Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Monday, January 22, 2024
Covid Related New Directive New Science
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Monday, January 8, 2024
Wireless Patented Technology
Miami Mall Incident 2024
Friday, December 22, 2023
Eyewitness on the scene say that they saw UGO hovering above the exploded dreactor on April 25 1986.
The explosion happened at 1:23 AM and tons of radioactive products were edited into the atmosphere.
The machine shop of the plant was gripped with fire and the blaze was about to move onto the third power generating
Unit of the plant. Firemen managed to extinguish the fire several hours later. Many of them died of radiation exposure.
What happened?
The fourth power generating unit 4 supposed to be repaired. Yet before shutting it down the administration of the plant decided to perform several experiments.
Steam delivery was cut to one of the turbo-generators in order to discover the period of time that electric power would still be generated due to the rotation of the rotor. However the experiment was. Ot well organized. There was another test conducted simultaneously: the study of the turbine vibration.
They started decreasing the capacity of the generating init at 1:00 AM on April 25.
The emergency cooling system of the reactor was shut down at 2:00 PM. This was supposed to stop the reactor.
However the Kievenergo energy company did not know anything about the tests.
An energy control officer did not allow the forth generating units of the plant to be stopped.
These were the prerequisites of the tragedy.
The explosion was very large but luckily was a thermal blast.
The four power generating unit was destroyed y overheated steam.
There were roughly 180 tons if enriched uranium in the reactor, but was no nuclear explosion. If a large blast had happened half of Europe would have been wiped out.
There are many theories to explain such luck. One of the theories is that there was help from an Unidentified Flying Object.
When events started to occur some people saw a strange object hovering above forth generating unit of the Cernobyl plant. Eyewitness say that UFO was there for 6 hours and that hundreds of people saw it.
According to Michail Varitsky that was at the site of the blast at night, a all of Fire was slowly flying in the sky. The ball was 6-7 m in diameter. Then he saw 2 rays of crimson lights trenching toward the forth unit. The object was 300 m from the reactor. The event lasted for about 3 minutes. The lights of the object went out and flew in the north western direction.
The UFO allegedly brought the radiation level down. The level was decreased almost four times. This probably prevented a nuclear blast that would have sprayed deadly radiation across most of the planet.
On September 1989 the forth power generating unit edited radiation into the atmosphere. Several hours later a doctor saw an object in the sky above Chernobyl plant. Doctor Gospina described it as "amber-like". She said she could see a beam of orange light coming down from the object onto the unit. Workers inside the plant reported that at the same time radiation levels inside the unit decreased rapidly.
The UFO remained overhead for more than an hour and then disappeared Ina Western direction.
In October of 1990 N Navran a reporter from The Echo of Chernobyl was photographing the machine shop of the Chernobyl plant. He photographed the top of it and did not see anything. However when he developed the film he saw clearly an object hovering above the hole of the roof. The object looked exactly like the one described by Doctor Gospina.
However is piloting the UFO is keeping g a close eye on Chernobyl to make sure that future radiation never occurs.
These events show that not all UFO are hostile to mankind.
Thursday, December 21, 2023
7 Principles of Truth
Greek philosophers believed the 7 Liberal Arts were the studies that would develop both moral excellence & greater intellect for man.
Gerald Massey wrote in 1881 of what he described as connections between Vedic scripture, ancient Egyptian mythology & the Gospel stories. He theorized that the Archon Iao, the “Seven-rayed Sun-God of the Gnostic-stones” was also the “Serpent Chnubis,” and “the Second Beast in the Book of Revelation.” He elaborated further, describing the unity of “the seven souls of the Pharaoh,” “the seven arms of the Hindu god Agni,” “THE SEVEN STARS IN THE HAND OF THE CHRIST in Revelation,” & “the seven rays of the Chaldean god Heptaktis, or Iao, on the Gnostic stones.”
