Thursday, May 23, 2024

Remote Viewing Free Targets

Lory Williams Free Remote Viewing Target Practice. 

About Lyn Buchanan

Free targets and links to Lyn Buchanan

Controlled Remote viewing is a science which was developed in the laboratories of Stanford Research Institute, International, in Palo Alto, California. The development was funded by the U.S. government, in the hopes that the researchers could find a way to take an average soldier, teach him/her how to do the work of a top-notch psychic, and then have him/her tell the commander what was over the hill, and where to point the guns. The problem was that CRV was a full science, and just could not be taught in a short military course. Therefore, a special unit was developed for operational military work.

The research arm of the development was performed at SRI. At the same time, the operationions arm was performed at Fort Meade, Maryland by U.S. troops, as they put the science into operational military applications.

The ong the general public between "remote viewing", which is basically a new term for "psychic", and "Controlled Remote Viewing", which is the name of the very highly developed and rigid science, developed at SRI and used by the U.S. government for almost a quareter century for intelligence collection.

There are four basic "modes" to Controlled Remote Viewing.The modes are: research, training, practice, and operations.

In research mode, the researcher is in charge of the session. No frontloading or any other information can be given, in order to keep the research pure and non-polluted. Because the very presence of a monitor always adds at least some pollution to a session, a session done in research mode will often not have a monitor, or anyone else in the room. If a monitor or anyone else is present, the session is always performed "double blind", and most often, the monitor is not allowed to say anything other than the coordinates and the start and end times. The monitor is never allowed to interact physically with the viewer and/or his/her transcript during the session.

In training mode, it is always a good idea for the trainer to know what the target is. In this way, the trainer can constantly appraise what is going on in the viewer’s mind and immediately either encourage or discourage it, as need be.

A training mode session is also valuable for training new monitors. They get to actually work with the new viewer on a one-to-one basis, and learn to "read the viewer" - that is, read the body signals and other "micromovements" of the viewer.. For that reason, it is usually a good idea for the monitor to also know what the target is.

In practice mode, the viewer is in total charge of the session. The monitor is there only to provide start time, coordinates, and session cueing. The monitor must be trained well enough by this point that he/she will never try to take charge of the session or tell the viewer what to do. The monitor may call the viewer’s attention to something the viewer has written down, but only verbally. The monitor should never reach over and invade the viewer's space by touching the transcript.

In operations mode, the target is always an unknown. After all, if the target were known, then they would not need a remote viewer. The monitor is basically there to provide the start time, coordinates, any cueing and the end time. In actual operations, the monitor may also suggest breaks, may actually banter back and forth about things not related to the target (as a sort of in-session break), and may both ask for clarification of some perception, or ask what the viewer would like to do or view next.

In operations mode, the viewer has to be in total control of the session. The monitor’s main duty in operational mode is to keep quiet unless speaking is absolutely necessary.

An Ideogram 

An ideogram is a physical, graphic representation of a basic, or gestaltic concept. It requires extensive training on the part of the viewer, and is very much a martial art. The graphic must be produced as a sort of knee-jerk reaction to a concept which is in the viewer’s subconscious mind. It is trained in much the same manner as any other martial art, through countless physical repetition over years of time, and actually develops as a physical language system, whereby the subconscious mind can use the physical body to convey information to the conscious mind.

To develop an "ideogram language" is developed starting with 7 basic vocabulary words. The words are called out to the viewer student and they make a very simple graphic representation for that work. For example, they may make a wavy line in response to hearing the word, "water".

As their exercise continues, their conscious mind drifts away - just as it does with the young kids in karate classes, and their subconscious mind takes over the making of the movements. Over hundreds or thousands of times, the concept of "water" equates physically to a wavy line. Later, when a viewer is given a coordinate, the subconscious mind can tell the viewer that there is water at the site by the simple drawing of a wavy line. In this manner, the viewer can hear the coordinates read, make an ideogram, and then study it consciously, and as an example, respond, "I don't know what the target is, but it has water, land, and something manmade." From that point, the CRV process has methods for describing the various aspects of the target in order, for example, to tell whether the water is salty, marshy, clear, etc. In this manner, full, detailed descriptions of the target can be obtained.

This communication between the conscious and subconscious minds can be developed into a full language over time so that basically anything in the subconscious mind becomes available to the viewer's conscious mind. The benefits of that go a long way beyond just the ability to remote view.

See also "airogram", "gestalt", and "IAB sequence".

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) or the Central Nervous System (CNS).

There is a fair amount of debate about whether the trained knee-jerk response of the ideogram comes from the Autonomic Nervious System (ANS) or the Central Nervous System (CNS). Both systems carry out various automatic functions within the body. As far as the viewer is concerned, the trained knee-jerk response which produces the ideogram is simply the body responding to some target knowledge which is located within the subconscious mind. The viewer needs to worry about training accuracy into the response, rather than worrying about which internal system is doing the job.

