Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Backward Causation

 Mindful of the non local nature of our universe can be manifested in our healing intentions by reaching backward in time to affect critical seed moments in alterate the future pathways of the development of the illness.

This ideas of backward causation is similar with the precognitive dreams in which our dreams in the night is caused by the confirmatory experience of the next day.

Modern physics seems to indicate that we live in a non local spider web of space and time where both future and the past are tugging on the present.

We are familiar with the idea of premonition in which one has intuitive apprehension of something about to happen in the future
Also there is the experience of presentiment when one has a inner sensation or feeling about something that is about to occur.

It seems to be a person direct perception of somethings that is about to occur.

It is like an advance wave of information arises directly from timeless non local consciousness.

Your future is affecting your past.

Mind to Mind by Rene Varcollier

Interpretative Introduction by Russell Targ and Jane Katra.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

UFO Disclosure


Concepts Regarding Brain Information Processing

In 1948 three concepts came into existence the concept of models of the mind,  information transfer, and signal to  noise ratio.

These three important concepts have achieved broad recognition in science and technology and their fundamentals can be applied to phenomena of the mind telepathy and other formats of psi as well.

People do develop basic frames of reference. These frames of reference  have a great deal to do with how minds are set and then with how reality is or is not viewed via these mindsets.

From "Mind to Mind" by Rene Warcollier preface by Ingo Swann

Warcollier was closely affiliated with International Metaphisic Institute at Paris. Serving as treasurer from 1929-1938, then as editor of its publication. Revue Methaphisique from 1938-1940 and as uts president from 1951- 1962. Similar instructions that reearch psi phenomena are British Society for Psychical Research and American Parapsychology.  All of these organizations investigated the same phenomena in general did so based on different frames of reference.

Between 1924-1862 the Institute published 46 of Warcollier's papers. Among these papers "Psychic space time", 1949, "Qualitative evidence of telepaty" 1957 and "Mental cognition within group telepathy" 1962

Warcollier model for telepathy was not exactly based in the mind to mind idea, but in the meta mind to meta.mind concept. In other words is not the daily average awake conscious mind that has telepathic faculties. Rather those faculties belong to the meta.minds of the individuals involved., the process which is hidden from the awake conscious mind. As war collier indicated the awake cinscious mind becomes aware of those processes only by experiencing their effects.

The brain sensing systems are un a meta kind of way nonnconsciously processing enourmous amounts if information perhaps in electronic form.
On average only about 24% or less of the larger information whike us downloaded into awake mind. This information is inlynwhat fits into an individual's frame if reference.

Warcollier defined telepathy as including the communication of emotions ideas mental images sensations or words from one individual to another without the help of the physical senses.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Vaccination Book

I am just going to put my sweet little find here for you:
It is a book written in 1889 called "45 years of Registration Statistics, Proving Vaccination to be both useless and dangerous". It covers 45 years (so starting in the year 1844) the statistics of vaccine FAILURES including an INCREASE in death from other diseases once the blood has been poisoned by vaccination. They cover the health of the vaccinated VERSES the UNvaccinated.....bad news for the vaccinated...they were dying more from other diseases such as measles, mumps, smallpox and diphtheria because of a weakened countenance from vaccines. This was covered 128 years ago.
Oh and all you "The science is settled on Vaccines" People... Nope. It never has been settled. They knew it was hurting mankind.

So the power of advertising predictive programming and forced imposing the poisons, in 2020 vaccines are a norm even though the life span and quality of life did not increased because of these poisons.


  • Azodicarbonamide is a yellow orangish powder, more commonly used commercially in the creation of foamed plastics – like yoga mats, shoe soles, floor mats and window gaskets.
  • The FDA allows food companies to use azodicarbonamide as a flour bleaching agent and dough conditioner in any food product giving it a status of GRAS or “Generally Regarded As Safe”.
  • But, the FDA doesn’t even keep track of the companies who use azodicarbonamide as an ingredient. The lack of information leads the FDA to not update or include an toxicity information about this ingredient in its EAFUS or “Everything Added to Food in the United States” database.
  • When a truck carrying azodicarbonamide overturned on a Chicago highway in 2001, it prompted city officials to issue the highest hazardous materials alert and evacuate people within a half mile radius! Many of the people on the scene complained of burning eyes and skin irritation as a result. (Source: Pandora’s Lunchbox by Melanie Warner)
  • The U.K. has recognized azodicarbonamide as a potential cause of asthma if inhaled, and advises against its use in people who have sensitivity to food dye allergies and other common allergies in food, because it can exacerbate the symptoms.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) studied azodicarbonamide, and also linked it to asthma and other allergic reactions.
  • When azodicarbonamide partially degrades with the heat of processing, it forms trace amounts of semicarbazide, which shows carcinogenicity that can result in tumors over time.
  • The United States is one of the only countries in the world that still allows this ingredient in our food supply. It is banned as a food additive in the U.K., Europe, and Australia, and if you get caught using it in Singapore you can get up to 15 years in prison and be fined $450,000. I’d like to see the head of the FDA put in jail for allowing it, wouldn’t you?