Dunlap wrote that the idea of spirit as the ultimate cause is present in all of the great religions of the East (which in the terminology of his time included the area now known as the Near East or Middle East), & that this idea can be found in “the Seven Rays of the Chaldaean Mithra & the Seven Days of Genesis. From the Sun came fire & spirit.” According to Dunlap, “this was the astronomical religion of the Chaldeans, Jews, Persians, Syrians, Phoenicians & Egyptians.”
The seven principles are the foundation of Hermeticism, a branch of spiritual philosophy dating back as early as the first century A.D. They were outlined by famed author Hermes Trismegistus, who is believed to have written the Emerald Tablet and the Corpus Hermeticum (two highly influential, ancient teachings)
This concise work on 'The Hermetic Philosophy' outlines seven universal principles: Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender
What is the first law of Hermeticism?
1. The All is mind; The Universe is Mental. This first principle embodies the truth that 'All is Mind. ' Meaning, the Universe itself, at an underlying and foundational level, is Mental. That all phenomena of life, matter and energy of the material universe are thoughts of an infinite and universal, living Mind.
2. The Principle of CORRESPONDENCE: "What is above is like what is below. What is inside is like what is outside." In the second hermetic law, we understand that for everything there is a correspondence in the universe, whether in the microcosm or in the macrocosm.
3. Vibration:
Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates. This principle embodies the truths that 'nothing rests,' 'everything is in motion,' and 'everything vibrates. ' It explains that matter, energy, and even spirit, are simply varying rates of vibration.
4. Correspondence
As above, so below; as below, so above.” This principle embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of being and life.
5. The Principle of Rhythm: Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall; The pendulum swing manifests in everything; The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates.
6. The Principle of Cause and Effect: Every cause has its effect; Every effect has its cause; Everything happens according to law' Chance is but a name for law not recognized' There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.
7. The Principle of Gender
"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes."
In Hermeticism, the principle of gender is not necessarily about the physical body. Instead, it’s referring to the qualities of masculinity and femininity which create balance in the world.
All things embody both masculine and feminine energies, and learning how to be open to and balance those energies within yourself can bring you to a higher state of consciousness that is simultaneously powerful and thoughtful
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Mind Control Protection
If you suspect a mind control attack in progress that can last 2-5 days
1.Get away from the area where you are having problems.2. Try to mingle with a large crowd of people to wash out the brainwave trace signal.
3. Get a magnetic map and go to low intensity area of field strength.
4. The best way us mentally construct a shield of protective light around your body. The electromagnetic frequencies and nerve impulses of your brain will respond to these thoughts in a material sense.
Imagine that the armament possess a reflective surface so that anything coming your way bounces off.
Now direct this incoming energy to travel exactly in reverse back to its originating source and order it with 100% conviction to fulfill its intended purpose on the transmitter X 10 or ten times more intense.
Ask help from the highest levels of intelligence and love which is your greatest defense. There are always forces on your side.
Monday, December 18, 2023
Project Camelot interview with Marshall Vian Summers
The shocking truth about the alien presence in our world today!
Monday, November 27, 2023
Lidar instruments shoot millions of laser pulses per second, which bounce off a surface or object to measure distances and directions to the object.
You would think that this affects humans on the specified area?
Using the known speed of light, we can figure out how far away any object is by measuring how long it took for the laser to leave our instrument, hit the object, and bounce back to the instrument. We can also tell something about the composition of objects or the surface that the laser bounced off because different types of materials absorb different amounts of laser light energy. By looking at the strength, or intensity of the light that bounces back, we can distinguish pavement from grass, and sand from water.
By shining lasers at targets from different angles, lidar can create detail-rich, 3-dimensional collections of data points. These “point clouds” can then be processed to create digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Earth’s surface that are accurate enough to determine which way water flows and can be used by researchers and decision makers to understand and predict environmental changes such as stream levels or flooding.
With a camera added to the system, imagery can be combined with the lidar data to create immersive, 3D, photo-realistic, digital environments that can be explored, measured, and interacted with on a browser, on a laptop or cell phone, or using a virtual reality headset.
