florida-based Harris Corporation, to be closed (subject to approvals) in mid-2019. The merger was completed on June 29, 2019, and the new company, L3Harris Technologies, Inc., is based in Melbourne, Florida, where Harris was headquartered.

L3Harris awarded 4-year, $482 million USD performance based contract extension to continue support of the Royal Canadian Air Force's CF-18 Hornet fighter aircraft fleet.


• Recognizes L3Harris’ premier in-service support capabilities and expertise

• Maintains L3Harris’ position as Canada’s only fighter aircraft center of excellence

• Marks 35 years of successful Canadian partnership on the CF-18 fleet

Sample of Job Description at this company

 — Hamilton, ON
Test & Integration Technician (Service) - Day Shift -. From long-range covert surveillance missions to search and rescue operations,

 Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements that reflect management's current expectations, assumptions and estimates of future performance and economic conditions. Such statements are made in reliance upon the safe harbor provisions of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results and future trends to differ materially from those matters expressed in or implied by such forward-looking statements. Statements about ESG goals are forward-looking and involve risks and uncertainties. L3Harris disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Geoengineering Australia


Geoengineering in Australia 
Windy.com live map events where you can check your area.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Canada 2022

Trudeau is turning Canada into the world’s most comfortable prison state.

The major lesson Justin Trudeau has no intention of learning is that a tyrannical regime has no place in the life of a democratic nation. But this is what we have come to expect.

In an editorial for the Epoch Times, Patricia Adams and Lawrence Solomon describe Canada as the world’s largest prison and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as “the world’s foremost jailer.” In a country of 38 million, they write, reprising a Justice Centre bulletin, 6 million unvaccinated citizens are forbidden to travel by train, ship or plane and are effectively prevented from leaving the country, which is to say that a cohort of over 15 percent are prisoners in their own land.

The 2022 Federal Budget approves funding for three more years of continuing vaccine mandates for travel: “All travelers now departing from Canadian airports, on VIA Rail and Rocky Mountaineer trains, or on cruise ships (or non-essential passenger vessels on voyages of 24 hours or more) must be fully vaccinated, with very limited exceptions.” The unvaccinated, as they say, can take a hike. But the Trudeau government will not stop with the de facto incarceration of its dissident citizens. The docket of authoritarian acts grows longer by the day.

The government has recently passed Bill C-4, amending the Criminal Code in order to target what is pejoratively and misguidedly called “conversion therapy,” that is, the right of parents to act on behalf of their children’s wellbeing by counselling against gender modification and chemical transgender treatments. The government has contended that conversion therapy reflects “myths and stereotypes about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and Two-Spirit (LGBTQ2) communities” and that practices that “reinforce heteronormative and cis-normative ideas… [are] harmful.”

This bizarre document is framed in such a way as to give the impression that LGBTQ2 orientation is actually the default sexual status. Protecting one’s children’s biological sexual identity is now a criminal offense, leading to children being removed from the home and becoming wards of the state, an act of totalitarian state terror. Naturally, couples without children are spared the trauma; many appear to be indifferent or are even unaware of such an atrocity.

The federal government is pondering legislation, such as Bills C-11 and C-18, also known as the Online Streaming Act, analogous to the U.S. government’s recently created Disinformation Governance Board, which will increase regulation of the Internet to combat what the government conveniently calls “disinformation.” People will no longer be free to express their personal convictions online without fear of cancellation or even worse.

The next step is the newly formed Canada Financial Crimes Agency (CFCA), clearly intended to block popular crowdfunding sources such as those upon which the Truckers Freedom Convoy relied. Legitimate protests will be starved of financial support. Individuals who donate to such movements will also be exposed to financial penalties.

Furthermore, not content with having bought off the Canadian print media with lavish multi-million-dollar “gifts,” Justin Trudeau has established a so-called Qualified Canadian Journalism Organization (QCJO) which renders certain unfavored news outlets like Rebel News ineligible for tax credits and other programs.

According to the assessment of the Canadian Revenue Agency, (CRA) “Rebel News does not produce original news content, on the basis that the content was found to be largely opinion-based and focused on the promotion of one particular perspective.” For such federal agencies, truthful reporting by independent sources unbeholden to government subsidies, a rarity in this country, can only be partisan opinion to be suppressed or rendered difficult to locate.

