In this prayer ask Gid to give you the knowledge of a proper diet that you can eat.
Between the proper diet and Spirit Manipulation of healing you will.loose weight.
If you repeat this over and iver while in silence it will become deeply embedded belief along with other beliefs. It will become an altered belief and if embedded this is what you will become.
It is this simple. You can alter yourself into anyway you want to be more intelligent, more understanding, more lovable.
Everything you are Everything you have, everything you will become is because if your fixed thoughts and opinions that you express from these teachings and embedded beliefs. So alter them wisely, strongly and safely
Repeat the mover and over while in silence aloud and alter any fixed beliefs that you have.
This will set you free. It will give you health, beauty and balanced weight. That which is deeply embedded within your own mind and you truly believe that is what you become.
Shocking Obscure and Beneficial
Valiant Thor's Wisdom from Venus by Valiant Thor
Valiant Thor's Wisdom from Venus by Valiant Thor