This system works well when the instrument stays in one place, but it gets more complex when you want to move the instrument to collect data across larger areas. This is where GPS, or the Global Positioning System comes in. By pairing a GPS receiver with a lidar unit, we can compute precise coordinates for where the instrument was when a particular laser pulse was sent, and where the instrument was when it received the same pulse after it bounced back from the target. This makes it possible for lidar units to be mounted on vehicles in the air, on the ground, or on the water, and collect important data in many different environments and for many different purposes.
Surveying and mapping professionals use lidar and GPS every day to digitally capture geospatial data. At construction sites, surveyors use aerial and ground-based lidar and GPS before, during, and after construction. They collect high-precision data to inform each building phase of a project and provide “as-built” information to manage a site once construction is complete. Lidar units mounted on cars and trucks map roads, highways, signs, hydrants, phone and light poles, and other transportation infrastructure
Pixie Little Peoples
Edwin Saunders has a YouTube
channel for the study of the Ethnobiological nature around the British Isles,
where he walks long hours through a forest and films little people.
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Remote Viewing Lesson and Targets
Library Target
Who does The course
Vaccine Damage on Military
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
News Ancient Stone Library, Star Forts, Waterfalls Ontario, Online Library
video by Liliana Usvat
Nov. 21, 2023
Books and Painting Showcase Newmarket Public Library Sunday, December 10, 2023
• https://lilianasartandartcollection.blogspot.com/
• www.ucbooksale.com
• https://www.bitchute.com/video/BLxUvItYGyiZ/
• https://www.bitchute.com/video/YVd9cOXZZqGU/?list=notifications&randomize=false
History of Alchemy
Star Fort Canada Fort Rouile Exhibition Place Toronto Canada
Puerto Vallarta Mexico Crown Paradise Golden
Indian Falls Ancient Megalithic Site Ontario Canada
The light fixtures have a form of the fasces. That symbol is carried out throughout the building.
The fasces, as a bundle of rods with an axe, was a grouping of all the equipment needed to inflict corporal or capital punishment. In ancient Rome, the bundle was a material symbol of a Roman magistrate's full civil and military power, known as imperium. They were carried in a procession with a magistrate by lictors, who carried the fasces and at times used the birch rods as punishment to enforce obedience with magisterial commands. In common language and literature, the fasces were regularly associated: praetors were referred to in Greek as the hexapelekus (lit. 'six axes') and the consuls were referred to as "the twelve fasces" as literary metonymy. Beyond serving as insignia of office, it also symbolized the republic and its prestige
Amazing Architecture of an impressive building 46 feet Gustavino Ceiling
Kipu Inka Knots Writings of the Old Civilization of Peru
Taíno: Native Heritage and Identity in the Caribbean
Native American costumes
Psychic powers of healing are not acknowledged by the scientific community.
The mind has no specific location.
Self and brain are not synonymous.
Forgotten Knowledge by Liliana Usvat
Www ucbooksale.com
Emuna Elish the Babylonian Creation Myth
Library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh present Mosul Irak
Old Babylonian Language
Cuneiform script
British Museum London
Anunnaki left from the Middle East and Lake Titicaca in the present Peru
Zodiacal ages
From the Book Forgotten Knowledge by Liliana Usvat
External Links
1. Advanced Research 10,000,000 online documents
2. Blessed for Service
3. Windy -weather website
4. NewEarth Sylvie Ivanova Mirror
a wealth of information
5. USGS Earthquakes Live around the world
6. Flightradar24
radar showing live flights all around the world with details about departure arrivals type of airplanes
7. ChatGPT
artificial intelligence helps with writing and coding
Suppression of Free Energy Patents
Monday, November 20, 2023
Google in Business
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Females who get mammograms probably don’t realize how damaging they are 😩.
A few details to consider before deciding on a review:
✅ 50-60% of "positive" results are incorrect!!!
