A quiet mind has the opportunity for experiencing itself as live that is timeless etherbal and unseparated by our bodies.
Although we caanot always control the events around us we do have thenpower over how we experience those events.
At any moment we can individually and collectively affect the course of our lives by choosing to direct our attention to the aspect of ourselves that is aware and trough the practice of self inquiry to awareness itself.
We can ask Who is aware? and the Who wants to know?
The choice of where we put our attention is ultimately our most powerful freedom. Our choice of attitude and ficus affects not only our iwn perception and experiences but also the experiences and behaviors of others.
Wisdom teachers have presented worldwide to those who will listen the technique "sit down and be quiet" a practice that is available for all to observe and experience.
Mind to Mind by Rene Varcollier
Interpretative Introduction by Russell Targ and Jane Katra.
Interpretative Introduction by Russell Targ and Jane Katra.