Showing posts with label Sasquatch Message to Humanity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sasquatch Message to Humanity. Show all posts

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Extremely Ancient History and Exo Politics

Extract from the book

The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 2 Interdimensional Teachings from our Elders.

The Conclusion of the Sasquatch Message to Humanity Conversation with Elder Kamooh. Chanelled Messagesnreceived and written by Sunbow editedband designed by Kelly Lapseritis

The ancient hybrids of different species were implanted on Earth long before humanity have kept living or visiting the early environment and influencing it.

The first ones were the Elementals have been knows as the nature spiruts and have kept their spiritual.mission encouraging biodiversity development.

Sasquatch people have kept good relatiins with Elementals often meeting them. They can appear and travel in the shape of light orbs.

Their ancestors came form a neighboring Galaxy named Andromeda. They are only few inches tall in this dimensional plane.

Their skulks are large and round resembling helmets their intergalactic Journeys happen aboard huge intergalactic mothers hips, caryingbfleets of smaller orb ships or colored lights used for travel on a planetary scale. They.are generally kind and playful.

Their tiny mummies were uncovered in the Atacand Desert inn Nevada and Ireland.

The Elementals keept transcending physical bodies maintaining their interdimensionality.

1. The Fish Peoples range from simple animal instinctive consciousness to advanced civilization.  They live at the bottom of lakes, seas in oceans in underwater or flooded caves theybare named Mer Peoples or Amphibians creatures. They are alive today in Algonquin reserve Or Maniwaki.the Native tribes knowing them usually avoid all contacts.

The 8nsect people have been on this planet long before humans. They dug the most intricate network of caves and runels for the Underworld.

Underground cities or networks of tunnels have been found all.across Europe, Turkey,  Morocco, Egypt, South Africa, The Middle East, India  China the Andes, The Southwestern United States, Mexico, under cities like Paris, Rome, London, Washington or Los Angeles.

Advanced technologies discovered in deep caves  cUsed the invasion of Tibet,  Iraq, and Afganistan.Crimea met the same destiny when Underground pyramids dated millions of years were found in which at least one mummy of a reptilian king was discovered.

Under Los Angeles an Underground city was discovered in 1947 identified as built by Lizard People until the entrances were sealed and the discoveries silenced.

Underwater bases were spotted of the coast of Los Angeles explaining many accounts
of flying ships emerging from the ocean there, among which the well-documented case if the battle of Los Angeles in 1942, when the US Army engaged and fired on a large saucer shaped craft for six hours without affecting it in any visible way.

There are dozens of well.documented cases in which human military forces attacked unidentified flying crafts only to be met with superior weaponry or outpaced speed.

There are also several documented incidents in which space crafts hovered or flew above military bases, nuclear installations or power plants, and took over the command or blacked out the power, to show how their technology surpasses all human know  levels.

If the purpose was to conquer humanity with this technological advance, it would have been easily done long time ago.

Since thousands of years, rhe hybrid bloodlines if human rulling elite have been put and kept in power by their alien masters, providing them just enough technology to keep control over this home planet.

Sftrr the main body of the Nazo occult elite was repatriated to America to work on top secret Space Programs there was a wave of flying crafts observed.

While some.were the same ships that have been flying for ages, others were the first Human Built prototypes of anti-gravity crafts raising concern  among star faring species.

By the end of 1946 the operation high jump under Admiral Byrd did not go to Antarctica to attack kna secret Nazi base as said while the Nazi Elite was hired in the United States. It's mission was a rather desperate attempt in conquering an Underground base of the so called Nordic where Nazi have been taken and taught. The expedition was a complete failure. Rhe entire fleet could have been destroyed easily but were sent back andnwarned never to return. This is why the whole enterprise was erased from history.

In 1947 the famous Roswel incident happened as the result of microwave radar technology being developed with the Nazi scientists at the White Sand Military secret base. Which caused the crash of the flying disk.

Rhe alien being recovered were described as small greys.

New Deep Underground Military Bases like Area 51 or Dulce Base started to be built tonstudy the captives their biology,  psychic power and technology..