So being diagnosed with "breast cancer" in 50-60% of cases proves it was not even there at all!!
✅ upon examination, the breast is compressed with a large weight of 10 kPa (1019 kg/m2) and then a healthy, very sensitive mammary tissue is bombarded with radioactive radiation!!!
✅ stimulates tumor growth and spread of metastases!!!
✅ study done at
690,000 records show that a large number of breast cancer in completely healthy women after mammography!!!
✅ Switzerland is the first country in the world to ban mammographic examinations❗️.
The criminal medical mafia is aggressively forcing healthy women to undergo mammogram examinations annually to make them profitable patients!!!
Every woman who has undergone this examination knows how painful it is. Her breast compresses such a pressure force, as if it was inserted into a beast, as if it were being crushed. Experts warn that men, if they want their partners to be healthy, do not squeeze their breasts, massaging is permissible, not pressing. Because they can damage the glands which can lead to a tumor. But, on the other hand, mammography, which is like 100 times stronger to hold a man's hand, they recommend...
Telos, a Lemurian colony under Mt. Shasta in northern ¬California, is a city of Light governed by a council of 12 ¬Ascended Masters and its High Priest, Adama. The name Telos means “-communication with spirit”. The citizens of Telos, formerly of Lemuria, are working toward the Ascension. They can astral project to any location, and can telecommunicate to anyone in any locality of time and space. In Adama’s messages of empowerment, he tells us of our goal: “to become a Spiritual Warrior, one who acknowledges the Light within, and to reunite humanity into ONE human family. For once humanity feels God’s Love directly from within, all will be able to understand their purpose for being here on Earth, and will cease to feel the separation of their soul from God’s Light.” All planets are Hollow, and are inhabited by human life of one vibration or another. The Sun is also Hollow, and is not hot, but cold.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Liliana's Paintings and Books, Water Fountains Principle, Belvedere Palace Project Blue Beam
Books and Painting Showcase Newmarket Public Library Sunday, December 10,
Water Experiments Capillarity, Natural Water Fountains Principle
Take two one-gallon glasses cans one without the bottom.
The bottom can D is filled with water.
A strip of thin muslin (a piece of cloth)
over the mouth of the other can B pressed firmly over the mouth C of the can of
water which is fitted tightly thus connecting them, the upper bottomless can
being inverted.
Then a narrow slit is made in the center of the
muslin with a pen knife and through it thrust a glass of tube 1/16 inch.
Next, a string is wrapped around the open top of
the upper can cross over top and tie the glass tube to the center of the cross
string simply to hold the tube into position.
A bag of salt is dissolved in water and the
solution is poured into the upper can filling it to the top.
Then the glass tube is inserted in the two cans
so that the tip of the curve is about
2 1/2 inches above the surface of the
salty solution.
A flow if liquid exibite itself.
In thisbexoerimentnthe water rises above its
source without the sand.
Natural Water Fountain Principle
Can a fountain rise above its source?
On a cylindrical jar about 18 inches in height
and 2 inches in diameter called hydrometer jar, a long slender drawn glass tube
with diameter of 1/16 of an inch.
The capilarity attraction will draw the liquid
above the surface. It is possible to force the water through and out of this
Capilarity attractions will not expel a liquid
from a tube if its mouth is above the surface of the supply.
Deep the tip of capilariity tube inside the
larger tube that was filled with water.
The water rose inside the inside tube about 1
inch above the surface of the water.
Capillarity can do no more.
But if the exit of the tube is lower than the
surface of the liquid we can create water circulation.
In the large glass we have 6 inches of water. At
the end of the small tube we place a thin muslin (cloth) tied and drop that end
into the large cylinder. The muslin prevent the tube to be filled with sand.
Then pour sand into the cylinder until it
reached the surface of the water.
Then dissolve salt into a portion of the water
with sand making it thick mush and poor into the cylinder filling up close to
the top.
