Friday, April 21, 2023

Attention Powers


Human emphatic, telepathic, observing, and aware powers have NOT undergone research and development during the modern period.

Indeed, even definitions for the terms have remained sparse, absent, or confusing, while many of their early substantive meanings have been declared archaic and obsolete.

Attention is still not identified as a significant human power and thus the direct connection of attention to empowerment has never been discussed.

The term attention is drawn from the term attend which is taken from the Latin word ad + tendere, which is defined as “to stretch to” something. Hence the earliest English definition, circa 1300, is given as “to direct the eyes, ears, mind, energies to anything.”

But there is a familiar phenomenon many experience, a phenomenon known from ancient times, having to do with focusing attention on the back of another head, and having that head turn around to look-see who or what.

Indeed, the ancient Greeks thought that the eyes had the power of focusing a kind of energy power and stretching it out until it touched someone in some energetic way sufficient enough to call forth some kind of response.

Between 1925 and the fall of the Soviet Union, this phenomenon was tested within the context of Soviet bio-information transfer research not only between individuals in the sight of each other, but across larger distances. The attention-stretching-out phenomenon was found to exist in both the near and far aspects.

The stretching-out type of attention is an output of some kind, and if the energies involved are focused and have strength, the stretching-out equates, fair and square, to a power projection. Like human powers of awareness, the human powers of attention are two-fold, i.e., passive and active, intake and output.

The psychiatric dictionary (compiled by Robert J. Campbell, 5th Ed., 1981) defines attention as “Conscious and wilful focusing of mental energy on one object or one component of a complex experience and at the same time excluding other emotional or thought content.”


Feeling Blue Lately Geoengineering Has Something to do With It

Yo think is not real? 
Check this website:

The government finance these projects. Check for how long have they been doing that. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Personal Power


The powers of individuals may be blocked, hampered, confused, ineffective, defeated, distorted, or mind-programmed into empowerment conditions.

The powers may have been educated to non-effective levels, adulterated, intimidated, willingly or unwillingly suppressed by yourself or by others, and polluted with anti-power considerations. But the powers exist even so.

One’s sense of power may even be intellectually and emotionally confused. Or it may simply be that others don’t want you to manifest your power, and have taken active, preventive measures to prevent its consolidation within you.

Take paper and pencil and list ten of the times during your life you did feel powerful. Then write down each item, and beside it make a note of what happened because you were powerful at that time. When you have finished that list study it well several times.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Geoengineering and who is behind it?

Who pays
What are they spraying?
When these projects started?
What projects are ongoung?
Who are the crazy people behind the corporations that play with our future? They should be held accountable..

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Practical Applications of Psychic Stuff


Peoples are interested if something is used for it can be found, whether or not science can account for it or not.
What purposes and functions serve the psychic staff, the psychic linkage between mind body organism and something else?

Intuition is a link between the person and something he or she needs to know.
Clairvoyance is a link between distant places and events
Telepathy is a link between people and even animals.
Precognition and prophecy form link with the future.
Postcognition is a link with the past.
Psychokinesis is a link through which some kind of energy flows to create physical effects.
Past life memory is a link with a past life.
Apparitions are links with different dimensions.
Spirituality is a link with harmony or heaven.
The Devil is a link with disharmony.
Dreams and visions and inspired ideas are links to the unconscious which in turn are linked to past and future events.
The whole comes together with the concept of psychic linkage.
Like a fish swimming in the water, the last thing the fish will notice is the water. We are swimming in a sea of physical and psychic linkage of connections so omnipresent that unless we turn our attention to deliberately trying to perceive the environment in detail we probably will not.

The psychic phenomena are not things in themselves they are the result of linkage.

Humans are linked together with the visible and invisible environments with others with past present and future events with other dimensions.

We are not independent biological organisms. We are biopsychic organisms linked together in many ways including psychic ways.

All things are in some form linked to each other and independent of each other. When linkage breaks down so does the interconnectedness. All psychic phenomena are information link exchanges of some kind.


Telepathy, and clairvoyance, are not a thing in itself it is an information exchanges.
We live in a universe of information exchange of all kinds. Our psychic interconnectedness is the key to entering those networks.
Communication between all beings is apparent and easily demonstrated the purpose of all our psychic potentials.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Four Tyoes of Intelligences

According to Psychologists, there are four types of Intelligence: 

1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
2) Emotional Quotient (EQ)
3) Social Quotient (SQ)
4) Adversity Quotient (AQ)

1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): this is the measure of your level of comprehension. You need IQ to solve maths, memorize things, and recall lessons.

2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): this is the measure of your ability to maintain peace with others, keep to time, be responsible, be honest, respect boundaries, be humble, genuine and considerate.

3. Social Quotient (SQ): this is the measure of your ability to build a network of friends and maintain it over a long period of time.

People that have higher EQ and SQ tend to go further in life than those with a high IQ but low EQ and SQ. Most schools capitalize on improving IQ levels while EQ and SQ are played down.

A man of high IQ can end up being employed by a man of high EQ and SQ even though he has an average IQ.

Your EQ represents your Character, while your SQ represents your Charisma. Give in to habits that will improve these three Qs, especially your EQ and SQ.

Now there is a 4th one, a new paradigm:

4. The Adversity Quotient (AQ): The measure of your ability to go through a rough patch in life, and come out of it without losing your mind.

When faced with troubles, AQ determines who will give up, who will abandon their family, and who will consider suicide.

Parents please expose your children to other areas of life than just Academics. They should adore manual labour (never use work as a form of punishment), Sports and Arts.

Develop their IQ, as well as their EQ, SQ and AQ. They should become multifaceted human beings able to do things independently of their parents.

Finally, do not prepare the road for your children. Prepare your children for the road."

Friday, April 7, 2023

Underground Tunnels Around the World

Whi did them?
What theybwere used for?
By whom?
How they look like?
What materials were used?
Where are they located?

Natural Laws versus Admirality Laws

Jordan Maxwell explains birth certificates as bonds traded at stick exchange.
How humans are regarded as something to be exchanged by the bankers