The Blob is an extraterrestrial or
inter-terrestrial device used to monitor certain human beings.
The Blob is
about the size of a large beach ball it looks like a transparent balloon reddish
in color with a yellow brilliance in the middle it can send mental messages
for example a message to follow the blob.
It can move
along ahead of a car. Once, a person receives a message that no harm will come
from it and that the blob is friendly and under intelligent control.
If during the day more than one blob can appear
they can slow down or increase their speed. People can get hypnotized by these
devices that can take over control over decision-making.
Some people
were directed by these blobs to caves where flying saucers were present. They
met with people who stated that they were from another world and that they had
been here for thousands of years monitoring our world; they mean us no harm
they have established bases and supply depots in caves of the Earth.
Some people do occupy the inner earth or a Cave
System inside our planet they fear contamination from the underground atomic
explosions that took place in the past in the United States and across the
Source "Hiding in the Dark Indrid Cold's Secrets of the Hollow Earth" by Indrid Cold