The sand settling left a layer of salty water or
brine above it.
The upper end of the glass tube was curved and
water began to flow through the tube.droppimg quite rapidly into the cilynder.
The lower end of the curve of the glass tube was
fully half inch above the surface of the liquid in the cylinder.
The is steady flow of water, water rising above
its surface and flowing into the reservoir from which it was. Eing continually
It will continue until stringbsalt flows from
the tube.
Belvedere Palace Viena
Paintings sculptures and the gardens and fountains of
Belvedere Palace Vienna.
Impossible marble sculptures that were possible
at that time.
Sculpture of a child showing genetic
modifications or other type of humanoid in the Belvedere Palace Gardens/
The painting of Sisi the Empress of Austrian
Video by Liliana Usvat
External Links
Blue Beam is real
Sunday, November 12, 2023
5G and Mind Control
In 1953, Dulles, speaking before a national meeting of Princeton alumni, distinguished two fronts in the then-current "battle for men's minds": a "first front" of mass indoctrination through censorship & propaganda, & a "second front" of individual "brainwashing" & “brain changing." The same year, Dulles approved the notorious MKULTRA project
“Pre-packaged dream sequences are able to be downloaded to an individual’s brain. Cult/military harassers then interact with the victims while they are dreaming. Stressful traumas/shocks are also induced via artificial dreams (completely wirelessly - without any chip implants, electrodes etc.)”
I never sleep with wifi on & turn it off when I’m not using. Just once, same day my name was mentioned at a SRA event & I napped with wifi on & had intense techno-sorcery attack
Our bodies heal if we give them breaks from toxins, in this case frequency/radiation. Disconnect from tech🙏
Tom Lake
"MathewAlexander" <MathewA...@Justice.com> wrote in message
> THOUSANDS of INNOCENT US CITIZENS by a combined 100,000 FBI and NSA
Wearing a tinfoil hat will deflect their beams. You should try it.
Tom Lake
THOUSANDS of INNOCENT US CITIZENS by a combined 100,000 FBI and NSA
thousands of innocent american citizens.
Email this to all your friends and peers and spread the knowledge so all
educate themselves about the latest horrifying and disgusting secret
being used by FBI and NSA on hundreds of thousands of innocent american
It would be great if somebody BLOGS this post and spread the word on
for the benefit of all freedom loving americans.
Majority of these INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS dont even know they are TORTURE
VICTIMS and are being used as GUINEA PIGS by these FBI and NSA PERVERTS,
The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Reserch Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ]
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which
uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the
telephone. The pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC
TELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The N.S.A.
or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of Defense, and
a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget, and is always
headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S. military. The
top secret technologies available to the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to the
U.S. civilian economy. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what the
level of technological development is within the secret laboratories of the
N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Reserch Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in the U.S. state of Maryland.
Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also be made invisible to detection by
means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [ Magnetic
Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ] scans,
by some means of electromagnetic degaussing.
With the latest top secret, and rapid technological advancements available
to the U.S. military intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic
computer implants in conducting synthetic telepathy against targeted
persons is obsolete by now. Rather, a system of subliminal, subconscious,
wireless microwave remote control is used today against targeted
individuals suffering from synthetic telepathy harrassment. Synthetic
Telepathy is used for conducting torture training and/or experimentation
against people as red herring "good cop/bad cop" or tough love acting,
diversions, feints, decoys, and smokescreens, as smear campaigns by
association, as openly secret intimidation campaigns against targeted
dissidents, and as a means of espionage. Once it was believed
that claims about C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive
material in the slums of U.S. cities during the 1950's as part
of a research program were simply mass conspiracy theories, until the U.S.
federal government in the 1990's publicly admitted that the allegation was
FBI and NSA agents who are part of a secret US society are genetically
inclined sociopaths and psychopaths who work as hit men, torturers,
sexual abusers, stalkers, slanderers, and agent provocateurs involved
in murders and torture of hundreds of thousands of innocent US citizens
for years and years. At the last count there are 50,000 NSA spies who
are businessmen, priests, community leaders and in all walks of life
who are SPYING and keeping tabs on pretty much all americans.