Friday, May 17, 2024

EMP Radiation Frequency

 The human biofield is a body part generated by the piezoelectric response of photonic resonance from the bone marrow propogating on a dna wave and out through your pilii. The puke ray is just one example of broaching your field with intense or pulsed electromagnetic energy. Most people do not understand the reality of the human biofield or how it is utilized in our modern day defense weaponry systems. I encourage you to reconnect with your body part and understand that it is a part of you and 80% of your immune system. 

Watch this NASA document showing the plan for depopulation using bioweapons & RF Graphene hidden in medicine 1) 2) 3) 4)

The Report from Iron Mountain is a book published in 1967 (during the Johnson Administration) which purports to be the report of a government panel. The book includes the claim it was authored by a Special Study Group of fifteen men whose identities were to remain secret, and that it was not intended to be made public. It details the analyses of a government panel which concludes that war, or a credible substitute for war, is necessary if governments are to maintain power. The book was a New York Times bestseller and has been translated into fifteen languages. Controversy still swirls over whether the book was a satiric hoax about think-tank logic and writing style or the genuine product of a secret government panel. The document is a favorite among conspiracy theorists, who reject the statement made in 1972 by satirist Leonard Lewin that the book was a spoof and that he was its author


Saturday, May 11, 2024


Government hearing

Six Lessons

Six lessons from the Austrian School of Economics

18 APRIL 2024

On 15 April, the IEA’s Editorial Director, Dr Kristian Niemietz, gave a talk entitled “Free-Market Schools of Thought” for the IEA’s current interns. This talk normally also covers the Chicago School, the Public Choice School and the Ordoliberal School, but in light of recent events, this time, Niemietz decided to dedicate his entire talk to the Austrian School alone.

The article below is a loose transcript of his talk. An abridged version of it was also published on CapX.


Last week, Renato Moicano, a professional martial artist who competes in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), made a rather unusual announcement after a fight. He said:

“I love private property, and let me tell you something, if you care about your […] country, read Ludwig von Mises and the six lessons of the Austrian Economic School […]!”

I first thought this was an AI deepfake, some nerdy economics student’s idea of a “hilarious” joke. But one of my younger colleagues, who knows more about these things than I do, assures me that it’s real.

If so – good! I agree with Mr Moicano, and today, I’ll talk a little bit about the school of economic thought he mentions: the Austrian School of Economics.

The Austrian School emerged in Vienna in the 1870s. The name was given to them by their adversaries from the German Historical School, who meant it pejoratively, because for them, “Austrian” meant “provincial”. But there was nothing provincial about them, and in their prime, they had a profound impact on economics.

I am not sure what the “six lessons” that Mr Moicano refers to are (it may have been a refence to a book by the Mises Institute, which is composed of six lectures), but I will highlight six important contributions that this school made.

  1. Subjectivism trumps the Labour Theory of Value

In Economics, the most important insights are often those that seem completely obvious once somebody has spelt them out, but that are not obvious at all until somebody does so. Two insights of the first generation of the Austrian School fall into this category: Subjectivism and Marginalism.

Subjectivism refers to the idea that goods and services have no intrinsic or objective value. They are as valuable as we think they are. Their value is something that we see in them, something that exists in our minds, not a property of the goods themselves.

Seems obvious, right? Why does this need saying at all?

Because until that point, economists subscribed to the Labour Theory of Value, the idea that the value of a good is determined by the number of labour hours contained in it. If that were the case, “value” would be a property of a good itself, almost like a physical, measurable property, like its weight, its height, or in the case of food, its calorie content. The Labour Theory of Value is, nowadays, mostly associated with Marxist economics, but it was not specifically Marxist. The classical economists believed it too, even if they did not draw the same conclusions from it as Marx.

But they were all wrong. As Carl Menger, the founding father of the Austrian School, explained in Grundsätze der Volkswirthschaftslehre [=Principles of Economics] in 1871:

“The value of goods arises from their relationship to our needs, and is not inherent in the goods themselves. With changes in this relationship, value arises and disappears. […] Value is […] nothing inherent in goods, no property of them, nor an independent thing existing by itself. It is a judgment economizing men make about the importance of the goods at their disposal for the maintenance of their lives and well-being. Hence value does not exist outside the consciousness of men.”

Quite so. My cousin is not an economist, but he discovered the Mengerian principle of Subjectivism when he sold his old comic book collection, after finding out that they were going for ridiculous amounts on eBay. This was not because the number of labour hours contained in them had gone up since the 1990s, when he had bought them for a fraction of their current price. It is not that the comic illustrators had come round to his house in order to add some more drawings. It is because a subculture of comic book collectors had developed, who see something in those comics that nobody saw in them previously.

