Thursday, April 13, 2023

Practical Applications of Psychic Stuff


Peoples are interested if something is used for it can be found, whether or not science can account for it or not.
What purposes and functions serve the psychic staff, the psychic linkage between mind body organism and something else?

Intuition is a link between the person and something he or she needs to know.
Clairvoyance is a link between distant places and events
Telepathy is a link between people and even animals.
Precognition and prophecy form link with the future.
Postcognition is a link with the past.
Psychokinesis is a link through which some kind of energy flows to create physical effects.
Past life memory is a link with a past life.
Apparitions are links with different dimensions.
Spirituality is a link with harmony or heaven.
The Devil is a link with disharmony.
Dreams and visions and inspired ideas are links to the unconscious which in turn are linked to past and future events.
The whole comes together with the concept of psychic linkage.
Like a fish swimming in the water, the last thing the fish will notice is the water. We are swimming in a sea of physical and psychic linkage of connections so omnipresent that unless we turn our attention to deliberately trying to perceive the environment in detail we probably will not.

The psychic phenomena are not things in themselves they are the result of linkage.

Humans are linked together with the visible and invisible environments with others with past present and future events with other dimensions.

We are not independent biological organisms. We are biopsychic organisms linked together in many ways including psychic ways.

All things are in some form linked to each other and independent of each other. When linkage breaks down so does the interconnectedness. All psychic phenomena are information link exchanges of some kind.


Telepathy, and clairvoyance, are not a thing in itself it is an information exchanges.
We live in a universe of information exchange of all kinds. Our psychic interconnectedness is the key to entering those networks.
Communication between all beings is apparent and easily demonstrated the purpose of all our psychic potentials.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Four Tyoes of Intelligences

According to Psychologists, there are four types of Intelligence: 

1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
2) Emotional Quotient (EQ)
3) Social Quotient (SQ)
4) Adversity Quotient (AQ)

1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): this is the measure of your level of comprehension. You need IQ to solve maths, memorize things, and recall lessons.

2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): this is the measure of your ability to maintain peace with others, keep to time, be responsible, be honest, respect boundaries, be humble, genuine and considerate.

3. Social Quotient (SQ): this is the measure of your ability to build a network of friends and maintain it over a long period of time.

People that have higher EQ and SQ tend to go further in life than those with a high IQ but low EQ and SQ. Most schools capitalize on improving IQ levels while EQ and SQ are played down.

A man of high IQ can end up being employed by a man of high EQ and SQ even though he has an average IQ.

Your EQ represents your Character, while your SQ represents your Charisma. Give in to habits that will improve these three Qs, especially your EQ and SQ.

Now there is a 4th one, a new paradigm:

4. The Adversity Quotient (AQ): The measure of your ability to go through a rough patch in life, and come out of it without losing your mind.

When faced with troubles, AQ determines who will give up, who will abandon their family, and who will consider suicide.

Parents please expose your children to other areas of life than just Academics. They should adore manual labour (never use work as a form of punishment), Sports and Arts.

Develop their IQ, as well as their EQ, SQ and AQ. They should become multifaceted human beings able to do things independently of their parents.

Finally, do not prepare the road for your children. Prepare your children for the road."

Friday, April 7, 2023

Underground Tunnels Around the World

Whi did them?
What theybwere used for?
By whom?
How they look like?
What materials were used?
Where are they located?

Natural Laws versus Admirality Laws

Jordan Maxwell explains birth certificates as bonds traded at stick exchange.
How humans are regarded as something to be exchanged by the bankers

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Rock Books and Human History as per Valiant Thor

The book " Beyond the Shaver Mystery The Ancient Earth and its Story in Stone" by Valiant Thor, was written 50 years ago and published in 2022 under the real author Valiant Thor.

People might have hard time grasping the idea that pictures and beings can exist in stone, but when one considers that the universe is holographic and that each photons or molecule caries within itself complete information of the whole then it makes sense.

