Sunday, September 26, 2021

Nuclear Tests and CDC Involvement

There has been a discernable lack of radiation studies today by the US Federal Government perhaps because leaders are disinclined to remind the public of more than a thousand secret radiation experiments in US citizens including some two hundred thousand "atomic vets" (soldiers exposed to atomic testing). These tests were made public only in the recent years produces "downwinders" residents of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, West Texas who were exposed to radioactive fallout from the testing of.more than 200 atmospheric and underground tests.

Such tests were conducted under the auspices of the Atomic Energy Commission, the Defense Department of Health Education and Welfare, Public Health Service now CDC, the National Institure of Health, the Veteran Administration (VA) , the CIA and NASA.

In 1950- 1960, radiation meters, Geiger Counters and gas masks were routinely provided by Civil Defence. Today theybare relics and difficult to acquire.

"Population Control How Corporate Owners are Killing Us" by Jim Marrs

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Fluoride Manhattan Project Aluminium Industries

Hazardous waste ended up in our drinking water and bad science and powerful Politics keeps it there.

The fruoride in our drinking water is thebhazardous byproduct of ohosphatr fertilizer and aluminium industries.  It is ilegal to dump this waste into the sea or local surface water and yet is allowed in our drinking water.

Non medical city workers dumped fluoride into the water supply withouth regard for dosage and quantity.

The addition of fluoride constitute medication withouth informed consent.

Whatever the reasons that led the US PHS Public Health Srtcice ti endirse fluoride in 1950 researchers did not have solid evidence to demonstrate either short term or the ling term safely of this practice.

Then city workers have not right tondonwhat a doctornis not permitted to do to meditate peoples withouth their consent.

Fluoride adversely affect the cognitive development in children, tyroid damage and susceptibilityof cancer. Fluoride impare both memory and learning. It increases the risk  of development Alzheimer disease, damage in liver and kidney functions.

Fluoride is a toxic chemical thatncan accumulate in the body and brain causing harm to enemies and producing serious health problems including neutilogical and endocrine dysfunctions.

The Fluoridation of the drinking water began in Grand Rapids Michigan in 1945 at the instigation ofnDrs Trendley Dean and Gerald J Cox both employees of Andrew W Mellon the founder of the Aluminium Company of America (Aloca) whonwas Treasury Secretary in 1930 and oversaw administration of the Public Health Services.

Mellon had Deab who worked for the PHS study the effects of naturally fluoridatwd water on teeth.

Dean reported that fluoridafed water caused discoloration in teeth in some cases might prevent cavities.

Sodium Fluoride is produced by administration fluorine  a highlyntoxic pale diatomic chemical.
Sodium Fluoride was used as bug poison, fungicide, wood preservative.

Not only is Fluoride a product if the Aluminium industry it also has been used in the manufacturing of the atomic bombs. This was waste acumulated after World War 2 in thebwake of the atomic bomb testing.

With several instances already on on record of Fluoride causing damage to cross, kivestock and people diwnwind from industrial plants, government and industry led by officials running the Manhattan Project ( the project that built the bombs dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki) sought to put a friendluer face to Fluoride.

This would damage Public concerns over Fluoride emissions and help forestall potential crippling litigation.

Instead of being seen as the poison it is people should view Fluoride as a nutrient, which give smiling children shiny teeth.

It worked.

From "Population Control" by Jim Marrs

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Mater and Cohesion

Matter comes into visible existence through the formation of invisible elements into visible compounds under the influence of cohesion. Cohesion is the tangible evidence that back of all is an omnipotent  creative force.

No one has seen oxygen hydrogen  or nitrogen yet almost 85% of human body is composed of those invisible gases. In fact oxygen alone makes up about of half the entire matter composing the earth. Rocks are nearly one half oxygen 

If the cohesion force is annulled by the withdrawal of the sustaining energy of the Creative Force every compound solid or fluid  of nature would instantly decompose.and disappear. The globe would discompose into a little metallic matter.