Monday, June 8, 2020

Mind Control and Project MKUltra

Mass media is the most powerful tool  to manipulate the masses. It shapes and molds opinions and attitudes and defines what is normal and acceptable.  

“That the manufacture of consent is capable of great refinements no one, I think, denies. The process by which public opinions arise is certainly no less intricate than it has appeared in these pages, and the opportunities for manipulation open to anyone who understands the process are plain enough. . . . as a result of psychological research, coupled with the modern means of communication, the practice of democracy has turned a corner. A revolution is taking place, infinitely more significant than any shifting of economic power. . . . Under the impact of propaganda, not necessarily in the sinister meaning of the word alone, the old constants of our thinking have become variables. It is no longer possible, for example, to believe in the original dogma of democracy; that the knowledge needed for the management of human affairs comes up spontaneously from the human heart. Where we act on that theory we expose ourselves to self-deception, and to forms of persuasion that we cannot verify. It has been demonstrated that we cannot rely upon intuition, conscience, or the accidents of casual opinion if we are to deal with the world beyond our reach.”
–Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion

How can the media use mind control techniques?

The media have been using mind control techniques in a number of ways to influence us. Think this isn’t happening? From the age of two years, the average American is watching over 34 hours of television a week! This is with an extra 3 hours of recorded media. And it doesn’t take into account newspapers or radio. That is a lot of influence whether we know it or not.
In the US, there are 6 giant media corporations that control 90% of everything we watch, read or listen to. These media giants are worth billions of dollars. The same is true in the UK. There are 5 billionaires that run and control the UK’s media, with Rupert Murdoch’s company Sky having the largest share.
So why is this important? These giant corporations decide what commercial adverts we see in-between shows and also have a huge influence on what new programmes get commissioned or remain on the air. In other words, their influence is all-encompassing and widespread.

Perpetual Worry as a Means of Imprisonment

Yet the simplest mechanism for inhibiting higher mind functions, peak performance, and anomalous human capabilities is to just keep people in a constant state of worry, agitation, and fear. 

Sound familiar? In these states, it is not possible to reach a higher state of awareness. These emotional states do not allow the brain to operate in a manner that will allow this possibility. Fear is the adversary and is at the root of the misuses of these technologies. 

The government fears an enlightened population where the light of truth shines within its darkest corners. An awakened population cannot be resisted by structures based on fear.

Control of the Mind and Body

The predominant brain wave frequencies indicate the kind of activity taking place in the brain. There are four basic groups of brain wave frequencies that are associated with most mental activity. The first, beta waves, (13-35 Hertz or pulses per second) are associated with normal activity. The high end of this range is associated with stress or agitated states that can impair thinking and reasoning skills. The second group, alpha waves (8-12 Hertz), can indicate more relaxation. Alpha frequencies are ideal for learning and focused life form energy. The third, theta waves (4-7 Hertz), indicate mental imagery, access to memories and internal mental focus. This state is often associated with young children, behavioral modification and sleep/dream states. The last, ultra slow, delta waves (.5-3 Hertz), are found when a person is in deep sleep.

The general rule is that the brain’s predominant wave frequency will be lowest, in terms of pulses per second, when relaxed, and highest when people are most alert or agitated.

What is Entrainment?

External stimulation of the brain by electromagnetic means can cause the brain to be entrained or locked into phase with an external signal generator. Predominant brain waves can be driven or pushed into new frequency patterns by external stimulation. In other words, the external signal driver or impulse generator entrains the brain, overriding the normal frequencies, and causing changes in the brain waves. Changes in brain waves cause changes in brain chemistry; which then cause changes in brain outputs in the form of thoughts, emotions or physical condition.

As you are driven, so you arrive – brain manipulation can be either beneficial or detrimental to the individual being impacted depending on the level of knowledge or the intentions of the person controlling the technology.

