Friday, February 2, 2024

Mars Beings

Source- The book : "The Andronicus Transmissions Contact Andromeda" by Jessica Arael Marrocco

In the telepathic conversation of Jessica Marroco and Andronicus an etraterestria being from Andromeda star system, he explain how Mars Beings loock like and the history of habitatson Mars as oer Andronicus information.

Andromedans lived on Mars at one time. They had an outpost there. They are rhe watchers. They have been to all systems where civilization thrives.

1. The original Mars beings had a orange hue. Theybwere short not above 5 feet. Theybwere hermaphrodite having both genders but appearing to be male. Theybwere very ancient and had a simple civilization. Theybwere. Ot humanoid as we are and their appearance would be unusual to us.

2.The greyer species then arrived and learned to co-habitate with them as the Mars Beings were agreeable and easy to live with. The greyer species were more war like and became the protectors of the planet.

3. The Elohim came through but did not stay.

4  Soon afterward a humanoid race arrived, possible people from Andromeda sector and build the cities. It happened long time ago.

Andrimedans were referred as Warchers this is the term often attributed to Fallen A gels or even regular Angels They don't seems to have wings.They had an advanced society.

The telepathic communication took place in 2015.

5. Then Vinkalla a reptilian species that need warmer temperatures came through and destroyed the cities and created wars in the planet.

The greyer beings favored lunar habitat (of the Earth- Earth Moon) and created energy grids similar with the present security systems on Earth. This Earth security system is inspired from the Grey Technology. The Grey like to control their environment and feel safe. Humans feel uncomfortable by security systems.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Mind Control

Be the light like the Sun.
Keep a higher consciousness and. E strong during these times of awakening to the truth.
Listen to music in scale of 432 Hz.

Scalar technology operates on a frequency. It can be used to induce mind control,  rewrite one's history in their memories as in MK Ultra, create mind wipes, alter dream space through manipulated dreams.

In the dreams pace there can be soul contracts or imposing influences not natural such as sexual orientation or other physical desires.

It can make a person delusionalbelieve that they have illnesses to the degree of manifesting în fully în their body emotional fracturing hearth attacks or imune system issues, depression.

Injuries that can be caused through frequencies and the inundation of cell towers and other uncensored technologies humanity may experience other illnesses yet to be named.

We do have free energy technology that would be less invasive on our planet and would prevent the frequency overload that almost lead us to destruction. 

The Andronicus Transmissions Contact Andromeda by Jessica Arael Marrocco

Monday, January 22, 2024

Covid Related New Directive New Science

Is anyone held accountable for false science pushed on world population?  When are we going to see more than internal notes or deleted enforcement?

Sunday, January 14, 2024


A pilot accidentally released the chemtrails while still in the airport.

And some.people think chemtrails are.cindensatuin trails.

Boeing is.biilding airplanes with chemtrails buttons on the board of the airplane si they are part of the problem.
CFR Council of Foreign Relations is financing geoengineering programs spending 2 billion dollars.per year for weather modification.  They are aware that they do something wrong.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Wireless Patented Technology

Targeted Justice lawsuit ❣️ exposes wireless harassment weaponry technology many know as Havana Syndrome also trafficking individuals too US patent 6506148 B2 nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors and US patent 5159703 issued Oct, 27 1992 silent sound subliminal mind control (output can be via open air broadcast or piggybacked on TV/radio signals V2K FROM CELL TOWERS US PATENT 4877027, REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING (RNM) US PATENT 3951134, SATELLITE TRACKING (LOCKHEED GPS) US PATENT 4384293A, SATELLITE VIRCATOR WEAPON (L3HARRIS) US PATENT 4345220, NERVOUS SYSTEM MANIPULATION BY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS FROM MONITORS US PATENT 6506148 B2, Method and Apparatus for Generating Subliminal Visual Messages US 4616261-A, SILENT SOUND SUBLIMINAL MIND CONTROL US PATENT 5159703 OUTPUT CAN BE VIA OPEN-AIR BROADCAST OR PIGGYBACKED ON TV / RADIO SIGNALS, DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON US PATENT 10337841 B2, BEAMFORMING - MICROWAVE BEAM 4 PANEL ANTENNAS WEAPONIZED CELLPHONE TOWERS SIDE LOBES AND MAIN LOBE US PATENT 10164694.

Alex Collier

Ground yourself every day..

Miami Mall Incident 2024

We talked with our bigfoot this morning.  The vail is thinning.  Also that mall is running some bad wifi that broke down their ability to focus so they were seen. So that is where i am at.

Friday, December 22, 2023


On October 2002 the Russian newspaper Pravda reported that if it were not for a UFO the dire events at the Cernobyl nuclear power plant could have been a lot worse.

Eyewitness on the scene say that they saw UGO hovering above the exploded dreactor on April 25 1986.

The explosion happened at 1:23 AM and tons of radioactive products were edited into the atmosphere.

The machine shop of the plant was gripped with fire and the blaze was about to move onto the third power generating
Unit of the plant. Firemen managed to extinguish the fire several hours later. Many of them died of radiation exposure.

What happened?

The fourth power generating unit 4 supposed to be repaired. Yet before shutting it down the administration of the plant decided to perform several experiments.

Steam delivery was cut to one of the turbo-generators in order to discover the period of time that electric power would still be generated due to the rotation of the rotor.  However the experiment was. Ot well organized. There was another test conducted simultaneously: the study of the turbine vibration.

They started decreasing the capacity of the generating init at 1:00 AM on April 25.

The emergency cooling system of the reactor was shut down at 2:00 PM. This was supposed to stop the reactor.

However the Kievenergo energy company did not know anything about the tests.

An energy control officer did not allow the forth generating units of the plant to be stopped.

These were the prerequisites of the tragedy.

The explosion was very large but luckily was a thermal blast.

The four power generating unit was destroyed  y overheated steam.

There were roughly 180 tons if enriched uranium in the reactor, but was no nuclear explosion. If a large blast had happened half of Europe would have been wiped out.

There are many theories to explain such luck. One of the theories is that there was help from an Unidentified Flying Object.

When events started to occur some people saw a strange object hovering above forth generating unit of the Cernobyl plant. Eyewitness say that UFO was there for 6 hours and that hundreds of people saw it.

According to Michail Varitsky that was at the site of the blast at night, a  all of Fire was slowly flying in the sky. The ball was 6-7 m in diameter. Then he saw 2 rays of crimson lights trenching toward the forth unit. The object was 300 m from the reactor. The event lasted for about 3 minutes. The lights of the object went out and flew in the north western direction.

The UFO allegedly brought the radiation level down. The level was decreased almost four times. This probably prevented a nuclear blast that would have sprayed deadly radiation across most of the planet.

On September 1989 the forth power generating unit edited radiation into the atmosphere. Several hours later a doctor saw an object in the sky above Chernobyl plant. Doctor Gospina described it as "amber-like". She said she could see a beam of orange light coming down from the object onto the unit. Workers inside the plant reported that at the same time radiation levels inside the unit decreased rapidly.

The UFO remained overhead for more than an hour and then disappeared Ina Western direction.

In October of 1990 N Navran a reporter from The Echo of Chernobyl was photographing the machine shop of the Chernobyl plant. He photographed the top of it and did not see anything. However when he developed the film he saw clearly an object hovering above the hole of the roof. The object looked exactly like the one described by Doctor Gospina.

However is piloting  the UFO is keeping g a close eye on Chernobyl to make sure that future radiation never occurs.

These events show that not all UFO are hostile to mankind. 

Source: Coming Of The Space Guardians-UFO Rescue Squad, Millions To Be Saved by Commander X