The Trudeau government is now considering implementing a digital ID program, paired with a digital currency, in which all our financial, health, social media and other accreditation records, such as social insurance number, drivers license, vaccine status, etc., will be stored in one area, an apparatus promoted by Great Reset protocols and resembling China’s “Social Credit” and Central Bank Digital Currency systems where citizens’ every action can be tightly monitored and controlled.

These communication technologies and currency manipulations are tantamount to human rights violation machines. Using the FINTRAC system, originally meant to survey money laundering and terrorist financing operations, the government can shut down bank accounts without court warrants and suspend credit cards and other financial assets at will. The resemblance to the National Socialists’ Enabling Act of March 23, 1933, especially Article 2 which specified that “laws enacted by the Government may deviate from the Constitution,” is quite distressing. In the present context, mutatis mutandis, the April 26, 1938 Decree for the Reporting of Jewish-Owned Property, effectively freezing the assets of Jews at a certain prescribed limit, is no less disturbing.

That is only the beginning. As political commentator Diana Sitek writes, “We are becoming monetized data,” an apt phrase. One’s “digital wallet” can be pilfered at any time by the government, a form of digital mugging. “Creating digital IDs and digital currency,” warns The Trumpet, “is all about government control.”






Saturday, May 21, 2022

Planet X

Planet X is our tenth planet known from most historical records by many names.

The average solar system is  binary har two suns and has a darf that orbits back and forth around the two suns.

Our solar system is average in both regards.

Pioneer 10 and 11 found that tenth X planet and our dark sun.
Much effort has been made to keep this from the public.

Planet X is Niburu.
A dark is a label we're given to a celestial ibject that is cross between a star and a planet.

Our solar system darf is sometimes referred to as Planet X . It's orbit around the two suns takes approximately 3600-3700 years to complete ine cycle.

Desinformation is a combination of truth, lies and omissions designed to keep the public in the dark. The omission of our solar system being binary and planet X orbiting both suns in an attempt to stop the flow if information from getting out to the public.

When Planet X enters our immediate solar system it's effects are far reaching even at the distance. With it is close to the Sun regularly discharges, major solar flares even during solar minimums. Extra electrical.energynreaches the earth as a result.

Some of the rarlier effects were
Unusual weather changes
Pick up seismic and volcanic activities
Melting of our poles.
These activities are blamed onglibal warming due to civilization.

The closer the Planet X gets to our immediate solar system the more dramatic its effects on earth

From the book "Commander's X's Guide to Incredible Conspiracies What they don't want you to know!" 
Edited by Commander X

Thursday, May 19, 2022

What Windy.com and flightradar Gave us about GTA Toronto Area and Ottawa

Electro magnetic pulses around highly populated areas of Ontario Toronto GTA and Ottawa 
Flight radar
Flight of an aeroplane in parallel lines over highly populated areas.

What can go wrong if you play with the weather 
MAY 2022


Radar view if the storm. The storm is localized iver highly populated areas of GTA

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Liberals in Canada

Records show that 2020-2021 transfer payments by the Liberals to the World Economic Forum totaled nearly $3 million while the UN received a whopping $1.6 billion from Canadian taxpayers.

„The Liberal government funnelled more than a billion-and-a-half taxpayer dollars into various United Nations bodies, and millions into the World Economic Forum (WEF) last year, public accounts data shows. 

According to the transfer payments section of the 2020-2021 Public Accounts of Canada, the WEF received $2,915,095 from Canadian taxpayers.

Funding was provided by two departments – the Department of Environment and the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development. 

The largest of the transfer payments to WEF was a $1,141,851 contribution from the International Development Assistance for Multilateral Programming. WEF also received another $1 million grant under the same program.“



Wednesday, March 30, 2022

GeoEngineering Australia

Lismore CBD footage taken at 5:05pm 30/3/2022


 As a result of mass flooding in Australia somebody researched geoengineering EMF waves that use weather as a weapon.

Here is the link



An impulse is visible on the radar proving weather modification controlled by somebody.


EMF effect on the clouds as seen on the radar



Cities in Australia affected by the EMF that the author of the video states there might be a plan for "Smart cities" in the future meaning completely AI ( artificial Intelligence) controlled cities. (Population Controled via Face recognition and other methods)



An energy Filed is between the two cloud formations

another vies





Weather Manipulation seen from Google Earth See the square?


Microwave popcorn formation over over the water.