The Use of Media

Radio, TV, the Internet, the power grid, cell systems or any other electromagnetic carrier can be used to carry a signal that will influence the behaviors of most people in close proximity to the signal. What such signals can do is cause a person, for instance, to drop into a light altered state. Like when people come home from work, sit in front of the TV and watch the nightly news feed. Within a few moments someone begins saying to you, “honey, dinners ready”. They hear nothing… they are no longer watching the “programming;” they are being programmed with the latest values, beliefs, and ideas being pressed into the consciousness of most people through media.

By oscillating a signal in a certain way, emotional states can easily be reformed so that the reaction to the advertising, political propaganda or “news” is as predicted by those generating it across the broad population as intended by them.
In other words, it is about control and manipulation. It is really very simple. People in psychology understand the Frequency Following Response (FFR). When applied to advertise or any other media, it is incredibly compelling.

Refined Control Tactics

Much more can be done with this technology in terms of the information density that can be sent in on such carriers. The objective of many military planners is to be able to even transfer thought and memory sets. These kinds of technology when applied to media particularly when coupled with mass surveillance of the population this allows those in control of such technologies to have profound effects on a highly individualized basis. This delivery system can be tailored to an individual person to have specific influences on that individual personality type and subtype.

The predictability of behavior for the target of the technology is so refined that is better at predicting an individual’s future behavior they could about themselves. Think about this for a moment.

Project MKUltra (or MK-Ultra), also called the CIA mind control program, is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, some of which were illegal.

The 1976 Church Committee report found that, in the MKDELTA program, "Drugs were used primarily as an aid to interrogations, but MKULTRA/MKDELTA materials were also used for harassment, discrediting or disabling purposes."

In 1964, MKSEARCH was the name given to the continuation of the MKULTRA program. The MKSEARCH program was divided into two projects dubbed MKOFTEN/CHICKWIT. Funding for MKSEARCH commenced in 1965, and ended in 1971.

CIA documents suggest that they investigated "chemical, biological, and radiological" methods of mind control as part of MKUltra.

They spent an estimated $10 million or more, roughly $87.5 million adjusted for inflation.

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, writing a separate dissent, stated:

No judicially crafted rule should insulate from liability the involuntary and unknowing human experimentation alleged to have occurred in this case. Indeed, as Justice Brennan observes, the United States played an instrumental role in the criminal prosecution of Nazi officials who experimented with human subjects during the Second World War, and the standards that the Nuremberg Military Tribunals developed to judge the behavior of the defendants stated that the 'voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential ... to satisfy moral, ethical, and legal concepts.' If this principle is violated, the very least that society can do is to see that the victims are compensated, as best they can be, by the perpetrators.

1994 U.S. General Accounting Office report

The U.S. General Accounting Office issued a report on September 28, 1994, which stated that between 1940 and 1974, DOD and other national security agencies studied thousands of human subjects in tests and experiments involving hazardous substances.
The quote from the study:

Working with the CIA, the Department of Defense gave hallucinogenic drugs to thousands of "volunteer" soldiers in the 1950s and 1960s. In addition to LSD, the Army also tested quinuclidinyl benzilate, a hallucinogen code-named BZ. (Note 37) Many of these tests were conducted under the so-called MKULTRA program, established to counter perceived Soviet and Chinese advances in brainwashing techniques. Between 1953 and 1964, the program consisted of 149 projects involving drug testing and other studies on unwitting human subjects

In another lawsuit, Wayne Ritchie, a former United States Marshal, after hearing about the project's existence in 1990, alleged the CIA laced his food or drink with LSD at a 1957 Christmas party which resulted in his attempting to commit a robbery at a bar and his subsequent arrest. While the government admitted it was, at that time, drugging people without their consent, U.S. District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel found Ritchie could not prove he was one of the victims of MKUltra or that LSD caused his robbery attempt and dismissed the case in 2007.

Secret detention camps

In areas under American control in the early 1950s in Europe and East Asia, mostly Japan, Germany and the Philippines, the CIA created secret detention centers so that the U.S. could avoid criminal prosecution. 

The CIA captured people suspected of being enemy agents and other people it deemed "expendable" to undertake various types of torture and human experimentation on them. 

The prisoners were interrogated while being administered psychoactive drugs, electroshocked and subjected to extremes of temperature, sensory isolation and the like to develop a better understanding of how to destroy and to control human minds.

Experiments on Canadians

The CIA exported experiments to Canada when they recruited British psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found interesting. 

Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week to work at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University, and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 (which would be US$558,915 in 2018, adjusting for inflation) to carry out MKUltra experiments there, the Montreal experiments. These research funds were sent to Cameron by a CIA front organization, the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, and as shown in internal CIA documents, Cameron did not know the money came from the CIA. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His "driving" experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced comas for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. ( See what Network television are doing now with repeating Corona Virus at all hours of day and night and what people allow mass media to do with their brains).

 His experiments were often carried on patients who entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanent effects from his actions.His treatments resulted in victims' incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents and thinking their interrogators were their parents.
His work was inspired and paralleled by the British psychiatrist William Sargant at St Thomas' Hospital, London, and Belmont Hospital, Surrey, who was also involved in the Intelligence Services and who experimented on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage

During this era, Cameron became known worldwide as the first chairman of the World Psychiatric Association as well as president of the American and Canadian psychiatric associations. Cameron was also a member of the Nuremberg medical tribunal in 1946–47

 In 1973, amid a government-wide panic caused by Watergate, CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra files destroyed.

The visionary chemist Sidney Gottlieb was the CIA’s master magician and gentlehearted torturer―the agency’s “poisoner in chief.” As head of the MK-ULTRA mind control project, he directed brutal experiments at secret prisons on three continents. He made pills, powders, and potions that could kill or maim without a trace―including some intended for Fidel Castro and other foreign leaders. He paid prostitutes to lure clients to CIA-run bordellos, where they were secretly dosed with mind-altering drugs. His experiments spread LSD across the United States, making him a hidden godfather of the 1960s counterculture. For years he was the chief supplier of spy tools used by CIA officers around the world.

Stephen Kinzer, author of groundbreaking books about U.S. clandestine operations, draws on new documentary research and original interviews to bring to life one of the most powerful unknown Americans of the twentieth century. Gottlieb’s reckless experiments on “expendable” human subjects destroyed many lives, yet he considered himself deeply spiritual. He lived in a remote cabin without running water, meditated, and rose before dawn to milk his goats.

During his twenty-two years at the CIA, Gottlieb worked in the deepest secrecy. Only since his death has it become possible to piece together his astonishing career at the intersection of extreme science and covert action. Poisoner in Chief reveals him as a clandestine conjurer on an epic scale.

TV Manipulation

There is another way, however, that TV has the ability to influence us without our knowledge.
At the start of watching TV, we are in our normal ‘beta brainwave state’. However, after a few minutes, we go into what is known as an ‘alpha brainwave state’. This state is a relaxed state of mind that feels really peaceful. And guess what? The more we watch TV, the more this state continues, and increases.
The problem is that the alpha brainwave state makes us more susceptible to what we are watching. It lowers our sense of cynicism and leaves us feeling receptive to what we are viewing. It is like a hypnotic state where we are suggestible to whatever is being shown. When we go from a beta state to an alpha state, we feel incredibly relaxed. This is a very powerful and pleasurable feeling. It can become quite addictive and is one of the reasons many people like to relax by becoming a ‘couch potato’.

The Standardization of Human Thought

The merger of media companies in the last decades generated a small oligarchy of media conglomerates. The TV shows we follow, the music we listen to, the movies we watch and the newspapers we read are all produced by FIVE corporations. 

The owners of those conglomerates have close ties with the world’s elite and, in many ways, they ARE the elite. By owning all of the possible outlets having the potential to reach the masses, these conglomerates have the power to create in the minds of the people a single and cohesive world view, engendering a “standardization of human thought”.

Even movements or styles that are considered marginal are, in fact, extensions of mainstream thinking. Mass medias produce their own rebels who definitely look the part but are still part of the establishment and do not question any of it. Artists, creations and ideas that do not fit the mainstream way of thinking are mercilessly rejected and forgotten by the conglomerates, which in turn makes them virtually disappear from society itself. However, ideas that are deemed to be valid and desirable to be accepted by society are skillfully marketed to the masses in order to make them become self-evident norm.