Just as waters can be decomposed into invisible elements oxygen and hydrogen so those other, in all probability, along with the metal, phosphorus iodine etc are resolvable into yet finer elements which unless supported by sustaining energy they will similarly decompose and disappear. 

extract from the book "The Divine Life" by Hilton Hotema

Friday, July 23, 2021


Former pfizer chief scientist states:
It was never necessary to do masks lock down vaccines. 

There are therapeutic drugs as effective as vaccines are available and cheap such as ivomectine 

Virus variants are 99.7 identical with the initial virus.
Why take a risk of a vaccine for something that is not a treat to you?
Vaccines passports are unnecessary. They provide control over your movement. The database of these passports will control your movements for the rest of your life.
What if these passports are required to enter shopping malls buying groceries.  You don't know who is setting these policies. 
What of the vaccines passports are linked to banks and if you don't comply the access to your bank money will be refused?
A simple story repeated indefinitely and censorship of alternative view is what is happening now.
The vaccines are not approved by any medical agency. They are available based on the emergency use autorization. So if it was no emergency they could not have been used.
Nuremberg Code was put in place after World War 2 when human experiments were put in place by Nazi Doctors. Doctors that do not inform patients that the vaccine is experimental are braking the international Nuremberg Code.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Cosmic Radiation

Man lives in the midst of fields of  Cosmic Radiation, which induces electro-magnetic phenomena in the cellular nuclei of the body. Each cell is the center of oscillation of very high frequency, emitting visible Radiation belonging to the gamut close to that of light.

Animation, living, being alive, is the phenomenon of oscillations in the cellular nucleus, resulting from the harmonious vibrations of Cosmic Radiation.

Cosmic Radiation is the cause of all and that cause was termed by the Masters Universal Spirit which they regarded as the Center and Cause of Intelligence and Animation.

Cosmic intelligence appears in the brain producing a state termed Mind.

Psychologists have divided the mind in three departments Conscious,  Subconscious and Subconscious.

Conscious mind we use in our daily affairs is only a small part of brain power.

Subconscious is more powerful.
Subconscious Mind is so potent that never forgets even contain wisdom of the past ages.
From the book "Awaken the World Within (1962)" by Hilton Hotem (Dictated inspired by Valiant Thor )

Friday, July 9, 2021

Medicine Whell

Historically, most medicine wheels follow the basic pattern of having a center of stone, and surrounding that is an outer ring of stones with "spokes" (lines of rocks) radiating from the center to the cardinal directions (east, south, west, and north). These stone structures may be called "medicine wheels" by the nation which built them, or more specific terms in that nation's language.

Ojibwe Indian stone medicine wheel

Key to stone medicine wheel:

  1. Creator - Center of life, the Medicine Wheel itself.
  2. Earth Mother - Gives us our home, and lives.
  3. Father Sun - Warms life, source of energy and light.
  4. Grandmother Moon - Guides dreams and visions.
  5. Turtle Clan - The element of earth. Growth and life.
  6. Frog Clan - The element of water. Cleansing.
  7. Thunderbird Clan - The element of fire. Energy.
  8. Butterfly Clan - The element of air. Transformation.
  9. The North - Knowledge and wisdom.
  10. The East - Daybreak, Illumination. Spirit.
  11. The South - Youth and innocence. Emotion.
  12. The West - Introspection, Looks within.
  13. Snow Goose – Direction.
  14. Otter - Balanced female energy.
  15. Cougar - Leadership without insisting.
  16. Red Hawk - Observant. Messengers of the Gods.
  17. Beaver - Builder and do-er.
  18. Deer - Power and gentleness.
  19. Flicker – Music.
  20. Sturgeon - Moving through life, swimming.
  21. Brown Bear - Sweetness of truth.
  22. Raven - Keeper of Sacred law.
  23. Snake - Power of creation. Transmutation.
  24. Elk - Stamina. To go the distance.
  25. Cleansing - To make clean. Purify
  26. Renewal - To begin again.
  27. Purity - Clean and innocent.
  28. Clarity - Unclouded. Free from darkness.
  29. Love - To delight in a higher state of appreciation.
  30. Wisdom - Knowledge and sense. Intelligence and foresight.
  31. Illumination - To enlighten. Cast light upon.
  32. Growth - To become. To change from one state to another. To advance.
  33. Trust - To place confidence in the reliance on the integrity and friendship of another.
  34. Experience - Knowledge and understanding
  35. Introspection - To look inside.
  36. Strength - Power and vigor of mind.