  1. Marginalism

Subjective or otherwise, it is not the total value of a good that matters, in economic terms. It is the marginal value. Most goods and services are characterised by what economists call “diminishing marginal utility”. Each unit we consume gives us less pleasure than the previous units. Again, this sounds obvious. Of course the sixth pint of beer is no longer as enjoyable as the first one. Of course a second burger is less enjoyable than the first one.

But, again, it was not obvious at all until the “Marginal Revolution” of the 1870s, driven by three economists who had discovered the principle at around the same time, independently of each other. One of them was the aforementioned Carl Menger. Until then, economists had grappled with what was later called the “Diamond-Water-Paradox”. Isn’t it strange, they said, that we value diamonds so highly, and water so little? A diamond has no practical value whatsoever, but without water, we could not survive for longer than three days.

But there is nothing “paradoxical” about this. The mistake they made was to focus on the total value of water, rather than the marginal value: the value of the last unit we consume, under typical circumstances.

Of course, if you are lost in the desert, you would happily trade a bag of diamonds or gold for a bottle of water. But here’s the thing: most of the time, we’re not lost in the desert. Most of the time, we have enough water, and an additional unit would make little further difference to our wellbeing. Diamonds, on the other hand, are so rare that the law of diminishing marginal utility has barely had a chance to manifest itself yet.

This would, of course, be different if somebody invented a 3D printer that can mass-manufacture diamonds, and flooded the market with them.

  1. Profits are a reward for risk-taking, and patience

One of Menger’s students was Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, who became the leading figure of the second generation of the Austrian School. He became the anti-Marx, in a sense. Marxists believe that profits are inherently exploitative. They are stolen from the workers. That is because Marxists see a capitalist as akin to a feudal landlord.

The feudal landlord does not produce anything. They do not produce land: the land is already there. They do not improve the land either. They just sit in their castles, and collect rent from the peasants.

However, the role of a company owner in a capitalist economy is not remotely comparable to that. Profits, as von Böhm-Bawerk explained, are a reward for risk-taking, and patience.

To this day, Marxists like to point out that when a company makes large profits, the situation of its workers does not automatically improve. And they are right. It doesn’t. What they overlook is that, when a company does badly, the situation of its workers does not automatically get worse either. The company owners cannot say “Sorry, business has been slow this month, so we’ll only pay you half your salaries.” If you are a wage-earner, you are entitled to the full amount specified in your employment contract, and if business has been slow – that’s the company’s problem, not yours. It’s like an insurance contract, under which you are insulated from the ups and downs of the company. You always get the same amount of money, no matter what. You are not liable for the company’s losses. But by the same token, you are not entitled to any extra profits either. It has to cut both ways.

Why would anyone want to take that risk, if there wasn’t a prospect of earning substantial profits if things go well?

In addition: if you sign an employment contract, you are entitled to a salary from the very first month, whereas it can take years for a new company, or a new product line you’re working on, to make a profit. Again, why would anyone want to defer consumption in that way, unless there was a prospect that their patience will pay off in the future?

Thus, as Böhm-Bawerk showed, there is nothing “exploitative” about employment relations between workers and capitalists in a market economy. Yes, some capitalists make large profits. So what? In order to do so, they have to take big risks, and make long-term commitments.

  1. No rational economic calculation under socialism

When we say that X is worth three times, or five times, or ten times as much as Y, what do we mean by that? We mean that that is the ratio at which people generally trade X for Y. If X and/or Y are not tradable, we cannot say anything about their relative value. In order to do that, we need to observe people trading them. For that to happen, we need private property rights in X and Y, and people need to be able to trade them freely. No market exchange – no market exchange ratios. No markets – no market prices.

On this basis, Ludwig von Mises, the leading figure of the third generation of the Austrian School, started what later became known as the Socialist Calculation Debate.

Von Mises believed, rather too optimistically, that even under socialism, there could still be at least secondary markets for consumer goods. But what there could not be is markets for inputs, and capital goods. These are allocated by a state planning bureaucracy. They would not be tradable, and they would not have prices.

Without prices, though, there could be no economic calculation, in the conventional sense. There could be no profit-and-loss accounts. Without economic calculation, the state planners and the managers of state-owned enterprises would have no idea whether they are doing the right thing.

This turned the Marxist argument on its head. Marxists have always portrayed capitalism as chaotic, crisis-prone and unstable – Friedrich Engels had talked about “anarchy in production” – while claiming that a socialist economy would be rationally planned. Ludwig von Mises said that the precise opposite is true. It is precisely the “planned” economy of socialism which would be unplanned and chaotic. In Die Wirschaftsrechnung im sozialistischen Gemeinwesen [=Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth], von Mises said:

“[W]e have the spectacle of a socialist economic order floundering in the ocean of possible and conceivable economic combinations without the compass of economic calculation. Thus in the socialist commonwealth every economic change becomes an undertaking whose success can be neither appraised in advance nor later retrospectively determined. There is only groping in the dark. Socialism is the abolition of rational economy.”