The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopaths, sadomasochistic
torturers, slanderers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid
developing any sympathy for their targeted victims, deliberately avoid
actually feeling the emotions of their victims by following the squiggly EEG
or Electroencephalograph lines on computer monitor screens, as well as the
silent words thought by their victims which also appear on the computer
monitor screens. Then again, who can feel all of the emotions and thoughts
which any given person has undergone every second of their entire lifetime.
The emotions and silent words of the victims of synthetic telepathy
operators can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic
telepathy torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to
block or censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not
want to be broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own
criminal or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by
means of subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing
technology, and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make
it appear that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are
communicating by means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions
and silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they can
rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are predisposed towards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their lives is
by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadomasochistic activities and
Inputs for psychosocial dynamics conducive to torture and
ill-treatment report
Note: Kindly request confidentiality of my report
Date: 20th June 2020
Respected Sir/Madam,
My name is Mr.Ganeshbabu Govindasami, aged 37 and I am from India.
This statement is with respect to the inputs requested for psychosocial dynamics conducive to torture and
ill-treatment report (To inform the Special Rapporteur’s annual interim report to be presented to the
General Assembly at its 75th Session in October 2020)
This is an URGENT public interest petition to STOP the illegal and unauthorized abuses of advanced
military-grade weapons that are being used for Torture Programs. Torture comprises of Mind-Reading,
Mind control, Central Nervous System control, 24/7 anywhere tracking, Organized Gang-Stalking,
'Voices-To-Skull'('V2K'), Physical Injury/harassment through Directed Energy Weapons. This has been
going on in India for past 15 years at least (I am getting attacked/tortured for many years now, Voice
to skull started in 2016)
All these attacks are 'no-touch' / ‘Covert ‘and are remotely operated - and so leave the minimum
evidence (if at all) thus making all available laws ineffective and powerless to help the targeted
innocent civilians. The people targeted and subsequently tortured systematically are termed as
'Targeted Individuals' (or 'TI'). There are several hundreds of ‘TIs’ defending and fighting for justice
in India and globally across many countries now.
harassers can view ALL the innermost thoughts of the targeted person on a screen - as clearly as one
reads a newspaper. The eyes of the target become a live camera for the trackers. Whatever the targets
view is recorded on the trackers' computer or viewed by the trackers' brains using a brain-to-computer
interface (BCI) / Brain-to-Brain interface (BBI)! These satellite-based technologies result in gross by-
passing of fundamental human rights such as personal privacy, health, safety, data security, family
security, etc. Pre-packaged dream sequences are routinely downloaded to TIs' brains and harassers
interact with the victims while they are dreaming. Stressful traumas/shocks are also induced via artificial
dreams (completely wirelessly - without any chip implants, electrodes etc.)
parts can be targeted and attacked by these directed energy weapons. These weapons may use
Microwave/EMF/ELF waves and can cause a wide range of diseases including cancer, heart failure,
kidney disease, vertigo, hands/legs paralysis, internal decay, memory losses to name a few - all at the
touch of a button from anywhere, traceless - just by using the unique 'brain fingerprint' (brain frequency)
of any victim anywhere. Also, many fatal heart-attacks/palpitations that struck the victim when asleep may
have been induced / catalyzed by these weapons
3. DISRUPTION OF THOUGHT FREEDOM BY 'VOICE-TO-SKULL' ('V2K'): This patented technology is
also known as 'Microwave Hearing' / 'Synthetic Telepathy' / 'Voice-of-God weapon' and is being used for
Saturday, November 11, 2023
Seeing your Own Brain
Valiant Thor's The Hellier Below Venus Aphrodite and Syncronicity în the Legendary Caverna of Etidorhpa Ingrid Cold with Terry Wriste.