Physical medicine wheels made of stone were constructed by several different indigenous peoples in North America, especially the Plains Indians. They are associated with religious ceremonies. As a metaphor, they may be used in healing work or to illustrate other cultural concepts.

The medicine wheel has been adopted as a symbol by a number of pan-Indian groups, or other native groups whose ancestors did not traditionally use it as a symbol or structure. It has also been appropriated by non-indigenous people, usually those associated with New Age community 

A Medicine Wheel is simply a way of making sacred space more real and more visible. A Medicine Wheel is made of stones. Each stone tells part of the story. The Stones are the Ancestors of the Earth. There were about 20,000 medicine wheels in North America, before the Europeans came. Medicine wheels are places for energy and healing, teaching and understanding. They are used for times of reflecting on life, and for joyous celebrations.  Medicine Wheels were always a place of sacred ceremony and ritual.

The Medicine Wheel creates an axis and an atlas to sacred space.  It is a mapping of the sacred landscape we live in.  The Medicine Wheel is spinning.  It is rotating like the Earth.   The things in your life are spinning and you are the centre.

Some thoughts are common, such as the principle that Life is a Circle and that the Four Directions stand for North, South, East and West. A Circle is also used in other practices, considered pagan, with the same four directions and various colours.

A Medicine Wheel is a physical manifestation of Spiritual energy, an outward expression of an internal dialogue. It is a mirror in which we can better SEE what is going on within us. It is a wheel of protection that enables us, and allows us to gather surrounding energies into a focal point.

It helps to see exactly where we are and in which areas we need to develop in order to realize and become our full potential. It is a place of knowing that we are all connected to one another. And by showing us the intricacies of the interwoven threads of life, we can better see what is our part in it all. It helps us understand that without our part in this tapestry, the “Bigger Picture” is not as it should be. We add colour, dimension and life to each other, to all of life

It is a model to be used to view self, society, nation or anything that one could ever think of looking into. The Wheel, once we learn how to dance within it, offers a picture of Life and helps to add clarity to a foggy view. Like so many other things…it is a tool to be used for the upliftment and betterment of mankind, healing and connecting us.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Hilton Hotema

Hilton Hotema, born George R. Clements (7 February 1878, Fitchburg, Massachusetts - 1970),[1] was a 20th-century American alternative health writer, esoteric author and mystic, who also adopted the names Kenyon Klamonti and Dr. Karl Kridler

Hilton Hotema, born George R. Clements (7 February 1878, Fitchburg, Massachusetts - 1970),[1] was a 20th-century American alternative health writer, esoteric author and mystic, who also adopted the names Kenyon Klamonti and Dr. Karl Kridler.

