Sabrina Wallace: DoDD 5240.01 & DoDD 3000.09 (Part 1)
This is another very important video that was published while Western North Carolina and I were still plunged in a 3-week blackout.
Watching Sabrina Wallace speak makes me feel like the Normies in my life probably feel about me.
In other words, she makes me feel like a Normie and I am seeing how my expressed exasperation over the mass-brainwashing of our society has served absolutely no one.
Sabrina is aggravated to the point of hostility, blaming you and me for being brainwashed, as she tries to wake you out of your slumber and as she clobbers you with an endless stream of official, US Taxpayer-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other white papers, to substantiate her claims of a long-planned drone war to be waged against US Citizens, as predictively-programmed by James Cameron's 1984 film, 'The Terminator'.
She says that the Biden-Harris administration's release of Department of Defense Directives 5240.01 and 3000.09, "Autonomy in Weapons Systems", are without a doubt, the opening salvos of this long-planned Sky Net, Slaughterbots Apocalypse.
Sabrina cites a September 2020 DoD Symposium inside of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Commission, where they claimed that there was an MQ-9 Reaper Drone assigned to every single American citizen's body. She explains that the way this works is that our individual biofields are already tethered to the Cloud.
Not in the future. Now. The evidence she presents is overwhelming.
We've already heard bits and pieces of this but nobody else has put it all together, as cohesively as Sabrina, to my knowledge.
In the past, I have found her hard to watch. To be berated, non-stop for an hour is unpleasant but it is worth it, if you want to understand how alien technology (my words, not hers) is being deployed to completely hijack and control the human race. It's been under our noses for 30 years. It is the culmination of 60 years of Electronic Warfare. We were too distracted to see the whole picture.
She says the reason this hasn't been announced and why this is not widely-known is because the enemy wants to maintain Military Advantage. or, as she says:
"In military history, we have mustard gas. We didn't tell anybody. That country did not announce to the other side, 'We're going to use mustard gas.' It's called an advantage. It's called an ambush...
"If you were less focused on who's being elected and more focused on how your body is being affected, then maybe, there would be more survival."
So I don't know why she's blaming us – but it's exactly how I behave about those who are Normies, relative to me. We're all knuckleheads!
Sabrina is saying that "elections" and the "Second Amendment" are now moot and that these are but mere distractions, that will lead to more loss-of-life, because we've been misdirected about the actual battlespace.
Talk about a Demoralization Op! (I voted last Friday and personally, I advise everybody else to vote early, too).
But who am I to disagree with an angry woman screaming at me from her basement? And why is nobody else out there, presenting this vital information (except for Lisa McGee and Todd Callender, at Vaxxchoice)?
Sabrina Wallace is brilliant and she's becoming more confident, less hostile and overall, she's becoming better at communicating her message.
This is still like being pistol-whipped for an hour but it is very, very important.
Now, consider the employees that are Drone Operators: They are young and they know that they have a job to do. It ain't got nothing to do with "getting your gun", because your gun is irrelevant.
In military history, we have mustard gas. We didn't tell anybody. That country did not announce to the other side, "We're going to use mustard gas." It's called an advantage. It's called an ambush.
In the American [War of Independence], the British stood in the line. They expected the Americans would do the same. And right now, your Counterintelligence group of frauds, led-out by Malone, InfoWars, all these people working together – and I don't care which direction you clump them in, they lie, in tandem. They obfuscate important life-and-death data. They twist reality, so that you're focused in the wrong place, with no way to really defend yourself, because the weaponry they're using has nothing to do with guns.
Your prepping isn't going to last, because they have you by Geospatial. They're going to come and collect your goods, while you're paralyzed in your bed. And I warned people about this, because I noticed that, in the last couple of years, it's only continued to get worse. That, instead of being honest with the American Public, they continue to obfuscate.
So we're going to talk about Pentagon Directive 5240.01 in the appropriate context. I'm going to show you a couple screenshots, then I'm going to click "Play Again".
Then, we're going to go through some white papers that here, on the channel, if you're a regular Psinergist [this is what she calls her followers], you'll probably be asleep, because you guys have seen this multiple times.
Hopefully, this is a video you can forward your very stubborn friends, who are just absolutely convinced that this election and all this politicking/lawfare is actually going to get them somewhere. If you were less focused on who's being elected and more focused on how your body is being affected, then maybe, there would be more survival.
But as it's sitting right now, we're about to lose even more people, because they believe "I'm going to get my gun". That's exactly what they've been working you up about, because it's not real, but it'll make you pissed-off. It will also lead you to form your decision-making around the wrong type of weaponry.
So, you will be completely defenseless when they hit you with 3000.09, which is listed in this directive. This originating component of the directive comes out of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. This directive is effective, as of September 27th, 2024, Public Release (reads from the document)...