Granted: the fact that planned economies later really did fail does not, in itself, prove von Mises right. They may not have failed for precisely that reason. But a lack of economically relevant knowledge among planners was certainly a persistent theme in Eastern Bloc economies.

  1. Knowledge is tacit, and dispersed

What is so special about market prices, though? Why should socialist planners not equally be able to assign the correct values to goods and services? Perhaps not in the days of the Soviet Union, but why not nowadays, with all the data processing powers we have?

This is where Friedrich August von Hayek, Ludwig von Mises’s most prominent student – and future Godfather of the Institute of Economic Affairs – comes in, for the second round of the Socialist Calculation Debate. To boil down his argument:

Everyone possesses some economically relevant knowledge, usually specific to our own circumstances, time, and place. If nothing else, at least we all know our own needs and preferences better than anyone else.

This kind of knowledge is often “tacit”: we possess it, but we would struggle to articulate it.

In a market economy, we do not need to articulate it. We just need to act upon it. Our actions influence market prices, and in that way, our knowledge enters the market process, and is communicated to other economic actors, while their knowledge is communicated to us. We react to it, and act upon it, almost automatically and subconsciously. No central planner, and no democratic mechanism, could possibly replace that process. One might add that this is not a matter of data processing power, so modern computers, the internet, “Big Data” and AI do not change that argument.

  1. Low interest rates cause boom-and-bust cycles

Mises and Hayek also developed a theory of the business cycle, which works, very roughly, as follows.

Imagine two otherwise identical societies, which only differ in one respect: in one of them, people are patient and forward-looking, in the other one, people seek instant gratification.

This would lead to very different economic structures. The patient society would have a high savings rate. In that economy, it would be possible to have sectors with long production timelines, which take a long time to mature. These would not be viable in the impatient society.

Now what happens if the central bank of the impatient society manipulates interest rates downwards? This would create the impression that this society has become more patient, and that long-term investment projects that were previously unviable have become viable now.

But this would be an illusion, and if investors are tricked into starting those long-term investment projects, they will sooner or later find out that they are built on sand. An illusory investment boom is followed by a bust.

Unlike Keynesians, Austrians do not believe that governments can do much to fight a recession. The malinvestment has already taken place, and needs to be liquidated. The economy has to go through a painful adjustment process.


In the second half of the 20th century, the Austrian School fell out of favour. This was partly a matter of methodology. Mainstream economics became a highly mathematical science, imitating physics, an approach which the Austrian School rejects. It did not help that Austrian economists – certainly von Mises – tend to be very purist and uncompromising, which made it difficult to apply their policy recommendations in a world which had moved very far away from laissez-faire liberalism. But the insights from their golden age are timeless, and you can still find interesting thinkers in the Austrian tradition today.

So, in conclusion, I can only repeat Renato Moicano’s advice. Read some Austrian Economics!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Canada 2022


What happened in Canada in 2022.
Nuclear Event
RCMP response to an emergency.
Hypnotise the human race.
We need to brak trough.
It can be done.
University of Saskatchewan.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Dubai and Geoengineering

How chemtrails pilots slèp at night?

They don’t because there are no pilots…it’s all done using Drones. That takes away the human consciousness Elment of commiting the Act.

Research how Dubai gave £150 million in funding to 7 geoengineering projects around hehe world where they used drones to “cloud seed” …including the one run by reading university U.K. which began in 2017….how much sucess Data must reading have produced ( evidence from weather mod over the U.K. for the last 8 years ) to be able to pursuance the Dubai rulers to purchase their drones and methods etc 😉

Of course, not everyone believes it’s a good idea to mess with natural weather patterns. Some experts argue that the cloud seeding technique is resulting in dangerous flooding. Sufian Farrah, meteorologist and cloud seeding expert at the NCM, doesn’t agree, though. “We only enhance the amount of rain; we are not creating floods. Even some clouds we avoid seeding, because it would be too dangerous for the aircraft to penetrate them,” he explained to Wired.

Still, the technique can result in other potential dangers. In addition to cloud seeding with electrical charges, the UAE – and other areas of the world – also use chemicals to generate rain. Professor Linda Zou, for example, developed a new aerosol material for use in cloud seeding using salt crystals coated in titanium dioxide nanoparticles. The material is currently being tested in the U.S.

While scientists are optimistic about the material’s impact on rain, titanium dioxide nanoparticles’ are classified as “possible carcinogens” to humans” by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer. 

As we continue seeing headlines about “once-in-a-lifetime” weather events week after week, we will likely also continue seeing innovative engineering solutions used to combat their effects. Keep an eye out for drones, and don’t forget an umbrella. 