It seems probable that there were and are two forces manipulating the history of this planet.

We have records from two different worlds.

One ofnthese was the moon when it was in orbit about the sun. Itsnrock books were all dumped upon earth at the time of the first moon fall, along with its air water and with its loose soil and its people.

Son we have two beginning of two different worlds.

So we have two beginning of two different worlds.

One was a world of small people growing into bigger people as their world got bigger.

In the other world beginning we have a world of ice, unhabitable on the surface, but inhabited inwardly by strange races of black peoples. They might have been the people of the dark spaces, from where the planer came before it orbited the sun.

Southern are two beginning pictured because there are rock books from two worlds.

There are all sorts of rock books. Some were brought from other worlds from space farers.

It is the task of future translators of Rock. Books to get the precise facts of these beginnings of life.

Think of gravity as a something
Just because  you cannot see it doesn't mean it isn't a something. It is a very powerful something that flows into the earth and remains there.

And it remains because I becomes something else; matter rock, it becomes earth.

Gravity is itself the growth of Earth matterbgoing on and on. It is a real something and it makes Earth grow.

A planet is alive and its people are its blood cells circulating in its seas, moving over its land.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Chemtrails Weather Manipulation

The white staff in the air is aluminum.
Aluminum produces Alzheimer. 
Someone intentionally poison our atmosphere. 
Who finance them?
Who press the button?
Who build the airplanes for spraying chemicals?
Who organize these projects?
Why are they against civilian population?
What have we done to them?

Friday, March 24, 2023

Star People Involvement in Human Affairs


Marshall Vian Summers received a vast body of writings about the nature of human spirituality and humanity’s destiny within a larger panorama of intelligent life in the Universe.
This larger reality was dramatically confirmed by the sudden and unexpected telepathic transmission of the first set of the Allies of Humanity Briefings in 1997.
Humanity has allies in the Universe who are concerned about the well-being and future freedom of our race. Within the growing cosmology that was being revealed to Marshall Vian Summers, was the understanding that, in the history of intelligent life in the Universe, ethically advanced races had an obligation to bequeath their wisdom to young emerging races such as our own, and that this bequest must take place without direct interference or intervening in the affairs of that young race. The intent here is to inform, not to interfere.

The Allies of Humanity, Book One  By Marshall Vian Summers presents the following information about the greater community intentions:

Humanity has lived in isolation for a long time. Perhaps it is believed that such an Intervention cannot possibly take place and that each person has proprietary rights over his or her own consciousness and mind. But these are only assumptions. Yet we have been told that the wise in your world have learned to overcome these assumptions and have gained the strength to establish their own mental environment.

The situation is very grave from our perspective, and we think it would be a tremendous misfortune if people were not informed correctly. There is so much deception in the world that you live in, and in many other worlds as well, that the truth, though apparent and obvious, goes unrecognized, and its signs and messages go undetected. We, therefore, hope that our presence can help clarify the picture and help you and others to see what is truly there. We do not have these compromises in our perception, for we were sent to witness the very things that we are describing.

“We have come at the request of the Unseen Ones to serve in this capacity as observers. Should we be successful, we will remain in the proximity of your world only long enough to continue to give you this information. Beyond that, we will return to our own homes. Should we fail and should the tide turn against humanity and should the great darkness come over the world, the darkness of domination, then we will have to depart, our mission unfulfilled. Either way, we cannot stay with you, though should you show promise we shall stay until you are safeguarded, until you can provide for yourselves. Included in this is the requirement that you be self-sufficient. Should you become reliant upon trade with other races, this creates a very great risk of manipulation from beyond, for humanity is not yet strong enough to resist the power in the mental environment that can be exerted here and is being exerted here now.”