"Such use of force must be in accordance with DoDD 5210.56 potentially is further restricted based on the specifics of the requested support."
As I mentioned: Fusion Centers. Now that's A, B, C, where's D? This is an email being floated-around by somebody. Oh, and this is consistent with what I've watched for the last two and a half years: Misdirection, in regards to the drone warfare, the Body Area Networks, the real actual Department of Homeland Security, geospatial position, navigation, and timing.
Sabrina Wallace: DoDD 5240.01 & DoDD 3000.09 (Part 2)
Sabrina Wallace: And meanwhile, here you are, on your WBAN Relay in May of 2015, where we're "practicing interference and mitigation between bodies and energy conservation".
Image from: A Schematic View of a WBAN Architecture
Image From: Pervasive Computing
So when I go to Body Area Network on the Wikipedia, what do I see? I click on images. I see endless bodies, tethered multiple ways. This is without getting into Visible Light Communication.
It's pretty important, especially given it's been around since 1995! Then you'll say, "Well, that's Wikipedia. It's not reliable!"
No problem. Let me take you over to Sintec, because they're going to tell you the same thing. And they're also going to show you that Internet of Medical Things (IoMT).
What is Intra-Body Communication? Well, it's "Wireless Tech, which provides data from the human body to medical and sports devices". There she is. Wow.
Image from: Sintec - What is Intrabody Communication?
When Intra-Body Communication was studied? 1996.
What's it doing over here, in "Biosurveillance"? How quickly we forget! This is why it's difficult to describe this quickly!
Image from: - Biosurveillance
And I said, "This is ISR, not GEHA." And every single one of you lied. Every single one of you.
So, for those of you that want some education about your biofield, I just want to put this here, really quick that over on the X, we've had a couple spaces talking about the way these systems actually work with your body and without a wearable and all the rest.
The Lethal Autonomous Weapon System 3000.09, I have multiple videos about it, as well as the facts that it is machine-to-machine.
You're not dealing with humans that can choose not to hit a button. And that's part of your Fusion Center issue, as well.
Take a look at all this: Look at this. Sabrina said "Hunger Games". There it is.
Sabrina also explained Weather Warfare. Sabrina also explained the Digital ID, but the rest of them didn't. They've been waiting, so they can scare the crap out of you now, that it's absolutely in every way, too late for you to do anything, other than potentially be arrested.
Well, I'm going to go vote. Your vote doesn't matter. They've both already engaged the Digital ID.
Trump is fully behind your blockchain, People. The blockchain connects to the WBAN and the Hyperledger System. You will have the formal Digital ID, allegedly in May 2025, if not sooner.
So you see all this noise, "Digital ID and Transhumanism"?
Thanks for catching up. Because they told you, if you went back and looked, they told you for a year, "It ain't going to happen."
They told you for several years, "It's not going to happen".
And these are the people, these people, right here that you've been watching and trusting, and they've been purposely preventing you from knowing what anatomy they're using to log in and out of your body, whenever they feel like it.
No Oversight. Nobody's going to bother them. It's "National Security" to be under your skin, rearranging your cell structure.
"Oh, it's just so hard! I cannot read white papers. It's just so hard! It's too difficult for me to talk to people about these systems!"
So they didn't. The disabled woman did. Hi, that would be me.
I'm disabled from DARPA's non-invasive N2 testing for biosensors that are now in every human. And that means every human is augmented; soft robotic-style for the different ways that we're pulling bioinformatics straight out of the body into the Wireless and back and forth on their cute little phones. And that has to do with your millimeter wave, going right to your bones on a Mac ID, made only for you when your cell phone rings.
Does everybody's phone ring? No. Welcome to Supervised Machine Learning Bioelectromagnetic Algorithms for that biofield you refuse to acknowledge as anatomy. Good job.
And they also used it with the CoV band because we have Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance. That's what they are using. It's an electronic system to watch the diseases run around between people and organize that data.
Huge databases. This is the Lisa McGee Vaxxchoice people, who showed up and said, "Hey, did you know that the Department of Energy has an omics database with everybody's genome metagenomics?"
That would be omics; organisms. And what they do is they login with all these different ways, to create a pathogen inside of you, specific to, not only your DNA, but what you're eating, how you're breathing in your endocrine system, your hormones.
That's how they offer "Precision AI Healthcare". That's how they're offering "Continuous Health Monitoring". This is how it's done.
The human aura, the playground of information surveillance and reconnaissance.
No matter which way you look at this, nobody ever had the right to physically go under your skin and tell you nothing – since 1995. It's not appropriate. As a professional. It's not appropriate, as a student. This is not appropriate.
Now, a bunch of the young people know all about it, with the Bluetooth Brain-to-Brain interface, but they think they're cypherpunks, because they were lied-to about the Hyperledger System, to protect this.
