Showing posts with label hyprnotic compulsions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hyprnotic compulsions. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15, 2023



Earth is inhabited underground in gigantic caves whose area is a great more than the surface land area, by a race of people called abandoneros or descendants of an abandoned group of people who were unable to leave the planet some 12000 or more years ago in a general exodus made necessary by the discovery that the sun had commenced hurling death-dealing radiations over the entire planet and the entire solar system.

These radiations were radioactive and lodged in the body being taken largely via drinking water which accumulated radioactive particles and breathed into the lungs with the dust of the air which was also contaminated and to a lesser degree from the sunlight itself.


The race living on earth at that time named Titans and Atlans wanted to flee the earth and migrate to a necontaminated planet in dark space near to no sun at all.


The decision came after a fruitless attempt to escape the deadly radiation by moving from the surface of the earth into the interior in great cavernous hollowed out artificially or modified from large existing natural caverns.


Up to this point, Atlans and Titans lived virtually forever at least for thousands of years, but now with the radioactivity in their bones, they suffered radioactive poisoning which they claimed was the cause of the disease called age.


Since there were not enough spaceships nor enough time to evacuate the entire population only favoured groups escaped and the less fortunate or already diseases were abandoned and came to be called abandondero.


Because the sun has health-giving rays to which these people living in the caves had no access, they degenerated into midgets like idiots incapable of any constructive reasonings.

They are called defo short for detrimental or degenerate robots.

There were others fewer in number, who with the use of machines and chemicals and beneficial rays managed to starve off much of the mental degenerative effect of their way of life. And they retained a higher mental calibre and had a life span of 50 years.


Down to the centuries, the deros became more numerous and teros were decimated by the constant attacks of deros.

These deros have access to the wonderful machines of the ancients still in working order since they were built almost indestructible and with these machines, they can bedevil both tero and surface people.

Among these machines are marvellous vision rays that can penetrate miles of solid rock, picking up scenes without the need for a broadcast unit, transportation by teleportation instantaneously from one point to another although this did not require a sending and receiving ser, mental machines which caused seemingly solid illusions dreams, hypnotic compulsions( which account for the urge to kill of some surface people).


They have death rays, spaceships, and giant rockets that traverse the upper air, ground vehicles of tremendous power, machines of revitalizing sex known as “stim” ( in which some of these degenerates spend their entire life and that diform their bodies), ben rays which heal and  restore the bodies.


The surface people who now inhabit Earth are the descendants of those abandondero who were not even able to get access to the life-saving caverns. Most of them died off but other developed a resistance to the sun dealt dealing rays and managed to live almost as long on average as the cavern people and ‘today slightly longer. They had an advantage they did not go insane from the lack of the beneficial rays of the sun as did the deros.


However, the surface people lost all memory of their forefathers except for vague legends of Atlantis and Lemuria and Giants, while they knew only of the deros or devils who torture them in their sleep bring misfortune and foster most of the evil in men’s minds.


Today the dero still exist in the caves and many of our troubles are caused by them.  Some wars are fostered by them, some of our air accidents are the result of the destructive rays aimed at planes by idiots whose only delight is death and torture; even our nightmares can be the result of their “dreammech” trained on us in our sleep

from the book “Valiant Thor Presents The Secret Diary of Raymond A Palmer” by Valiant Thor