As has occurred in your world in your own history, the first to reach the new lands are the explorers and the conquerors. They do not come for altruistic reasons. They come seeking power, resources and dominion. This is the nature of life. If humanity were well versed in Greater Community affairs, you would resist any visitation to your world unless a mutual agreement had been established previously. You would know enough not to allow your world to be so vulnerable.

At this time, there is more than one collective competing for advantage here. That places humanity in the middle of a very unusual and yet enlightening set of circumstances. That is why the messages of the visitors will often seem inconsistent. There has been conflict amongst them, yet they will negotiate with each other should mutual benefit be recognized. However, they are still in competition. To them, this is the frontier. To them, you are only valued as being useful. If you are no longer recognized as being useful, you will simply be discarded.

Who in your world is in the position to teach about the reality of the Greater Community? Only a teaching from beyond the world can prepare you for life beyond the world, and life beyond the world is now in your world, seeking to establish itself here, seeking to extend its influence, seeking to win the minds and hearts and souls of people everywhere. It is so simple. And yet so devastating.

The Heaven that you seek is not here. However, the forces that you must contend with are. This is the greatest threshold that your race will ever face. Each of us in our group has faced this in our own respective worlds, and there has been a great deal of failure, with only some success. Races of beings who can maintain their freedom and insulation must become strong and united and will likely withdraw from Greater Community interactions to a very great degree in order to protect that freedom.

The Unseen Ones have told us that there is a growing awareness that such a program exists, but incredibly people cannot see the obvious implications, being so given to their preferences in the matter and so ill equipped to deal with what such an Intervention could mean. Clearly, an interbreeding program is an attempt to fuse humanity’s adaptation to the physical world with the visitors’ group mind and collective consciousness. Such offspring would be in a perfect position to provide the new leadership for humanity, a leadership that is born of the visitors’ intentions and the visitors’ campaign. These individuals would have blood relations in the world, and so others would be related to them and accepting of their presence. And yet their minds would not be with you, nor their hearts. And though they may feel sympathy for you in your condition and for what your condition may well turn out to be, they would not have the individual authority, not being trained in The Way of Knowledge and Insight themselves, to assist you or to resist the collective consciousness that has fostered them here and given them life.


You see, individual freedom is not valued by the visitors. They consider it reckless and irresponsible. They only understand their own collective consciousness, which they see as privileged and blessed. And yet they cannot access true spirituality, which is called Knowledge in the universe, for Knowledge is born of an individual’s self-discovery and is brought into being through relationships of a high caliber. Neither of these phenomena are present in the visitors’ social makeup. They cannot think for themselves. Their will is not theirs alone. And so naturally they cannot respect the prospects for developing these two great phenomena within your world, and they are certainly in no position to foster such things. They only seek conformity and allegiance. And the spiritual teachings that they will foster in the world will only serve to make humans compliant, open and unsuspecting in order to garner a trust that has never been earned.

We have seen these things before in other places. We have seen entire worlds fall under control of such collectives. There are many such collectives in the universe. Because such collectives deal with interplanetary trade and extend over vast regions, they adhere to a strict conformity without deviation. There is no individuality amongst them, at least not in any way that you could recognize.

We are not sure that we can give an example in your own world of what this could be like, but we have been told there are commercial interests that span cultures in your world, that wield tremendous power and yet are governed by only a few. This is perhaps a good analogy for what we are describing. However, what we are describing is so much more powerful, pervasive and well established than anything that you could offer in the world as a good example.

It is true of intelligent life everywhere that fear can be a destructive force. Yet fear serves one and only one purpose if it is perceived correctly and that is to inform you of the presence of danger. We are concerned, and that is the nature of our fear. We understand what is at risk. That is the nature of our concern. Your fear is born because you do not know what is occurring, so it is a destructive fear. It is a fear that cannot empower you or give you the perception that you need to comprehend what is occurring within your world.