While all this is happening in Canada there are radii advertising of jobs or volunteer position to promote "climate change " and preferable no education is necessary to get these positions.  Another waste of money or form of disinformation campaign promoted by the giwhike spraying constitutes. The weather is changing but is.also modified by unelected suprastatal organizations. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Yoruba Religion Cosmology Philosophy and Teachings

Yoruba religion is centered around the belief in a Supreme beings Olodumare, who is responsible for the creation of the Universe.

Olodumare the source of all energy and power and he is infinite and eternal. 

To communicate with Olodumare, the Yoruba turn to Orisha who serve as messengers between humans and the divine.
The Orisha are not gods in the traditional sense but represent different aspects of nature and life; for example represent the power of water and love.

The Yorubaseek to connect with the divine energy in all things by invoking the Orisha.

Yoruba peoples see themselves as part of greater whole intimately connected to the natural world and the divine energy that flows through it.

One of the central concept of Yoruba religion is the idea of Ashe. Which refers to the divine energy that permeates all things.

Ashe is the source of life and Vitality and flows through every aspect of the natural world. It emphasize the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of treating the natural world with respect and reverence.

Another concept in Yoruba religion is the concept of Ori which refers to an individual spiritual destiny. Each person has a unique destiny and Ori playsa crucial role in guiding them toward their purpose. Everyone has a specific role to play in the Universe.

Orisha are messengers and intermediaries between humans and the divine.

The Orisha are believed to have specific areas of influence, such as live, war, Agriculture and they are often invoked in prayers and rituals. (Angels?)

Sacrifice is necessary to maintain the balance in the universe. There is important to give back to the community and the natural world.

Yoruba believe that humans are.ment you live in harmony with one another and the natural world and the pursuit of individual goals should never come at the expense of the greater goods. 

In Yoruba Cosmology the Universe is divided intontwo worlds Orum the world of Spirits and Aye the physical world. 

The two worlds are Interconnected and dependent on each other.The spiritual world is believes to be the realm of ancestorsdieties and the physical world is the realms of humans.

Yoruba believe în the existence of multiple ditties known as Orishas. Each orisha embodies a specific aspect of Natureor huma life such a:
1 Oshum the goddess of Love and fertility 
2. Shannon the God of tender and lighting. 

Yorisha believe in a dual energy force known as Ashe that manifest divine energy and its presence is felt in every aspect of life.

Ashe the dual energy force drives everything in the Universe from the smallest grain of sand to the most magnificent mountain. 

In Yoruba religion Aye and Orun are two interconnected realms which firm the basis of Yoruba religion. 

Aye is the physical realm the world we can sè abd Orum is the spiritual realm the world beyond our physical sense that is the home of ditties and ancestors.
Ditties are believed to reside in Orum although they can also manifest on Aye through various means.


Yoruna The ultimate Guide
Yoruna African Culture and Spirituality Book
Olodumare, Orisa, Trisha, Santeria & Ifa to Yoruba Religiin Wisdom & Rituals
Traditions & Sacred Practices
West African History
By Mystic Mae

Monday, April 22, 2024

A Message for Humanity - WingMakers -The Fifth Interview Subtitled


Subjects in this video:
How can be break out of programming
Space Time
Hologram of deception
Anunnaki trans dimensional beings
Gold modulate the frequency of Anunnaki

Friday, April 19, 2024

Take ack Your Country What the Greeks Did

Have you ever thought how some people decide in an obscure office things that affect others and impose these decisions with the force of weaponry. Think of the Federal Reserve Bank, Taxation Comunism, How. Wars are starting or how financial crisis are created. Who is. Behind all these actions?

This is a text regarding taking back suveranity if Greeks from the International suprastatal organizations.

Hello my fellow American patriots with great respect I am sending you translated into English how we patriots here in Greece are trying to bring down the deep state. All of us patriots here in Greece appreciate, respect and love our great president Donald Trump who is liberating the human race AUTHORIZATION REPRESENTATION PROCEDURE

It is an approach How we claim our freedom.

The agent is the person that only you can revoke on your behalf and no one else. This process is individual and is done by each of us individually.

The documents can be submitted individually or collectively in a group.

In groups, the process is as follows: We authorize someone to perform the actions on our behalf (usually the person who collects the data, or a lawyer.

You should recall all your representatives Members of Parliament, Government, Judiciary, European Parliament, Regions and all municipalities in the Greek (US) territory. Then inform the UN, NATO, the World Bank, the IMF. You will also be responsible for the entire cost of execution by the bailiff.

Greece (USA) example

GREEKS(USA )PARLIAMENT (All Members of Parliament), which is legally represented by its President, for the RESUME OF AUTHORITY - REPRESENTATION of those who exercise legislative function.

The following signatories, taking into account the constitution and in particular article 1 paragraphs 2 and 3, article 26 paragraphs 1 and 2, article 51 paragraph 2, the articles of the Civil Code on society, management, power of attorney, inheritance (guardian), etc. and the rules governing commercial relations between people, inside and outside the United States-Greece, we inform you that: As indigenous people of Greek origin, we witness the disastrous management of our common national property, by the respective governments in recent years.