In 1928, Edward Bernays already saw the immense potential of motion pictures to standardize thought:

“The American motion picture is the greatest unconscious carrier of propaganda in the world today. It is a great distributor for ideas and opinions. The motion picture can standardize the ideas and habits of a nation. Because pictures are made to meet market demands, they reflect, emphasize and even exaggerate broad popular tendencies, rather than stimulate new ideas and opinions. The motion picture avails itself only of ideas and facts which are in vogue. As the newspaper seeks to purvey news, it seeks to purvey entertainment.”
– Edward Bernays, Propaganda


Approved For Release 2006/01/12 CIA-RDP91-0D901R040 -
4701 WILLARD AVENUE, CHEVY CHASE, MARYLAND 20815 (301) 656-406
.PROGRAM ? 60 M i n u t e s-
DATE December 23, 1984 7:00 P.M.
SJBJECT MK-ULTRA/Mind Control Experiments
CBS Network
Washington, D.C.
ED BRADLEY: MK-ULTRA is not the name of a new James.
Bond movie. It is, or was the code word for a secret CIA project.
[1] https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document-type/crest
[2] https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/collection/general-cia-records
[3] https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP91-00901R000500150005-5.pdf


Tuesday, May 12, 2020


There is a perfect correspondence between the body and its environment. The polluted environment produces a series of illnesses that cause degenerative change within the body. The vital body of youth is slowly weakened and dragged down to the corresponding health standard of its environment.
The adjustment does not occur suddenly 

The modern city consists of monstrous edifices with dark and narrow streets full of gasoline and thousands if other fumes coal dust toxic games and acids torn by the noise of taxicabs trucks and trolleys and large crowds persons afflicted by some aliment and each exhaling terrible filth from their lungs.

When the organism's health standard is above that of its environment vital adjustment comes into action.

That “getting used to it” is the work of vital adjustment. The polluted air depressed the vital functions and render them too weak to combat the danger with enough force to cause noticeable inconvenience.
The danger is still present. The disinfectants the vaccines weaken the dangers the vital body feels. The depressed weakened partially paralyzed body just does not feel the danger.

By making the body weaker when necessary it will tolerate more abuse and poison and live longer under the adverse conditions. A paradox too complicated for medical art.

If it was not this automatic adjustment by degrees sudden death would occur. The power of vital function and the operation of the law of adaptation is unknown to medical art and doctors.

By the adverse effects of his environment and bad habits, man's body is transformed by a slow process of degeneration under the law of adaptation from its perfect state at birth to the decrepit state at old age provided he is lucky enough to live that long.

We get rid of bad health by building good health, not by treating symptoms of bad health.

And we build good health not by treating the symptoms of bad health. And we build good health in the sick body by following the natural simple scientific regime.

Methods of Care 

1. The breath of life comes first. When we stop breathing we stop living. To preserve life the air must be free of pollution. Accordingly, patients should be put where they may breathe only fresh clean outside air.

2. The fluid if life comes next. Man can't live long without water. To preserve life the water one drinks must be pure and free of pollutants used by the public water system and also free of solids held in solution as the case of water from wells springs lakes and rivers. Patients should be given pure rainwater.

3. The greatest freedom of vital function comes next. This is produced by the physiological rest of the body's organs, secured only by absolute fast, giving patients no food but air and water, the two greatest of all food.
Under this simple natural regime, the patients recovered as though by magic regardless of the name that the doctors had given to their alignments.

If we never violated the rules of health nor submitted to the health-destroying process of immunization as advocated and practised by medical.doctors we would never be sick.

But children cannot go to school in most countries now without immunized against diseases by having the poisonous serums and vaccines.medical art injected into their healthy bodies.

The general.public does not understand the rationale of the action of immunization agents.

They have broken the body by dulling the nerve system and that prevents the body from reacting acutely to the damaging internal poisons.

As the body is now too weak to throw off poisons in the action called acute diseases they remain in the body and corrode the internal organs and develop into dangerous chronic disorders.

So instead of having measles at six or seven years old and eliminating the damaging internal poisons, they remain in the body and can produce cancer at 35.or 40.
Here are few suggestions for healthy living: “ Be strict vegetarian, wake up before daylight and walk and run in the fresh morning air, eliminate grains and potatoes, do not drink water from the ground. Eat 16 ounces of solid food or 0. 454 kg and juices daily. 

Each illness results from internal poisoning. A bad climate bad environment and bad habits constitute the basis cause for ill health and decay. The only remedy on earth is a good climate,  a good environment and good habits.

If medical art knew this it would never let such precious knowledge become general so that to bring humanity to a world of health because such world would ruin not only the doctors but all long list of workers and institutions that thrive on human misery.

Extract from the book “Valiant Thor's Book of Vril How to Live Long and Prosper.” By Valiant Thor

"The path of Vril Venusian Secrets of Longevity and Rejuvenation".by Valiant Thor