The interbreeding program is becoming very successful. Already there are those walking your Earth who are born of the visitors’ consciousness and collective endeavor. They cannot reside here for long periods of time, but within only a few years, they will be able to dwell upon the surface of your world permanently. Such will be the perfection of their genetic engineering that they will seem only slightly different from you, more in their manner and in their presence than in their physical appearance, to such a point that they will likely go unnoticed and unrecognized. However, they will have greater mental faculties. And this will give them an advantage that you could not match unless you were trained in The Ways of Insight.

There are entire teachings being introduced into the world now that teach human acquiescence and the suspension of critical abilities and value only that which is pleasurable and comfortable. These teachings are given to disable people’s ability to access Knowledge within themselves until people reach a point where they feel they are completely dependent upon greater forces that they cannot identify.



Thursday, March 23, 2023

Monday, March 20, 2023

Chemical Spills

To all whom these presents shall come greetings

Anyone who is worried about toxic fallout from the train derailment should get together with their neighbors and have a massive wood bonfire: (The greener the wood the better)

Let me tell you why:

Burning wood has many by products seen and unseen:

I recommend  one research at their own leisure:

However the most significant by product of said process is nano carbon particulates that are capable of binding to many toxins many of yall know the power of activated charcoal for cleansing and detoxing:

This power comes from the bio available nano carbon contained within:

The burning of vinyl chloride produces phosgene the deadly gas utilized in Germany by the nazi this gas is the reason why the Geneva conventions were established and Nuremberg code to prevent chemical warfare on people  phosgene is invisible and ordered until a certain disbursement level is reached then it smells like fresh cut grass and will cause you to choke and gasp for air and will fill your lungs with fluid as you drowned to death sounds fun right

So by getting with your neighbors and enjoying  time together gathered around a massive fire enough nano carbon can be released to bind with the toxic elements of the fire consuming the chemicals spilled in the train derailment which will make it participate and fall out of suspension in the jet stream and it will begin natures process of returning said chemicals to their original elemental compounds and letting mother earth recover and additionally will clean the air faster than any other attempted strategy and said nano carbon will encapsulate said toxins and change their physical makeup and should expedite affected individuals return to safe respiratory function:

Hope everyone has a great day
One love
Share far and wide!

Justin Nolan Robin Elizabeth John-Kennedy French

Read for Free the Four Books The Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers. It is Important


Read the Four books of Mr. Marshall Vian Summers. They are Free and an important read in my opinion. 
Listen to the Project Camelot Interview of Mr. Marshall Vial Summers here:
 Humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life and for this we must prepare. Inherent in this message is the understanding that humanity is not alone in the Universe or even alone within our own world. And that within this Greater Community, humanity will have friends, competitors and adversaries.
The Allies of Humanity Briefings are being presented to prepare people for a whole new reality that is largely hidden and unrecognized in the world today. The Allies Briefings provide a new perspective that empowers people to face the greatest challenge and opportunity that we, as a race, have ever encountered.
Humanity has allies in the Universe who are concerned about the well-being and future freedom of our race. 

The Allies Briefings contain a number of critical if not alarming statements about the growing extraterrestrial intervention and integration into the human race and about the extraterrestrial activities and hidden agenda.

The purpose of the Allies Briefings is not to provide hard evidence about the reality of the ET visitation to our world, which is already well documented in many other fine books and research journals on the subject. The purpose of the Allies Briefings is to address the dramatic and far-reaching implications of this phenomenon, to challenge our human tendencies and assumptions regarding it and to alert the human family to the great threshold we now face.

The Briefings provide a glimpse into the reality of intelligent life in the universe and what Contact will really mean. For many readers, what is revealed in the Allies of Humanity Briefings will be entirely new. For others, it will be a confirmation of things they have long felt and known.

Though these Briefings provide an urgent message, they are also about moving towards a higher consciousness called “Knowledge, which includes a greater telepathic facility among people and between races. In light of this, the Allies Briefings were transmitted to the author, Marshall Vian Summers from a multi-racial, extraterrestrial group of individuals who refer to themselves as the “Allies of Humanity.”

