Showing posts with label human consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label human consciousness. Show all posts

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Dubai and Geoengineering

How chemtrails pilots slèp at night?

They don’t because there are no pilots…it’s all done using Drones. That takes away the human consciousness Elment of commiting the Act.

Research how Dubai gave £150 million in funding to 7 geoengineering projects around hehe world where they used drones to “cloud seed” …including the one run by reading university U.K. which began in 2017….how much sucess Data must reading have produced ( evidence from weather mod over the U.K. for the last 8 years ) to be able to pursuance the Dubai rulers to purchase their drones and methods etc 😉

Of course, not everyone believes it’s a good idea to mess with natural weather patterns. Some experts argue that the cloud seeding technique is resulting in dangerous flooding. Sufian Farrah, meteorologist and cloud seeding expert at the NCM, doesn’t agree, though. “We only enhance the amount of rain; we are not creating floods. Even some clouds we avoid seeding, because it would be too dangerous for the aircraft to penetrate them,” he explained to Wired.

Still, the technique can result in other potential dangers. In addition to cloud seeding with electrical charges, the UAE – and other areas of the world – also use chemicals to generate rain. Professor Linda Zou, for example, developed a new aerosol material for use in cloud seeding using salt crystals coated in titanium dioxide nanoparticles. The material is currently being tested in the U.S.

While scientists are optimistic about the material’s impact on rain, titanium dioxide nanoparticles’ are classified as “possible carcinogens” to humans” by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer. 

As we continue seeing headlines about “once-in-a-lifetime” weather events week after week, we will likely also continue seeing innovative engineering solutions used to combat their effects. Keep an eye out for drones, and don’t forget an umbrella. 

While all this is happening in Canada there are radii advertising of jobs or volunteer position to promote "climate change " and preferable no education is necessary to get these positions.  Another waste of money or form of disinformation campaign promoted by the giwhike spraying constitutes. The weather is changing but is.also modified by unelected suprastatal organizations.