Showing posts with label Seeing Forever Valiant Thor's Book of Immortality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seeing Forever Valiant Thor's Book of Immortality. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Universal Laws

The book "Seeing Forever Valiant Thor's Book of Immortality" by Valiant Thor

was written based on a book published more than two centuries ago the author of which is unknown. It was published in England possibly in 1749 and was in the possession of Sylvester Caleb Robinson.

The booklet was first published in America by Joseph Peace Hazard and shortly after under the title Khoumit by Eliot Coues without credit to anyone and with no indication that it contained a practical moral or spiritual law upon the acceptance of which man's eternal life depends.

Valiant Thor published the treaties without comment in 1910 under the tithe The Beautiful Philosophy of Life giving all credit possible.

The booklet was written in an archaic style several hundred years ago. So changes have been made and two-thirds have been added in an attempt to include the laws governing honesty morality and all important Essential Spiritual Concepts.

So this says something about Valiant Thor's age. He was alive in 1910 and he was publishing books on earth.

Below are a few  pieces of wisdom extracted from the book:


The Law of the Unknown
The days that are past are gone forever.  Those that are to come are uncertain. O man employ the present time to do what you may have done in the past which is to be done in the present and above all set your house in order so whatever may come, whatever may be that which is in your heart shall proceed without interruption.

The past belongs to God while today and tomorrow belong to those e who accept the law. The past experiences should be remembered errors if the past should not be again committed.

This law of the unknown governs the mass of mankind who care and live only for the immediate present its pleasures and profits but shrinks as far as possible its responsibilities.

Whatever you resolve to do or is your duty to do, do it quickly. Defer not till evening what in the morning should be accomplished.

The Law of Karma or Reaction. The debt of the past must be paid and the onest man is eager to pay them.

To succeed you must be as faithful and as careful in small things as of the greater things. The greater things are built in the smaller.

You should rise early in the morning and do not lie down until your labor is finished. You should contemplate that which you seek to attain. Your physical self is active and gains vitality and strength enabling you what one mentality and physical inept cannot do.

It is essential to be chaste, honourable and governed gracious that the soul may become filled with the light that is from divinity.

Order is heaven's First Law. In the final analysis, this Law governs all men in all things.

There is a Law that only those who labour are worthy to receive wages and that lasting benefits accrue only to those who honestly earned them.

Everything that is to withstand the stress and storms of Life must grow slowly starting from small beginnings.

Within each man is a little seed the Soul Spark. This can be nurtured only by effort and patience and be brought to a mighty fruition.

Never envy the merits of others but improve your talents.


A crime authorized by a man or by his tacit permission is a double crime.

If you flatter the criminal with fine words or false hopes to secure a confession of guilt you are likewise guilty of crime.

The moral man who understands the law and does not protest his voice against an evil practice is himself almost as guilty as those who actually, commit the evil.

To permit evil us. To create indebtedness for the soul that must be paid.

The arrogant do not possess the real power. One day he is a tyrant the next day the fear of uncertainty may cause him to be humble.

A man should think before taking action and actions should be based in reason and for a reason.

Think carefully act wisely and you blessed for your prudence.

Establish for yourself principles of action and then proceed positively. Never act when uncertain unless it is an emergency and then be constantly on guard to change your actions if it becomes necessary.

He, who loves most must suffer in the loss of what which he loved. Joy and grief though opposites are united under the law. Both are necessary for man's advancement.  To suffer and to prevail is the Law. To be weak but by transmitting this weakness into strength is to achieve.

Your greatest weakness might be in not knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your own will. Do you glory on possessions that are more of a responsibility than an asset? Or in the misuse of them?

In advancing g in any direction or achieving in any endeavour man should not become content or he will cease his effort and he is satisfied with mediocre success. Dissatisfaction with one's attainment is an incentive to further and constant effort.

However, man should never be impatient with his progress in whatever he is engaged in and the task be discontinued when success is just around the corner.

True happiness or contentment can never be found in the things others do for or give us.

Happiness and contentment are only to be found in desire effort and the accomplishment of a chosen desire something. 

To succeed by effort is to be exalted and raised to taste the results of being a creator.

When you are not settled in your mind either as your real desire or need you are never content.
This is one of your greatest weaknesses.
The discontent soul is a weak soul lacking direction.

The heart of a man is unable to attend to too many things at one time.

There is a Law that says to do well what is to be done today and tomorrow will protect and bless you.

Become conscious that it is not the abundance which makes a man rich but economy in the use of what he possesses.
Be wise live to conserve what is given to you, or earned by you and your days shall be days of peace.

Labour bit after riches first and think you will afterwards enjoy them. He who neglects the present throws aside all that he possesses of worth.

Source: Seeing Forever Valiant Thor's Book of Immortality by Valiant Thor