Showing posts with label Tesla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tesla. Show all posts

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Tesla and Electricity

Tesla pointed out that electricity was free in the atmosphere a free Gift from God to his people.

Tesla had in his old laboratories on Soith Main street now West Broadway in New York lights that could be picked up and placed in anybpositiin anywhere in the laboratory,  wherever light happen to be needed at the moment. His light were merely glass tunes free from wires abd wall fixture.

So the inventor firnmanybyears enjoyed thenfruits of his own inventions. While the public has paid and paid the pipers whenever pipe for more money profits from their outmoded merchandise.

The Tesla wireless method for electrical distribution is a gift which the world might have utilized in the past half century had the public demanded it.

But an uninformed public is a silent public. The public gets its information largely from the newspapers magazines, radio and TV. These sources are in turn controlled and censored bybrheir advertisers and government secret-guarders.

This conditioned public then dictates to its teachers and its preachers, telling them what to teach.

When Tesla explained to J.P.Morgan his wireless system he was told off. The money baron dismissed the whole  subject as impractical because there would be no way of making money of the people if theboeople could have as much electricity as the wished by merely putting up a little antenna on their roof homes or factories or office buildings.

Morgan reminded Tesla that under the present system the manufacturers of wires, pokes and electrical installation equipment of all kinds could make a fortune and in addition the electricity could be mettered and everybody could be charged for every kilowatt they used.

At his 80-th birtday Tesla said that the system is there waiting to be used with complete success if needed.

It cLks for a small antebbabdevuce to be attached atop every hoise office building shop and factory. This device will enable thebiccupants of the building to have all the electricity they need withometers or wirings.

The antenanwill puck up a beamed supply of current just as a radii picks up a bròadcasted program.

Inside the home or building the electrical service units such as lights irons stoves adding machines typewriters will be freenfrom wires and plus for wall outlets.

The units will pick up the necessary current beamed from the antena.

Tesla Institute was ioened in Belgrade in 1936 in commemoration of Tesla eighteenth birthday. Formal celebration washed throughout the country over a period of one week.

Tesla Institute financed by government and private sources was equipped with  a splendid research laboratory and a library. Any bit of information that had any bearing on tesla and his inventions was collected and made available to research students at the institute.

American students have been deprived of any opportunity to learn about Tesla because his name is seldom mentioned in school books, even science text books in the United States, the nation which Teslabhas honored with his citizenship.

During his final years if his earth life Tesla has been aided by $7200 annual honorarium paid to him by the Yugoslavian government.

It is said that often that failure to pay royalties to Teslabproved to be the greatest handicap to scientific and industrial progress which the human race has ever experienced in this globe.

In modern times the United States and all allied nations of the world are wondering why scientific superiority has been list in recent years.

The answer is simple.
.karmic law was set în motion by New York Stste Prison using Tesla's alternating current invention tonelectrocute condemned prisoners. The Karmic debt precipitated. The society supporter American prison authorities in using electricity against humans the society had to suffer through karmic results.

America allowed the Tesla Inventiins to be miss used. It is America that must pay the karmic debt through a decline in scientific achievement.

Soirce : "NIKOLA Tesla: Free Energy & The White Dove" By Commander X

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Electric Car Zero Point Energy and Tesla

According to Tesla private journals anomalous voice translations heared iver his special radio receivers discussed the warming of the planet caused by natural and man made sources of atmospheric pollutants.

Tesla was also left with the impression that the unknown voices favored this outcome and may have actually hurries the process aling by encouraging the development of internal combustion engines.

Teskanmay have been the first Human to learn about what is referred today as Glibal Warming and the Greenhouse Effect.

Tesla convinced that the voices he received were from a hostile extraterrestrial source, began a concerted effort to develop a means of power that did not use the burning of wood and fosilnfuels an energy source that was cleanand unlimited and would prevent pollutants at least man made, from filling the atmosphere and causing the retention of heat from the Sun.

Tesla was the first to become awareness ine of the most controversial subjects in conspiratorial circles today Alternative Three and the destruction of Earth.

In 1931, under the finance of Pierce Arrow and George Westinghouse a car named Pierce Arrow was selected for tests at the factory grounds in Buffalo New York.

The standard internal combustion engine was removed and a 80 HP 1800 RPM electric motor was the clutch and the transmission. The AC motor measured 49 inches ling and 30 inches in diameter and the power leads were left standing in the air. He then went ot  a local radio store and purchases a handful of tunes, wires and assorted resistors. A box.measuring 24 inches lo g 12 inches wide and 6 inches height was assembled housing the circuit.

Then the box eas placed in the front seat and the wires connected to the Ir cooler brushless motor. Two rods 1/4 in diameter stuck out of the box about 3" in length.

Mr Trsla got into driver's seat pushed two rods in and stated "We now have power". He put the car I to gear ND it moved forward.

This vehicle powered by an AC motor was driven to speeds of 99 mph and performed better than any internal combustion engine of its day.

One week was spent testing the vehicle. Several newspapers in Buffalo reported the test.

Whe  asked where the power came from Tesla replies "From the Ether all around us."

Several people suggested that Tesla was mad and somehow in league with sinister forces of the Universe. He became incensed, quickly removed his mysterious box from the vehicle and returned to his laboratory in Ne York City. His secret apparently died with him.

From the book 
The Lost Joutnal of Nikola Tesla by Tim R Swartz 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

1931 Tesla Harnesed the Cosmic Rays

When  New Yotk Time on q9002 carried a story about an inventor who claimed he had invented an electrical generator that did not require  a prime mover in the firm of external fuel supply,  Tesla wrote a friend thar he had already invented such decice.

Tesla claiimed the invention wad an electri al generator that would not  onsyme any fuel such generator would be its own prime mover.

Free energy inventions are devices that can tap a seemingly unlimited supply of energy from the universe withiuth burning any kind of fuel creating the perfect solution for the worldwide energy crisis. And associated pollution degradation and depletion of the environment.

Most free energy devices probably do not create energy but tap into existing natural energy sources by various forms of induction.

Unlike solar or wind devices free energy devices need little or no energy storage capacity because they can tap as much energy as needed when needed.

Properly designed free energy devices do not have any limitations.

In the Brooklyn Eagle newspaper Tesla announced on July 10, 1931 that " I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device. More than 25 years ago I began my efforts to harness the cismicnrays and I can now state that I have succeeded.

Selection from the book "The Lost Joutnal of Nikola Tesla" by Tim R Swartz