Showing posts with label Ori. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ori. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Yoruba Religion Cosmology Philosophy and Teachings

Yoruba religion is centered around the belief in a Supreme beings Olodumare, who is responsible for the creation of the Universe.

Olodumare the source of all energy and power and he is infinite and eternal. 

To communicate with Olodumare, the Yoruba turn to Orisha who serve as messengers between humans and the divine.
The Orisha are not gods in the traditional sense but represent different aspects of nature and life; for example represent the power of water and love.

The Yorubaseek to connect with the divine energy in all things by invoking the Orisha.

Yoruba peoples see themselves as part of greater whole intimately connected to the natural world and the divine energy that flows through it.

One of the central concept of Yoruba religion is the idea of Ashe. Which refers to the divine energy that permeates all things.

Ashe is the source of life and Vitality and flows through every aspect of the natural world. It emphasize the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of treating the natural world with respect and reverence.

Another concept in Yoruba religion is the concept of Ori which refers to an individual spiritual destiny. Each person has a unique destiny and Ori playsa crucial role in guiding them toward their purpose. Everyone has a specific role to play in the Universe.

Orisha are messengers and intermediaries between humans and the divine.

The Orisha are believed to have specific areas of influence, such as live, war, Agriculture and they are often invoked in prayers and rituals. (Angels?)

Sacrifice is necessary to maintain the balance in the universe. There is important to give back to the community and the natural world.

Yoruba believe that humans are.ment you live in harmony with one another and the natural world and the pursuit of individual goals should never come at the expense of the greater goods. 

In Yoruba Cosmology the Universe is divided intontwo worlds Orum the world of Spirits and Aye the physical world. 

The two worlds are Interconnected and dependent on each other.The spiritual world is believes to be the realm of ancestorsdieties and the physical world is the realms of humans.

Yoruba believe în the existence of multiple ditties known as Orishas. Each orisha embodies a specific aspect of Natureor huma life such a:
1 Oshum the goddess of Love and fertility 
2. Shannon the God of tender and lighting. 

Yorisha believe in a dual energy force known as Ashe that manifest divine energy and its presence is felt in every aspect of life.

Ashe the dual energy force drives everything in the Universe from the smallest grain of sand to the most magnificent mountain. 

In Yoruba religion Aye and Orun are two interconnected realms which firm the basis of Yoruba religion. 

Aye is the physical realm the world we can sè abd Orum is the spiritual realm the world beyond our physical sense that is the home of ditties and ancestors.
Ditties are believed to reside in Orum although they can also manifest on Aye through various means.


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