Showing posts with label Manhattan Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manhattan Project. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Fluoride Manhattan Project Aluminium Industries

Hazardous waste ended up in our drinking water and bad science and powerful Politics keeps it there.

The fruoride in our drinking water is thebhazardous byproduct of ohosphatr fertilizer and aluminium industries.  It is ilegal to dump this waste into the sea or local surface water and yet is allowed in our drinking water.

Non medical city workers dumped fluoride into the water supply withouth regard for dosage and quantity.

The addition of fluoride constitute medication withouth informed consent.

Whatever the reasons that led the US PHS Public Health Srtcice ti endirse fluoride in 1950 researchers did not have solid evidence to demonstrate either short term or the ling term safely of this practice.

Then city workers have not right tondonwhat a doctornis not permitted to do to meditate peoples withouth their consent.

Fluoride adversely affect the cognitive development in children, tyroid damage and susceptibilityof cancer. Fluoride impare both memory and learning. It increases the risk  of development Alzheimer disease, damage in liver and kidney functions.

Fluoride is a toxic chemical thatncan accumulate in the body and brain causing harm to enemies and producing serious health problems including neutilogical and endocrine dysfunctions.

The Fluoridation of the drinking water began in Grand Rapids Michigan in 1945 at the instigation ofnDrs Trendley Dean and Gerald J Cox both employees of Andrew W Mellon the founder of the Aluminium Company of America (Aloca) whonwas Treasury Secretary in 1930 and oversaw administration of the Public Health Services.

Mellon had Deab who worked for the PHS study the effects of naturally fluoridatwd water on teeth.

Dean reported that fluoridafed water caused discoloration in teeth in some cases might prevent cavities.

Sodium Fluoride is produced by administration fluorine  a highlyntoxic pale diatomic chemical.
Sodium Fluoride was used as bug poison, fungicide, wood preservative.

Not only is Fluoride a product if the Aluminium industry it also has been used in the manufacturing of the atomic bombs. This was waste acumulated after World War 2 in thebwake of the atomic bomb testing.

With several instances already on on record of Fluoride causing damage to cross, kivestock and people diwnwind from industrial plants, government and industry led by officials running the Manhattan Project ( the project that built the bombs dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki) sought to put a friendluer face to Fluoride.

This would damage Public concerns over Fluoride emissions and help forestall potential crippling litigation.

Instead of being seen as the poison it is people should view Fluoride as a nutrient, which give smiling children shiny teeth.

It worked.

From "Population Control" by Jim Marrs