What is this, again? 60 years of Electronic Warfare. They're going to cure cancer. They're going to help you – or, you know, that's amazing!
How long have you had Low [Earth] Orbit satellites? Right. See other videos.
So, in lieu of this heartbreaking revelation that 3000.09 is a real directive and due to the sheriff's throwing fits, not having the training, the equipment, different things; gangs, drone gangs that have been down on the border – they have their own drones and such. It's a totally different video, again.
There is no doubt in my mind that this Memo came about as a simple, preemptive way for them to go bypass their Fusion Centers and get at humans and local locations, quicker.
That way, they don't got to dick around with Jurisdiction. They can just fire on you, sitting right there in your house.
So the Machine Learning for the Wireless Body Area Network, meaning what the machine sees, the machine has the options that you see, right here can reach through your body.
Image from: Medical Design Briefs - Passive Hardware Considerations for Medical Body Area Network Transceivers
And it's not just passive radar. We have passive radar and we have actuators. Otherwise, Precision- and Telehealth would not work.
So everything you see, here in these four boxes can be done remotely from some asshole sitting in a recliner, hitting a button on you.
Now, let's take a look at that WBAN Blockchain. So you understand how the blockchain people are just disgusting, absolutely disgusting! They don't have an excuse. I'm tired of fighting all of you out there, that lie about this stuff. It makes a lot of extra work for me because the good people just want to understand how it works.
And the rest of you are too busy telling people that the hardware infrastructure is something other than Human Body Communication.
But every time I look at it, that's a body. It's not a computer that you're pulling the signals out of. You're pulling the signals for the Hyperledger for the Human Body. And then, of course, you can "Mine Bitcoin with Your Heart Rate. Tell me how."
Right. So no matter which way I go, this is Intra-Body Communication, since the '90s with the Biosurveillance. And now, that they're telling you flat-out, "We get to use lethal force." That's right.
So that the Fusion Centers can do their job, as practiced with their Biosurveillance and DHS. And don't forget, the day after the Election, they got a big old conference, coming up and they're just fine.
They're not worried about you. That's why, if I were in your shoes, I would not be participating in elections.
And everybody goes, "Sabrina!" And I'm like, "I'm sorry."
But if that's, really honest-to-goodness, how I feel. This is not good. No matter what way you look at this, you guys out there, whether you're military veterans, previous military, anything.
Why would you lie about this, to the very last minute? "Oh, we're going to –" No, you're not.
This entire set of plans was already finished-up in 1983, or else the things that I've been explaining to y'all wouldn't be here, right now, in-your-face!
They would be a theory, not a Pentagon directive – not a Memo Update, for sure. And definitely having nothing to do with that Pentagon Directive 3000.09.
So if I were in your shoes, I would be looking for a Psinergist and I would be asking questions.
I would be like, "Oh my God, 'The Emergence of Functional Ultrasound for Non-Invasive Brain Computer Interface'!"
What is that? You better go find a Psinergist and you better hope they're willing to educate you and be patient with you, while you clean out your brain from watching Counterintelligence make you a fool.
You're not going to be able to run or pick up your gun.
"We disable you, from under your skin". That's what Electronic Warfare does. You thought it was just your Fitbit or your Oura Ring. Nope.
The Abstract of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is right in tandem with those Agenda 2030 goals that are already finished and the Cognitive Cities.
You know, I've said this, many times: It would have been helpful, if you would have talked about the Biodigital Convergence, but from everything that I hear, all of you were more interested in lying to people and making money off their ignorance. That's why you wouldn't talk about it. It's terrible.
It's a Warfare Doctrine. Not going to get out of it.
So without going any further, I just really hope those of you, out there, that have been educated are able to help other people understand: the signal comes from under the skin.
So if you're unaware of that and you've been busy buying gear and putting yourself in a place where you think they can't find you, you're in trouble. Commercial Off-the-Shelf Millimeter Wave Radar on – even in our Live – on the X, the other night, we had a person there, talking about it.
We are in three decades of Synthetic Biology. Yeah, it goes back quite a ways.
The CDC has expanded their contracts with Palantir, because they're using Position Navigation and timing on those Biosensors with something called "Cyberbiosecurity" with the Wireless Body Area Network, that you made video excuses not to talk about, because it's just too much to read Lethal Autonomous Weapon statements out of a college textbook. [This is Sabrina's beef with Sarah Westall].
"I can't do it. I don't know. It's it's too hard. I can't do it!"
And while you're doing that, Wiley is onwards, in March 2018 with "Past Results, Present Trends and Future Challenges" and that their Intra-Body Communication that is "ubiquitous".
What do you see? The physical layer of the IEEE 802.15.6.
I promise these good people, who took the time to educate themselves that the day would arrive, when they would know more and be able to help with triage and anything else that people wanted to understand, to the best of their ability and made of a PDF