They describe themselves as physical beings from other worlds who have gathered in or near our solar system near the Earth for the purpose of observing the communications and activities of those alien races who are here in our world interfering in human affairs. They emphasize that they themselves are not physically present in our world and are providing needed Wisdom, not technology or interference.

The Allies Briefings were given to the author over a span of 19 years. They offer perspective and vision into a complex subject which, despite decades of mounting evidence, continues to baffle researchers. Yet this perspective is not romantic, speculative or idealistic in its approach to this subject. To the contrary, it is bluntly realistic and uncompromising to the point where it may be quite challenging, even to a reader who is well versed in this subject.

Therefore, to receive what these Briefings have to offer requires that you suspend, for a moment at least, many of the beliefs, assumptions and questions that you may have about extraterrestrial Contact and even about how these Briefings were received. The contents of these Briefings are like a message in a bottle sent here from beyond the world. Thus, we should not be so concerned about the bottle but about the message itself.

To truly understand this challenging message, we must confront and question many of the prevailing assumptions and tendencies regarding the possibility and the reality of Contact. These include:

  • denial;
  • hopeful expectation;
  • misinterpreting the evidence to affirm our beliefs;
  • wanting and expecting salvation from the “visitors”;
  • believing that ET technology will save us;
  • feeling hopeless and submissive to what we assume is a superior force;
  • demanding government disclosure but not ET disclosure;
  • condemning human leaders and institutions while maintaining unquestioned acceptance of the “visitors”;
  • assuming that because they have not attacked or invaded us, they must be here for our good;
  • assuming that advanced technology equals advanced ethics and spirituality;
  • believing that this phenomenon is a mystery when in fact it is a comprehensible event;
  • believing that ETs in some way have claim to humanity and to this planet;
  • and believing that humanity is irredeemable and cannot make it on its own.

The Allies Briefings challenge such assumptions and tendencies and explode many of the myths we currently have about who is visiting us and why they are here.

The Allies of Humanity Briefings give us a greater perspective and a deeper understanding of our destiny within a larger panorama of intelligent life in the universe. In order to achieve this, the Allies do not speak to our analytical mind but to Knowledge, the deeper part of our being where the truth, however clouded, can be directly discerned and experienced.

Saturday, March 18, 2023


The thoughts and images may be transferedfrom one mind to another without the agency of the recognized organ of sense

Sir Williams Crooks president of Royal Society in Bristol considered telepathy as a fundamental law of thought and images transference.

If telepathy exist we have two physical facts; the physical charge in the brain A thebsugestor and the analogous physical charge in the brain B the recipient if the suggestion. Between these two events there must exist a train of physical causes.
Such a sequence can occur only through a intervening medium.

All phenomena in the universe are presumably in some way continuous. Ether Vibrations have powers and attibutes abundantly equal to any demand even the transmission of thought.

The essential cells if nerves do not actually touch but are separated by a narrow gap which widens in sleep while it narrows almost to extinction during mental activity.

This condition is so singularity like that of Branly or Lidge ciherer a device that led Marconi to the discovery of wireless telegraphy.

Our physical force creates a movement of Ether which transmits itself afar like all movements of Ether and becomes perceptible to brains in harmony with our own.

The transformation of a psychic action into etheral movement and the reverse may be analogies to what take place on a telephone where the receptive plate which is identical to the plate at the other end reconstruct the the sonorous movement transmitted not by means of sound but by electricity.

There are undoubtedly Vibrations set up in the brain when one thinks and there are waves of thought just as there are waves of electricity.

There is an increase of temperature in the human brain during periods of thoughts activity and there are constant chemical changes in the structure going on when the brain cells are active.

This is akin to generation of electricitry in a battery and acts in the same way producing vibrations and transmitting them to the brain of another.

Mind travels in waves from one brain to another just as electricity from the transmitter to receiver.

