Showing posts with label Buck Nelson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buck Nelson. Show all posts

Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Twelve Laws of God on Venus

These twelve laws were given to Buck Nelson at his farm at Mountain View Missouru on April 24 1995 by men from the planet Vesus.

Love your maker, your parents, your neighbor, all birds and animals of the Earth and everything in the sea and in the air.
HONOR YOUR God and parents, Obey God's Law which is also man's law.

Obey God's law your parents and the rights of others.
The Laws

1. Love your maker.  God.
2.Thou shall not kill... include accidents and war.
3. Love your neighbor.
4 Let your light shine before men, and all will see your good works and it will be an honor to you and your maker God.
5.Thou shall not commit adultery
6. You shall not steal.
7. Thou must do as thouu wish to be done by.
8.No other God shall be before thee.
9. Do not take the name of God in Vain.
10. Honor your father and mother.
11. Your body is God's . Do jot misuse it in any way. Do not drink or ear anything that is not food. Use nothing to harm your body either inside or outside.  Wear nothing on the body that harms it or is of no use.
12. God made Heaven and eartgand we must give him thanks for what he gave us .

From the book My trip to Mars the Moon and Buck Nelson.