Showing posts with label In Canada if scientists working for universities that promote clean environment have the funds cancelled. Show all posts
Showing posts with label In Canada if scientists working for universities that promote clean environment have the funds cancelled. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

In Canada if a scientist promote clean environment have the funds donated to the University cancelled. This is the case of David Zuzuki and the University of Alberta

A honorary doctorate for David Suzuki angers dean of engineering, donors.

On June 7, Edmonton-based University of Alberta has planned to bestow the famous scientist, broadcaster, and environmentalist with an honorary degree at this year’s (2018)  spring convocation.  

David Suzuki has received quite a few honorary degrees over the years. So many, in fact, that his Wikipedia page has an entire standalone section dedicated to the topic.

Suzuki is a recipient of the Order of Canada, one of the world’s best-known scientists, and an activist who’s dedicated much of his life to the environment.

According to the Vancouver Sun, the Calgary-based firm Moodys Gartner Tax Law has said that it is cancelling a $100,000 funding committing it previously made to the university’s law school.

Fraser Forbes, dean of the University of Alberta’s engineering faculty, wrote on one of the school’s websites on Monday  It truly saddens me to know that ..., the University of Alberta, has betrayed you by choosing to confer this honorary degree,”( to David Suzuki).

“We will probably lose 50 per cent of those contributions.”- So the university of Alberta is getting money from donation only if is promoting the environmental destruction and justify the corporatocracy agenda.

Here are their comments:

“This is a complete slap in the face to the entire energy industry in Alberta … to have a guy like Suzuki come into Alberta saying our oil should stay in the ground because of climate change and other things.”

The history repeat itself. At the beginning of the last century the universities that used to teach herbal medicine were defunded and only those that promoted pills and chemicals that could be sold for profit were funded.

Those that do not learn from the past might repeat it.