By holding this picture in your mindyounwill have the whole practical theory in condensed form right before you so that you might be able to act accordingly. 

Practical Mind-Reading bywilliam Walker Atkinson ( the book was written in 1907 imspired or influenced by Valiant Thor tbat is still alive in 2023)

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Explaining DNA

DNA is the body's master molecule. It determines what we are.

The DNA molecule makes up genes. Life is controlled genetically by a mechanism within DNA.

On the earth's surface the DNA is constantly being bombarded by ultraviolet light from the Sunwhich causes the damage to the DNA.

Normally the enzymes repair the damage. However after several decades of exposure to ultraviolet light the DNA is damaged beyond repair. Then the damaged DNA sends an incorrect message to each cell, causing it to break down and cease activity that causes a loss in the normal life processes.

This is the cause of aging and deterioration. Ultraviolet radiation affects every cell on one's body and since cells make up every organ, gland tissue and bone the effect is total.

If one spends time innthe subworld away from the ultraviolet light one will begin to feel physically better, because the DNA will not be further damaged and enzymes will not be overburdened with repairing cells.

This is the reason that Teros and Deros humans that live in the underground tunels of the earth and animal life have great size. Their cells have a chance to grow without the continuous destruction.

Terms have an average age in their world of three to four hundred years.

Terms are not able to exist on the surface for their environment has not changed for thousands of years

From the book Valiant author's Best of the Hollow Earth The search for Subterranean Species and Spaces  by Valiant Thor

Friday, March 10, 2023

Crimes Against Humanity- CDC Director Testifies at House Hearing on COVID -19 origins




Former CDC director testifies at House hearing on COVID-19 origins

Lab Leak were considered Conspiracy Theory


In the first hearing of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, lawmakers discussed the origins of COVID-19 with a panel of experts including Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the Trump administration. Redfield told lawmakers he still believes the virus was more likely the result of an accidental lab leak than "a natural spillover event."

 CBS News Streaming Network is the premier 24/7 anchored streaming news service from CBS News and Stations, available free to everyone with access to the Internet. The CBS News Streaming Network is your destination for breaking news, live events and original reporting locally, nationally and around the globe. Launched in November 2014 as CBSN, the CBS News Streaming Network is available live in 91 countries and on 30 digital platforms and apps, as well as on and Paramount+.


THE JABBED ARE MUCH WORSE OFF THAN THE NON-JABBED... don't be misled... they wouldn't have gone to all the trouble to jab the people if the chemtrials, water, food and so on had worked. What happens with distributing things via air, food and water is our immune system washes it out whereas if you MAINLINE IT into your veins it by-passes the stomach and immune system much faster. REGARDING THE PCR TESTS THAT HAVE SOMEHOW GONE BENEATH THE NOTICE OF ALL SO-CALLED EXPERTS TESTIFYING ON THE PRESENCE OF NANO GRAPHENE OXIDE in the VAX is also PRESENT IN THE PCR TESTS which in some cases are even continuing as a requirement to enter certain countries (including the United States!) and being required by various businesses and entertainment companies. For example some actors have been forced to take several PCR tests even daily in some cases. The presence of the NANO GRAPHENE OXIDE IN THE PCR TESTS is under reported and just as toxic to humans as that in the Vax.

SOURCE: Project Camelot Kerry Cassidy 

Thursday, March 9, 2023


Why do we have alien ships in our skies? What do they want here ?
Are they invaders?

The world wide disinterest is the most frightening aspect if the Saucer scene.

It is tactical designed and carried out by a immense organization who is innfact taking over our planet.

The device they use to apply the sporadic is Telaug meaning telepathic augmenting device.

People and government officials are myipic about UFO because their minds are affected by the telaug.

The reason the IFO hovers over someone's is to get its bearing from the mind of the local inhabitant who carries its directions and his knowledge of the locale in his head. The UFO doesn't need to buy a map, he picks up it up out of the neatest mind.