1. Ancient Secret Of Personal Power (Tetragrammaton) (1960)
2. Ancient Sun God (1956)
3. Awaken The World Within (1963)
4. Breath Of Life And The Flame Divine (1957)
5. Cosmic Creation (Second Edition) (1958)
6. Cosmic Creation Part One (1956)
7. Cosmic Science Of The Ancient Masters
8. Cosmic Science of the Ancient Masters (2nd edition)
9. Creation: Cosmic Radiation In Florida
10. Divine Life (1963)
11. Empyreal Sea - Live 1400 Years (1964)
12. Facts of Nutrition: Vegetarianism & Longevity (1957)
13. Fasting Story #1:
14. Fasting Story #2: Wilborn, Carrington, Tanner, Hotema & Hanish
15. Genesis Of Christianity (1967)
16. Geriatrics
17. Glorious Resurrection
18. Golden Dawn
19. Great Law (1963)
20. The Great Red Dragon (1987)
21. Health Thru Scientific Nutrition
22. Hidden Creator (1961)
23. How High Do You Climb?
24. How I Lived To Be Ninety (1966)
25. Kingdom Of Heaven
26. Land Of Light - The Tarot (1959)
27. Law of Life And Human Health
28. Live 1400 Years: Empyreal Living Sea (How High Do You Climb)
29. Live Better: Ancient Unknown Knowledge (1963)
30. Live Longer (1959)
31. Living Fire & God’s Law Of Life: Sacred Wisdom of the Ancients
32. Long Life In Florida (1962)
33. Lost Wisdom of the Ancient Masters
34. Lost Word Of Freemasonry (1967)
35. Magic Beam
36. Magic Temple (1968)
37. Magic Wand (1956)
38. Magic World (Magicalism) (1967)
39. Man’s Higher Consciousness
40. Man’s Miraculous Unused Powers (4 volumes)
41. Mysterious Sphinx
42. Mystery Man Of The Bible
43. Mystery Of Man
44. New Super Sprays Endangering Your Health
45. Orthopathy (Elementary Orthopathy): New Science Of Health & Natural Healing
46. Perfect Creation
47. Pre-Existence Of Man #1
48. Pre-Existence Of Man #2
49. Pythagoras
50. Science Of Organic Dietetics
51. Secrets Of Regeneration
52. Son Of Perfection #1
53. Son Of Perfection #2
54. Soul's Secret (1958)
55. Virgin Birth
56. We Do Not Die
57. Why Do We Age (1959)

Monday, May 24, 2021

Natural Laws

Natural Law Theory contains four different types of law: Eternal Law, Natural Law, Human Law and Divine Law. The way to understand these four laws and how they relate to one another is via the Eternal Law.
What is the first law of man?
Man's first law is to watch over his own preservation; his first care he owes to himself; and as soon as he reaches the age of reason, he becomes the only judge of the best means to preserve himself; he becomes his own master.”

Natural law is a philosophical theory that states that humans have certain rights, moral values, and responsibilities that are inherent in human nature. Natural law theory is based on the idea that natural laws are universal concepts and are not based on any culture or customs. Still, it is a way society acts naturally and inherently as human beings.

 What are the 5 primary precepts of natural law?

The Primary Precepts are: 
(1) Preserve innocent life; 
(2) Ordered living in society; 
(3) Worship God; 
(4) Educate children; and, 
(5) Reproduction of the species.
The theory of natural law was known to the ancient Greeks but then elaborated by many philosophers. Some important philosophers who played a role in the development of natural law include Aristotle, Plato, and Thomas Aquinas.

Practical Examples

The first example of natural law includes the idea that it is universally accepted and understood that killing a human being is wrong. However, it is also universally accepted that punishing someone for killing that person is right.

The second example includes the idea that two people create a child, and they then become the parents and natural caregivers for that child. It is something that natural law theory would explain as natural law because it is inherent within human beings, and any human-made law would not be required for humans to feel as though they need to act as the caregiver of their child.

The Seven Laws of Nature

These fundamentals are called the Seven Natural Laws through which everyone and everything is governed. They are the laws of :
Cause and Effect, 
Gender/Gustation and 
Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.

What are the 12 natural laws?
How to harness the 12 laws of the universe to improve your life.
  • Law of divine oneness. ...
  • Law of vibration. ...
  • Law of correspondence. ...
  • Law of attraction. ...
  • Law of inspired action. ...
  • Law of perpetual transmutation of energy. ...
  • Law of cause and effect. ...
  • Law of compensation.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Canada Toronto Protocol and Eugenics

Eugenics is the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. Developed largely by Sir Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, eugenics was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century, especially after the adoption of its doctrines by the Nazis in order to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups.

What is an example of eugenics?
Many countries enacted various eugenics policies, including: genetic screenings, birth control, promoting differential birth rates, marriage restrictions, segregation (both racial segregation and sequestering the mentally ill), compulsory sterilization, forced abortions or forced pregnancies) 

Toronto Protocol

This short but explosive text was first leaked by Serge Monast in Canada in 1995. It is reported to be the plan of an elite group who are manipulating the general public and governments across the world to bring about their long term goal of a world government. They cover in this document a wide variety of areas, including world food supplies and pollution, the question of parental rights as opposed to state rights over children, earthquake weapons, the overall media and economic climate which was planned to be favourable in order to lure into complacency the general public, etc etc. Could it be real?