There was inly ine of a series of spaceships that were crashed by United States Russia and China to try to back engineer their technology.  Most of them were of the same type of the small greys, their ship being vulnerable to the gigabyte death rays that were developed and tested on alien space crafts.

Until.then the smallmgrays stated outside of human affairs without interfering in Earthy realms apart from flying between their Underworld and moon bases.

Thus wave of crashes caused concern among them and their Allies tall greys.

By then the smallmgreys abducted by human governments and kept captive in top secret underground bases had proven their psychic superiority and managed to negotiate meetings between their leaders and their human governments secretly abducting them.

This is how after a series of meetings held in deepest secrecy some United States government agencies under Eisenhower signed in 1954 Greada Treaty A code name for Grey Agenda in which they agreed to surrender a large part of Human Sovereignty on Earth un exchange for some technological advancement and advantages.

Grey Agends involves among other things:

1. Plans for ecocide and mass deportation to make room on Earth for the ancient hybrids that have lost control over this home planet.

2. Mind cintrok of the Masses through ignorance and desinformation.

3. Gradual and continual pollution of the environments and atmosphere raising the carbon level in the air as it used to be aeons in the past.

4. Poisoning of food and water supplies through chemical additions.

5.Genetic modification, spraying of chemtrails with toxic cocktails and nanobots affecting Humans and all biological life but not ancient t hybrids or their cyborgs robots.

6. The to gain back power over Earth with the ten percent of humans serving them.

7. The Greada Treaty also holds responsible the human governments for.preventing any disclosure of information about extraterrestrial or nonhuman intelligence  by the creation of fake research commissions producing false reports such as Project Blue Book which was meant to deny, explain away accounts sightings and whiteness.

8. A global secret psychic police corps operated by the greys themselves and known as Men in Black started appearing in mid fifties to intimidate and threaten whiteness disclosing UFO.

The name Grey does not apply for a ski  color but rather for the color if their aura which carry many heavy karmic loads and old wounds.

In the 1940 the unconscious power hungry human governments threw the first stone,   engaged in hostilities forcing small greys who has survived several near extinction before to require help.from their powerful Allies tall greys.

As a result it brought the submission of human societies into  a harsher slavery than ever speeding up rhe comming of a global tyrany attempting to deprive humanity of its spiritual sovereinity.

After surviving many  attles and losses in the Underworld at the hands of reptilian lords the Ant People migrated in mass to the Moon which ended up being destroyed.

They proceded in rebuilding a replica of the moon the one we see now. Theyncoated the engineered Hollow moon with thick layers of silica that absorb helium 3  from Sun radiation which they mine and use to propel their silvery disks hat shaped crafts with nuclear fusion as they originally used to do on the first moon.

Their Lunar bases and ships have been fhotographed by NASA. 

Through top secret (criminal- my comment) agreements and programs humans are taken there for experiments.

On and in the artifical how moon they devised a slave breed of biosynthetic cyborgs, silic based life forms of gender less clones easily reproducible at a fast rate and in large scale.  They have invulnerable immune system   no restrictive survival needs or instincts.

These cline are generally known as small greys. They have survived chemical, bacteriological, nuclear and genetic warfare in the Underworld. They obey to a hierarchy of diverse insect people with the Mantis type at their head.

They are submitted to Draconian reptoid interstellar Empire's but are local species.

Reptilian Hybrids later colonized and inhabited this home planet for aeons.

Human ancestors came from the sky on flying ships described as  shields, islands  boats, turtles, thunderbird, winged serpents, dragons,  gems, eggs, clowds, or other ships.

Ancient cultures have kept their memories of battles opposing demins. Depictions of space ships can be found in ancient art
Ancient t traditions recall intergalactic battles in which human ancestors were involved in the times of Lemuria and Atlantis.

Humanity can free itself from old karmic entanglements and bindage slowing down its spiritual evolution by working out peace agreements with all.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Enerrgy Project- Space Travel

Space ships hovering over mountains of basalt columns are recharging their power as if extracting electricity from the ground.

Certain kinds if geological formationsespecially crystallization or radioactive ores, emit an important amount of energy due to their molecular structures. That can be harnessed. Those natural electromagnetic fields and currents produce ionization causing free flowing of ions to become charged, forming a ionized substance convertible into plasma.