If you read the rock books put out by the past races of man kind on hillsides, you would know there are a whole string of planets out there in space from which auFO come and to which they go.

They come to earth for things surface men used to know about but for which we have lost the knowledge of in late.centuries.

They come for rock books for one thing. And they also come to enter in the cave cities we don't even know exist to buy antiques.
They come for parts for their ancient t Saucer ships parts once manufactures here on Earth in our underground factories.

They probe our minds and they find we out we don't even know the tealug exist or that Earthparts for their ancient Saucer ships, parts once manufactured here on Earth in our underground factories, or about ancient space routes they followed to reach rhe earth.

The ships they drive were manufactured by our own race long ago before the deluge plunged Earth into Darkness of worldwide ignorance.

Their science us nit their science but our own long ago. They don't have any to speak of.

There is a broather aspect of UFO invasion of our skies, our oceans, and our Underworld.

UFO invasion of our skies, our oceans and our Underworld of which we don't even know has presented an insoluble problem.

The telaug operates in all our cities and is behind horrors such as Kenedy murders, the King murder, etc.

The reason for official ninnacceptance of UFO is the telaug holding the official mind into its rut of conservative preference for explanation in place of action.

Earth will never understand or accept the UFO invasion until it learns all about telaugs and adapts them into the life of the surface world as the radio has been adapted into your life.

The broad perspective of the UFO invasion is a steady insertion of murderous tactics and complete repression via telaug into the picture of the surface life in Earth.

From Valinant Thor's Best of the Hollow Earth The search for Subterranean Species and Spaces.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

LAW is an Acronim for Land Air and Water

LAW an acronym for land Air and Water
Air law is the law if Gid
Land law is trust law of land ownership of the land
Water law is commercial law.

Ab initio from the beging.( if the contract)
Actionable per sei. You just have to prove prove that the act is comitted 
Actus rea= intent to commit a crime.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Known Vaccines Side Effects Made Public

In a stunning development, official documents released on Tuesday revealed that the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine has a massive 1291 side effects.
This information was revealed in a 55,000-page set of documents released Tuesday by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER).
The FDA’s clinical trials documents were released after a US judge denied the FDA’s request to suppress the data for the next 75 years. The federal agency made the extraordinary request arguing that it is necessary, in part, because of its “limited resources.”
However, U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman denied the request on January 6. As a result, the FDA was forced to release the data to the public for the first time ever.
According to the documents, when Pfizer applied for FDA approval, the pharmaceutical giant was aware of almost 158,000 adverse events.
The list of side effects to the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine includes:
Acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure, cardiac ventricular thrombosis, cardiogenic shock, central nervous system vasculitis, death neonatal, deep vein thrombosis, encephalitis brain stem, encephalitis hemorrhagic, frontal lobe epilepsy, foaming at mouth, epileptic psychosis, facial paralysis, fetal distress syndrome, gastrointestinal amyloidosis, generalized tonic-clonic seizure, Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, hepatic vascular thrombosis, herpes zoster reactivation, immune-mediated hepatitis, interstitial lung disease, jugular vein embolism, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, liver injury, low birth weight, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, myocarditis, neonatal seizure, pancreatitis, pneumonia, stillbirth, tachycardia, temporal lobe epilepsy, testicular autoimmunity, thrombotic cerebral infarction, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, venous thrombosis neonatal, and vertebral artery thrombosis among 1,246 other medical conditions following vaccination.
Commenting on the latest revelations, Mary Holland, the president and general counsel for Children’s Health Defence (CHD) called for an immediate end to the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine.
Said Holland,
“This is a bombshell. At least now we know why the FDA and Pfizer wanted to keep this data under wraps for 75 years. These findings should put an immediate end to the Pfizer Covid vaccines. The potential for serious harm is clear, and those injured by the vaccines are prohibited from suing Pfizer for damages...”