Eugenics in Canada

Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices aimed at improving the human population through controlled breeding. It includes “negative” eugenics (discouraging or limiting the procreation of people considered to have undesirable characteristics and genes) and “positive” eugenics (encouraging the procreation of people considered to have desirable characteristics and genes). Many Canadians supported eugenic policies in the early 20th century, including some medical professionals, politicians and feminists. Both Alberta (1928) and British Columbia (1933) passed Sexual Sterilization Acts, which were not repealed until the 1970s. Although often considered a pseudoscience and a thing of the past, eugenic methods have continued into the 21st century, including the coerced sterilization of Indigenous women and what some have termed the “new eugenics” — genetic editing and the screening of fetuses for disabilities.

Key Terms and Facts

EugenicsA set of beliefs and practices aimed at improving the human population through controlled breeding.
“Positive” eugenicsA form of eugenics that encourages the procreation of individuals and groups who are viewed as possessing desirable characteristics and genes. Methods include baby bonuses and other financial incentives.
“Negative” eugenicsA form of eugenics that discourages and decreases the procreation of individuals and groups who are viewed as having inferior or undesirable characteristics and genes. Methods include sexual sterilization and institutionalization.
SterilizationA permanent medical procedure that prevents pregnancy. One example is tubal ligation, a surgical procedure in which the fallopian tubes are either cut or blocked.
Supporters/Proponents of Eugenic PoliciesDr. E.W. McBride, Professor Carrie Derick, Dr. Helen MacMurchy, William AberhartErnest ManningEmily MurphyLouise McKinneyNellie McClungHenrietta Muir EdwardsSocial Credit Party of Alberta, United Farmers of Alberta, United Farm Women’s Association, Eugenics Society of Canada, Tommy Douglas
Sexual Sterilization Act (Alberta), 1928–72This legislation created a Eugenics Board that could authorize the sexual sterilization of inmates of mental hospitals who had been proposed for release, if the Board determined that there was a risk that they could transmit “disability” to their children. Over 2,800 people were sterilized under this legislation.
Sexual Sterilization Act (British Columbia), 1933–73This Act closely resembled the Alberta legislation, but was applied more narrowly. It is estimated that between 200 and 400 people were sterilized under this legislation.

Eugenics: Beliefs and Goals

Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices aimed at improving the human population through controlled breeding. The word "eugenics" is derived from the Greek word meaning "well-born." It was first used in 1883 by Sir Francis Galton (cousin of Charles Darwin), who is widely considered the founder of the eugenic movement in England. The movement focused on both “positive” and “negative” eugenics, though with greater emphasis on the latter. “Positive” eugenics included the encouragement of procreation by individuals and groups who were viewed as possessing desirable characteristics and genes, thereby attempting to improve and strengthen the overall gene pool of society. “Negative” eugenics involved discouraging and decreasing procreation by individuals and groups who were viewed as having inferior or undesirable characteristics and genes. The goal of “negative” eugenics was pursued through several different methods aimed at limiting the capacity and opportunity for procreation, including sexual sterilization, marriage prohibition, segregation and institutionalization.

Social and Scientific Assumptions of Eugenics

The eugenics movement was based on certain social and scientific assumptions. One such assumption, based on the work of German scientist and friar Gregor Mendel (1822–84), was that certain characteristics and traits were thought to be hereditary. Another was that these characteristics and traits were believed to be socially undesirable. Hence it was thought to be in society's interests to reduce the spread of these undesirable traits by limiting the reproductive power of those individuals and groups who possessed them.

Eugenicists believed that the following “undesirable” characteristics were almost exclusively hereditary: intellectual disability, mental illness, alcoholismpoverty, criminality, and various types of “immoral” behaviour, including prostitution. Supporters of eugenics also believed that these groups had a higher reproductive rate than other people. One of the most dominant and recurrent themes of eugenics philosophy in the late 19th and early 20th century was the emphasis on a link between intellectual disability and criminality, and the consequent "menace" which intellectual disability posed to society.