We hereby RECOMMEND AT LEAST and irrevocably ALL REPRESENTATION AND REPRESENTATION ARRANGEMENTS, which you believe have been issued to you in the past, in any way, whether express or implied, whether express or implied.

from today 06/04/2020 we undertake, all and SEPARATELY OF US, the management of our national property indivisible (percentage 100% each), as social beneficiaries.
As of today, we participate in the management of the National Property, as indivisible Social Benefit recipients, together with you as CO-MANAGER, based on the rules on Society and Management.

Specifically, any law or act you vote for or sign hereafter, which will have the purpose of being the common national property or affect our individual interests in any way, WE EXPRESSLY DECLARE TO YOU that this act, without our written approval, with our signature, is INVALID and ILLEGAL and will therefore be reported, both to affected parties and to competent legal authorities, domestic or global.

WE INVITE YOU to inform all your existing services about our participation, AS A CO-MANAGER, in the management of our national property, in order to avoid liability and pointless legal disputes.

For practical reasons in matters of co-management, please contact us at:
Message within Greece:(US)
1. President of the Hellenic Republic
2. Prime Minister of Greece
3. Finance Minister of Greece
4. Supreme Court prosecution
5. Hellenic Police (EL.AS.)
6. General Staff of the National Defense (GE.ETHA)
7. Government Debt Management Organisation

Notice outside Greece:
1. Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (D.T.C.C.)
2. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
3. The World Bank
4. European Union (EU)
5. United Nations (UN)
6. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Ν.Α.Τ.Ο.)
7. Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.)
Without affecting all our legal rights.

Competent Bailiff, to legally serve FOREIGN DECLARATION OF RE-ELECTION OF AUTHORITY - REPRESENTATION in the GREEK PARLIAMENT ( its performance report to be aware of the legal consequences
The signatories hereto, Greek Indigenous Peoples and Authorized Representatives, Local Committees of Greek Indigenous Co-Trustees (T.E.S.E.A.I.
WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🇬🇷

Monday, April 15, 2024

The WingMakers

In 1972 , mysterious artifacts were found that led to one of the most intriguing scientific and anthropological discoveries ever made. A secret, unacknowledged department of the NSA -- responsible for extraterrestrial contact and technology assimilation -- took the discovery into their laboratory for the purposes of their own agenda. This secret organization is known as the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) and has enjoyed complete anonymity until now.

The discovery -- referred to by the ACIO as the Ancient Arrow project -- consisted of 23 chambers and connecting tunnels hollowed out deep within a huge, natural rock structure in a remote canyon of northern New Mexico. Inside this massive and well-hidden structure were incredible artifacts of a culture that was of indeterminate origins. In each of the 23 chambers were found wall paintings, various alien technologies, and strange, encoded hieroglyphs. By most appearances, the discovery was like a natural history museum from an alien race. It became known among the researchers as ETC or Extraterrestrial Time Capsule.

Because of carbon-dating analyses, it was initially assumed that this time capsule was left behind by extraterrestrials that had visited earth in the 8th century AD. However, it wasn't until 1997 that the encoded language found within the site and its artifacts became accessible to the ACIO. It was then that it was determined that the time capsule was actually designed and built by a future version of humankind who were adept at interactive time travel. They called themselves, WingMakers.

One of the scientists from the ACIO involved in developing the translation tables for the Ancient Arrow project, defected in December 1997, and has disclosed this secret project to a journalist named Anne. Anne is the author of this web site, and, under agreement with the aforementioned scientist, has placed these materials on the Internet for the purpose of exposing the WingMakers' time capsule to all who want to see, hear, and read its poignant and provocative message.

There are hundreds of pages of philosophy, photographs, poetry, new physics, music, and artifacts inside this site, all derived from the WingMakers' time capsule. This discovery is being introduced in December 1998 to a worldwide audience through the Internet. Please treat these materials respectfully and view them with an open mind. It is highly recommended that you read the Interview Transcripts between Anne and the scientist before you judge the validity of this site and the materials therein. At the very least, read the Story. This will give you the background on this important discovery.

According to the records of the Ancient Arrow site, it was the WingMakers who originally seeded life upon earth and facilitated life's evolutionary leaps and biological transformations.

The Wingmakers initially broke into the public consciousness through the disclosure of the Wingmakers time capsule at the Ancient Arrow site near Chaco Canyon New Mexico, an ancient puebloan site. For years, Chaco Canyon was known for displaying technological, organizational, and engineering feats typically not seen at all in its time period or region.

This time capsule was found to be elaborately carved into the side of a mountain with a series of chambers containing art, artifacts, poetry, philosophy, and advanced technology that doesn’t seem to match the time period of when the time capsule was built. Ever since the initial discovery and disclosure of the Ancient Arrow site in the 90s, much of the story surrounding the site and the Wingmakers agenda had been left shrouded in mystery. However this did not stop it from becoming relatively well known within the truth and conspiracy communities over the years.

