Showing posts with label Elohim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elohim. Show all posts

Friday, February 2, 2024

Mars Beings

Source- The book : "The Andronicus Transmissions Contact Andromeda" by Jessica Arael Marrocco

In the telepathic conversation of Jessica Marroco and Andronicus an etraterestria being from Andromeda star system, he explain how Mars Beings loock like and the history of habitatson Mars as oer Andronicus information.

Andromedans lived on Mars at one time. They had an outpost there. They are rhe watchers. They have been to all systems where civilization thrives.

1. The original Mars beings had a orange hue. Theybwere short not above 5 feet. Theybwere hermaphrodite having both genders but appearing to be male. Theybwere very ancient and had a simple civilization. Theybwere. Ot humanoid as we are and their appearance would be unusual to us.

2.The greyer species then arrived and learned to co-habitate with them as the Mars Beings were agreeable and easy to live with. The greyer species were more war like and became the protectors of the planet.

3. The Elohim came through but did not stay.

4  Soon afterward a humanoid race arrived, possible people from Andromeda sector and build the cities. It happened long time ago.

Andrimedans were referred as Warchers this is the term often attributed to Fallen A gels or even regular Angels They don't seems to have wings.They had an advanced society.

The telepathic communication took place in 2015.

5. Then Vinkalla a reptilian species that need warmer temperatures came through and destroyed the cities and created wars in the planet.

The greyer beings favored lunar habitat (of the Earth- Earth Moon) and created energy grids similar with the present security systems on Earth. This Earth security system is inspired from the Grey Technology. The Grey like to control their environment and feel safe. Humans feel uncomfortable by security systems.