Support for Eugenics in Canada

In the early 20th century, eugenic policies were considered progressive among many Canadians, including some socialistsfeminists, farmers and psychiatrists. Their assumption was that Canadian society could be improved by encouraging reproduction among certain groups — particularly Anglo-Saxon Protestants — and discouraging or limiting reproduction among other groups, including Eastern European immigrants and, increasingly, Indigenous people. (Similarly, immigration policies like the Chinese head tax were aimed at limiting the population of Asian Canadians.)

Many prominent Canadians of that era were advocates of eugenics philosophy and eugenic sterilization, including Dr. E.W. McBride, Professor Carrie Derick and Dr. Helen MacMurchy. Support for eugenic sterilization was also expressed in the 1920s by many prominent Alberta women, including Emily Murphy and Nellie McClung. Maternal feminists like McClung, for example, argued that women were the mothers and guardians of their “race.” They therefore championed legislation, including sterilization, which aimed to curtail prostitutionalcoholism and “mental defectiveness.”

Other Canadian individuals and institutions, however, opposed eugenic policies. For example, the Roman Catholic Church in Canada was vehemently opposed to sexual sterilization legislation.

Did You Know?
Tommy Douglas — the father of socialized medicine in Canada and one of the country’s most beloved figures — at one time endorsed eugenic policies. In 1933, he received a Master of Arts in sociology from McMaster University for his thesis, The Problems of the Subnormal Family. In the thesis, Douglas recommended several eugenic policies, including the sterilization of “mental defectives and those incurably diseased.” However, by the time Douglas became premier of Saskatchewan in 1944, he had abandoned his support for sterilization. When Douglas was presented with reports that recommended legalizing sexual sterilization in the province, he rejected the idea. Instead, he adopted a different approach, including therapy for people with mental illnesses and vocational training for those with intellectual disabilities. (See Tommy Douglas and Eugenics)

Sexual Sterilization Laws

Eugenics philosophy was highly influential in the enactment of sexual sterilization laws in North America in the early part of the 20th century. This type of legislation was passed in 32 states in the United States, and in two Canadian provinces: Alberta (in 1928) and British Columbia (in 1933). Countries around the world passed similar legislation, including Nazi Germany.

Eugenic Legislation in Alberta

In 1928, the Alberta government passed the Sexual Sterilization Act. There was broad public support for this legislation, which was passed by the United Farmers of Alberta under premier John Edward Brownlee. The Act established a Eugenics Board with the power to authorize the sexual sterilization of certain individuals who had been institutionalized under the Mental Diseases Act and Mental Defectives Act and recommended for release. According to the 1928 Sexual Sterilization Act, patients could be sterilized if “the board is unanimously of opinion that the patient might safely be discharged if the danger of procreation with its attendant risk of multiplication of the evil by transmission of the disability to progeny were eliminated." Consent was required, either from the patient or his/her parent, guardian or spouse.

In 1937, the Act was amended, removing the need for informed consent from those considered “mentally defective.” According to the 1937 amendments, such persons could be sterilized to prevent the transmission of “mental disability or deficiency” or to avoid the “risk of mental injury, either to such person or to his progeny.” Similarly, “psychotic” patients could be sterilized to prevent the transmission of mental disease or the risk of “mental injury.”

In 1942, the Act was altered yet again, expanding its scope to include candidates who had not been institutionalized. Both amendments were passed by the Social Credit government led by William Aberhart. The Alberta legislation was repealed in 1972 by Peter Lougheed’s Progressive Conservative government. During the 44 years in which the legislation was in effect, the Eugenics Board approved 4,725 cases for sterilization, of which 2,834 were carried out.

In 1996, an Alberta court awarded approximately $740,000 in damages to Leilani Muir, who had been wrongly sterilized at age 14 while she was a patient at the Provincial Training School for Mental Defectives. Hundreds of other sterilization survivors have since come forward and settled out of court with the province.