The Ancient Arrow site is a remarkable structure, described in great detail in the book The Ancient Arrow Project. Diagrams have been built, artist’s renditions, as well as videos that show the structure of the site, some of which are below.

While the Ancient Arrow site was the first site to be discovered, there are seven sites in total, one for each of earth’s seven continents. The seven sites are named below, in the order they were discovered:

Ancient Arrow: New Mexico site, near Chaco Canyon 

Hakomi:  Near Cuzco, Peru, South America

Zyanya: Southern China, near Canton

Aadhya: South central Australia

Jumala: North of Helsinki, Finland 

Mawu: North central Africa in the vicinity of Lake Chad

Pillan: Antarctica in Wilkes Land near Vostok

Each of the seven sites contained 24 chambers that held various artifacts of an alien culture. These artifacts were integral expressions of a spiritually-minded race referred to in the WingMakers materials, as the Central Race. These included chamber paintings, poetry, philosophy, cosmology, and music. Currently, four sites (in the order they were discovered) have been disclosed in terms of poetry and art. 

One can think of these sites as extraterrestrial time capsules, a reference made in The Ancient Arrow Project book. Collectively, these sites contain the necessary ingredients for the human species to make the penultimate discovery, known in the materials as the Grand Portal or the irrefutable discovery of the human soul. This is the ultimate purpose of humankind: to live on earth as self-realized consciousness. To bring earth and soul consciousness together as a coherent expression.  

In the book, The Ancient Arrow Project, it describes in great depth how the Ancient Arrow site was discovered by a secret government agency known as the ACIO (Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization). It also provides descriptions of the artifacts and how they were decoded by the ACIO.

According to Peter the Insider, the Wingmakers Project is in fact an authentic initiative that originated from the 15th Division of the ACIO which was initially founded in 1806. As well known as the Wingmakers story had become, it really did not come close to being representative of the ACIO 15th division agenda, or the overall agenda of the entire ACIO. More accurately, it likely represented just 2% of the total initiatives that the 15th division was involved in. 

An Optical Disk was found in the 23rd chamber of the WingMakers' time capsule. Part of the disk was decoded and here is the philosophy of the Windmakers

Philosophy of the Windmakers

There are three particular life principles that help to align your perspective with the perspective of divine essence and thus inspire profound transformation.

They are:

1) Seeing the Divine in all
2) Nurturance of life

3) Gratitude

When you apply these principles, a deeper meaning will be revealed to the seemingly random events of your life experience – both in the personal and universal contexts.

The WingMakers are a small team of Sovereign Entities that have designed time capsules that are catalytic in forming a Sovereign Integral perspective. Each time capsule is, in actuality, a selection system that attracts specific entities to utilize their human instrument in wholeness. This develops their sixth and seventh sense, which enables them to learn how to step out of time and the hierarchy�s control. When they can do this, they can design the synthesis model of existence within terra-earth�s hierarchical system.

The disk has music associated with it.

Each room out of 23 has a painting and there is a song associated with each painting from the disk.

"Was the music already on the optical disc and you simply captured it from the disc, or was it basically produced by the Labyrinth Group based on the musical notations?"

Dr. Anderson:
"Actually, it was a bit of a combination of the two. Their musical notations were very precise and they left digital samples of each of their instruments - even vocals. So we simply translated their digital samples to a MIDI standard and produced our own version of their music. Of all the things that we've translated, the music was the easiest to produce, but also the one that we're not sure as to its accuracy."

Here is a sample music and art of the place.

Each room has also associated a poem with the painting and music.

Here is a sample poem translation in English.

Chamber 23: Separate Being 

Waking this morning,

I remember you.

We were together last night

only a thin sheet of glass between us.

Your name was not clear.

I think I would recognize its sound,

but my lips are numb

and my tongue listless from the

climb to your mouth.

Your face was blurred as well,

yet, like a distant god

you took your heart and hand

and there arose within me

a separate being.


I think you were lonely once.

Your only desire, to be understood,

turned away by some vast shade

drawn by a wisdom

you had forgotten.

So you sang your songs

in quiet summons to God

hoping their ripples would return

and gather you up.

Continue you.

Brighten your veins

and bring you the unquenchable

kiss of my soul.


Drunken by a lonely name

you stagger forward

into my nights, into my dreams,

and now into my waking.

If I try to forget you

you will precede my now.

I would feel your loss

though I can’t say your name

or remember your face.

I would awaken some morning

and long to feel your skin upon mine

knowing not why.

Feeling the burn of our fire

so clearly that names and faces

bear no meaning

like a candle flicking its light to the

noonday sun.

Chamber 24: Beckoning Places


Of beckoning places

I have never felt more lost.

Nothing invites me onward.

Nothing compels my mouth to speak.