This way ships or beings shielded with plasma are unaffected by surroundings elements.

Being one of the most abundant energies on the cosmos, plasma.can be tapped from many sources oceans, waterfalls, from PowerPoint and power lines designed to leak most of their power.
This is why ships are inserted rechargingiver such places or pluging in volcanos.

Plasma is present about everywhere and can be tapped directly out of thin air or from outer Space with the appropriate knowledge,  although some sources are favored.

Some.giganticncrafts are.tapping plasma from the Sun diving straight into it. Sometimes comming out on the other side.

Stars like our Sun are also immense reservoirs of plasma that can be used as Stargates.

By creating an electromagnetic vacuum, plasma can be directed and used to form shields and fravitational fields, to propel or teleport through Hyoerspace beyond linear time.

Plasma shields as interdimensional connectors can also be used to go across walls or to enter or observe another dimension from different spaces and rimelines unperceived from the dimension observed, some like remote viewing on-site from another plane.

Sun is an immense reservor of plasma. Ships traveling through a plasma tunnel often  leaves streaks of light behind their passage. Shielded  this way they can approach and enter stars and go across them unharmed.

They can likewise traverse any apparent obstacles with ease, in interdimensional fields.

Plasma concentrated through highly charged circular electric curents of high velocity, becomes  bright crystalline liquid like substance able of acting as an interdimensional gate.

Such portals can provide access to frequencies beyond the speed of light and linear time.

By crossing it beings and ships can find themselves transportes into Htper Space and by projecting a tubular tunnel of plasma one can be teleported at any point of space-time

This type of interstellarand interdimensional travel is used on local Galactic scales, but on larger scales between Galactic super clusters this method is not the most efficient.

Plasma tunnels would have to be projected across huge distancesthrough the cosmos. Even if beyond linear time, these travels are done in a linear qay through hyper space.

For such distances the wormholes or interdimensional tunnels are made of Meta Matter. By neutralizing the electric polarity making physical matter by bringing the positive and negative charges of particles to neutral values, ions of physical matter merge with Meta Matter twins allowing access to 2D Meta Universe or one Time Space Unified field.

The oscillations of frequencies created by by the electric polarity needs 3D space to exist.

Faster than light waves travel in Hyper Space where they can be at different point in space at the same time. Slower than light wa es travel in linear time through space time.

But in the 2D Flat Meta Universe he polarity of above or below  are not separated by space. With the depth or height.

Entering the Unified Field of the Meta Universe allows to bypass space and time limitations,  not through the wormholes bit through the quantum leaps.

Through that plane space and time are not only possible locally but universally.

What Meta Matter does it eliminate gravity and the diversity  of values and frequencies.

A black hole is a mass of Meta Matter acting as a natural gateway into Met Universe.

The central Black hole is the beginning and the end of the galaxy containing all the information about all its components beyond the duration of its existence in linear time.

When an energy enters into a vlack hole it reaches the Event Horizon and Point Zero Gravity. It's entropy merges with the entropy of the black hole apparently losing its individuality.

By reaching the Meta Universe, the energy dissapear from 3D space and 4D linear time simply blending into One Time Space Unified Field. It can from there travel to any space or time if consciousness has set its course right.

This is why black holes are used as star gates  and space travel in the cosmos.

To travel across a black hole it takes a Gravitational wave more powerful that it's own such as Gama ray burst that are observed emerging from the black holes.

To create a Gravitational pull to emerge the black hole, electric polarity must be recreated causing waves if different frequencies to leak from the black hole Meta Matter.

The differentiation of frequencies with electric polarities is efectuated by consciousness,  causing the beings to reemergenfrom the inertia of Meta Matter into 3D Hyoer Space and recover their individual entropy and frequencies in another location and timeline.

Extract from the book:
"The Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 2 Interdimensional Teachings from our Elders.
The Conclusion of the Sasquatch Message to Humanity Conversation with Elder Kamooh. Chanelled Messagesnreceived and written by Sunbow editedband designed by Kelly Lapseritis