Leilani Muir speaks at an Alberta Eugenics Awareness Week event (22 October 2011). (GrammarLab/Wikimedia CC)

Eugenic Legislation in British Columbia

In 1933, the British Columbia government under Conservative premier Simon Fraser Tolmie passed its own Sexual Sterilization Act. It closely resembled Alberta’s legislation but was applied more narrowly. Under the Act, a Board of Eugenics could order the sterilization of any institutionalized patient who “if discharged… without being subjected to an operation for sexual sterilization would be likely to beget or bear children who by reason of inheritance would have a tendency to serious mental disease or mental deficiency.” There was broad support for the Act in British Columbia, including political support from the Liberal Party of British Columbia. In contrast, the Roman Catholic Church loudly protested the legislation.

According to historian Angus McLaren, a few hundred people were sterilized in British Columbia, far fewer than in Alberta. As records were destroyed, the exact number is unknown but is estimated to be between 200 and 400. The British Columbia legislation remained relatively narrow in scope compared to the Alberta Act, which was twice amended and enlarged. According to historian Amy Samson, many of the individuals sterilized through the program had come through Riverview Hospital (formerly Essondale Hospital). British Columbia’s Sexual Sterilization Act was repealed in 1973, under the NDP government of David Barrett. In 2005, nine women who were sterilized at Riverview Hospital between 1940 and 1968 were awarded $450,000 in an out-of-court settlement.

Eugenics in Other Canadian Provinces

Although Alberta and British Columbia were the only two provinces to pass sexual sterilization legislation, most provinces considered implementing eugenic policies in the early 20th century. SaskatchewanManitoba and Ontario all drafted sexual sterilization legislation, but these were defeated in the 1930s due to increased resistance, particularly from Catholics.

Moreover, as historian Erika Dyck points out, other provinces have engaged in eugenics as well. Beginning in the 1960s, Quebec practised “positive” eugenics, establishing baby bonuses and other financial incentives for large families, in the hope of increasing its population. In the Atlantic provincesNova Scotia institutionalized women considered unfit for motherhood.

Eugenics and Indigenous Peoples in Canada

Indigenous populations have been targeted by eugenic legislation, particularly sexual sterilization, since the 1930s (see Sterilization of Indigenous Women in Canada). In the first few decades of Alberta’s sterilization program, Eastern Europeans were the group most affected by the legislation. Under the province’s mental health campaigns, many Eastern Europeans were institutionalized and therefore subject to the Sexual Sterilization Act. But by 1972, First Nations and Métis people represented over 25 per cent of those sterilized under Alberta’s sexual sterilization legislation.

Even since the repeal of sexual sterilization laws in the early 1970s, Indigenous women have been coerced into sterilization, some of them pressured to sign consent forms for tubal ligation while in labour or on the operating table. According to Dr. Karen Stote, about 1,200 Indigenous women were sterilized in the 1970s alone, about half of them at “Indian hospitals” operated by the federal government between 1971 and 1974.

Coerced sterilization has continued into the 21st century. In July 2017, a report titled “Tubal Ligation in the Saskatoon Health Region: The Lived Experience of Aboriginal Women,” revealed that some Indigenous women in the Saskatoon area had been pressured into sexual sterilization. According to co-authors Yvonne Boyer, then Canada Research Chair in Aboriginal Health and Wellness at Brandon University, and Dr. Judith Bartlett, an Indigenous physician and former associate professor of community health science at the University of Manitoba, many of the women were pressured to sign consent forms while in labour. The same year, some of the affected women launched a class-action lawsuit against the Saskatoon Health Region, Saskatchewan government, federal government and individual medical professionals. Since the report’s publication, more women have come forward, alleging similar treatment in other regions, provinces and territories.

In November 2018, Amnesty International brought the issue to the United Nations Committee Against Torture. The following month, the UN committee made two recommendations: that all allegations of forced or coerced sterilization be impartially investigated, and that concrete measures be taken to prevent and criminalize involuntary sterilization.

The New Eugenics?

Many Canadians assume that the eugenics movement is a thing of the past, particularly after it was discredited as a pseudoscience following the Second World War and the eugenic policies of the Nazi regime in Germany (see Canada and the Holocaust). However, this ignores the fact that sexual sterilizations continued in Canada, even after sterilization legislation was repealed in the 1970s.