In cave-like ignorance, resembling oblivion,

I am soulless in sleep.

Where are you, beloved?

Do you not think I wait for you?

Do you not understand the crystal heart?

Its facets like mirrors for the clouds

absent of nothing blue.


Invincible heaven with downcast eyes

and burning bullets of victory that peel through flesh

like a hungry ax,

why did you follow me?

I need an equal not a slayer.

I need a companion not a ruler.

I need love not commandments.


Of things forgotten

I have never been one.

God seems to find me even in the tumbleweed

when winds howl

and I become the wishbone in the hands

of good and evil.

Why do they seek me out?

What purpose do I serve

if I cannot become visible to you?


You know, when they put animals to sleep

children wait outside

as the needle settles the debt of pain and age.

The mother or father write a check and

sign their name twice that day.

They drop a watermark of tears.

They smile for their children

through clenched hearts beating

sideways like a pendulum

of time.


And I see all of this and more in myself.

A small animal whose debts are soon to be settled.

Children are already appearing outside

waiting for the smile of parents to reassure.

The signature and watermark

they never see.


Of winter sanctuary

I have found only you.

Though I wait for signals to draw me from the cold

into your fire

I know they will come

even though I fumble for my key.

Even though my heart is beheaded.

Even though I have only learned division.

I remember you

and the light above your door.

The original writings, poems, and paintings of the WingMakers were simply sharing powerful information and inspiration on the transformation currently taking place on our planet with no hint of fear for our future. This transformation described by the WingMakers involved the shift to a new paradigm where an ever-increasing number of people realize that the deepest answers in life are found not by searching outside of ourselves in the way of the old hierarchical paradigm, but rather by searching within our own divine essence to find deeper connection with all around us.


Interview One:

Interview Two:

Life Principles of the Sovereign Integral


1. The Sovereign Integral is a pure consciousness that is simultaneously a unique individual and a point of connection to the Integral force that connects all life across spacetime and the realms of duality.

2. In the realm of duality, where the collective mind of a species, in a particular spacetime, agrees on a consensus reality; this is the shared half of the Social Program. The other half is the unique Social Program that is experienced by the Sovereign. The Social Program contains both halves, and is actually the Integral in duality, reduced in its function and capacities by the dimensions of existence that are dual in nature.

3. This form of love is defined as the overlap of the Sovereign, the Integral, and Sovereign Integral. It is love as an integrative force that fully appreciates free will. It is discussed in more detail in Section 2.

4. Defined in paragraph 139...

5. Animals, insects and plants have a Sovereign that is their body-ego. This is part of the fractal nature of the Sovereign.

6. Defined in paragraph 162...

7. Heart virtues, as presented in the WingMakers materials, consist of six primary behaviors: appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding and valor. When they are expressed, these behaviors are bestowed to the Sovereign, not to the body-ego. The expression of the heart virtues is both to oneself and any life form that shares our spacetime (the infinite moment).

8. In the WingMakers philosophy this transformation and the path therein, was termed: I am We are.

9. A friendly reminder, body-ego is not exclusively human or a three-dimensional existence.

10. Defined in paragraph 183...

11. Defined in paragraph 190...

12. The Mandorla of Empowerment is a consciousness of love that has three parts: The Sovereign, the Integral, and the Sovereign Integral. It is the widest, highest, deepest, knowable love by a human being in the early part of the twenty-first century. The experience and expression of this mandorla is the underlying purpose woven into the “DNA” of the Sovereign.

13. Defined in paragraph 166...

14. Defined in paragraph 155...

15. The two behaviors are defined in section 6: Conclusion.

16. Defined in paragraph 146...

17. Vesica piscis is an ancient symbol threading its way into the history of human beliefs and culture. It denotes the intersection and overlap of two opposites or distinctly different states. It is the Integral symbol. It has permeated human time, perhaps as the strongest of all collective unconscious symbols, always hidden in plain sight.

18. Reaching perfection only to tear it down and start over again infinitum.

19. Noumenon: The thing that is inaccessible to experience. It is hidden by phenomena. The thing itself, as distinguished from a phenomenon, is not sought or perceived. It is dimly existent in our conscious lives, if at all. To the extent it is understood, it is understood unconsciously.

The factors and relevant variables in our analysis are the following (in no particular order of importance):

  • The wall painting's apparent story
  • The wall painting's symbols
  • The wall painting's colors and relative shapes
  • The wall painting's star patterns
  • The wall painting's geographical landmarks
  • The wall painting's subject matter
  • The wall painting's relative size
  • The wall painting's relative order in the 23 chambers
  • The wall painting's position on the chamber wall
  • The wall painting's relative distance from each other
  • The possible relationship between the wall painting and the artifacts in the chamber
  • The possible relationship between the symbols within a particular wall painting and the pictographs and petroglyphs painted or carved around the Ancient Arrow site.