Moreover, some experts warn that Canada is sliding into a new form of eugenics in the 21st century. In 2004, for example, professor Tanis Doe of the University of Victoria argued that prenatal testing of fetuses is akin to Nazi-style eugenics, a purging of the disabled from society. According to Doe, there is a widespread acceptance among Western societies that disabled fetuses should not be brought to term, with many parents choosing to abort fetuses diagnosed with Down syndrome, for example. Whether genetic screening and genetic engineering constitute a “new eugenics” is a matter of debate, one which raises pressing questions about scientific ethicshuman rights, and (dis)ability (see also Disability Rights Movement in CanadaPopulation GeneticsGenetics, Ethics and the Law).

Further Reading

  • Diane B. Paul, John Stenhouse and Hamish G. Spencer, eds.,Eugenics at the Edges of Empire: New Zealand, Australia, Canada and South Africa (2017).

  • Erika Dyck, Facing Eugenics: Reproduction, Sterilization and the Politics of Choice (2013).

  • Karen Stote, An Act of Genocide: Colonialism and the Sterilization of Aboriginal Women (2015).

  • Leslie Elaine Baker, “Institutionalizing Eugenics: Custody, Class, Gender and Education in Nova Scotia’s Response to the ‘Feeble-Minded,’ 1890–1931,” University of Saskatchewan, Doctoral Dissertation, (2015).

  • Angus McLaren, Our Own Master Race: Eugenics in Canada, 1885-1945 (1990).

  • Claudia Malacrida, A Special Hell: Institutional Life in Alberta's Eugenic Years (2015).

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Eugenics” comes from the Greek roots for “good” and “origin,” or “good birth” and involves applying principles of genetics and heredity for the purpose of improving the human race. The term eugenics was first coined by Francis Galton in the late 1800’s (Norrgard 2008). Galton (1822-1911) was an English intellectual whose body of work spanned many fields, including statistics, psychology, meteorology and genetics. Incidentally, he was also a half-cousin of Charles Darwin. Galton’s first academic foray into eugenics analyzed the characteristics, such as superior intelligence, of England’s upper classes and concluded they were hereditary; therefore, desirable traits could be passed down through generations (Norrgard 2008). Galton advocated a selective breeding program for humans in his book Hereditary Genius (1869): “Consequently, as it is easy, ….. to obtain by careful selection a permanent breed of dogs or horses gifted with peculiar powers of running, or of doing anything else, so it would be quite practicable to produce a highly-gifted race of men by judicious marriages during several consecutive generations.”

Eugenics was not only the purview of academics, and it became a popular social movement that peaked in the 1920s and 30s. During this period, the American Eugenics Society was founded, in addition to many local societies and groups around the country (PBS 1998). Members competed in “fitter family” and “better baby” competitions at fairs and exhibitions (Remsberg 2011). Movies and books promoting eugenic principles were popular. A film called The Black Stork (1917), based on a true story, depicted as heroic a doctor that allowed a syphilitic infant to die after convincing the child’s parents that it was better to spare society one more outcast.

The English eugenics movement, championed by Galton, promoted eugenics through selective breeding for positive traits. In contrast, the eugenics movement in the US quickly focused on eliminating negative traits. Not surprisingly, “undesirable” traits were concentrated in poor, uneducated, and minority populations. In an attempt to prevent these groups from propagating, eugenicists helped drive legislation for their forced sterilization (Norrgard 2008). The first state to enact a sterilization law was Indiana in 1907, quickly followed by California and 28 other states by 1931 (Lombardo n.d.). These laws resulted in the forced sterilization of over 64,000 people in the United States (Lombardo n.d.). At first, sterilization efforts focused on the disabled but later grew to include people whose only “crime” was poverty. These sterilization programs found legal support in the Supreme Court. In Buck v. Bell (1927), the state of Virginia sought to sterilize Carrie Buck for promiscuity as evidenced by her giving birth to a baby out of wedlock (some suggest she was raped). 
