Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Moon

It has been known for thousands of years that the Moon is not a planetary Moon .
It is hollow a station that was built out in the Gallaxy by one of the Federationstowed I to the earth orbit and parked with one side facing the earth.

The moin tidal locking with earth is highly unusual given their relative size.

Rhe Moon is a solar system command center handling situations in this sector of the galaxy.

First it's not our Moon.  Planet Eartg is not our planet. We are just allowed to use it while working for them at slightly above slave level.

The Earth and the Moin both belong to several entities out there.

Aliens have built hundreds of Moon structures most on the backside so ancient people living on earth type planeteciuld not see the constructions.

Aliens have built extensive facilities not just in caverns like thise that cover the entire inside of the Earth, but many cities on the backside of the Hollow Miin structures.

The public was not informed of the conversation between the astronauts and Missiin Control  in 1969 because CIA censored all of it and classifies as above top secret.

They the astronauts observed 6 large vehicles perched on the crater's edge observing them.

Armstrong shouted. "They are Huge Sir." This conversation was also censored from the public.

There was a 2 minute TV transmission silence calked technical difficulty .

They were told by ET that humans are not welcomed to the Moon. They can continue with the future planned landings, however they were not to return after that.

Source: Selected by Extraterratrials Volume 2 by William Thomkins

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

German Crafts during World War 2

Many times operative or American spy în Germany during World War 2 witnessed things hard to explain.unknown circular aircraft that Gemans called vesseks have been engineered and extensively tested.they have electric propulsion units. Concerning was that they were mass producing în underground factories using slave labor.

The vesela were operated by 2 to 6 men. Theybcan possible achieve velocities if 1000 miles per hour. The vesels were cone shaped, two Saucer shaped, and a massive one having 550 feet in diameter.

The vesels were armed with light beams weapons.

As the Admiral had hard time understanding William Thomkins formed a picture of the configuration of the object and his subconscious would photograph it. It was a firm of remote viewing even though it was not called that at that time.

He made preliminary sketches and include them in his reports to his superiors.

Finally the Americans accepted that something or someone was assisting the Germans that was 'way out there'.
The pictures are taken from internet (Facebook)
In 1941 a similar object was floating in the ocean seventy miles off the coast of San Diego California.

Extract from the book Selected by Extraterratrials Volume 2 by William Thomkins

Monday, August 28, 2023


Source: book "Selected by Extraterratrials Volume 2" by William Thomkins

Knowledge is advanced by beginning with the right questions.
William Tompkins asked few questions:
1.  Can we develop a pill that slow down aging?
2. Are there underground transportation tunels?
3. Whi built the pyramids?
4. Could free energy systems ever replace internal combustion?
5. How many alien races might there be visiting us?
6. Is rhere a secret Space program with bases on the moon?

In this book he is trying to tell us what he found out.

In 1932 there was a so called Battle of Los Angeles a first major incident in a long strings of incidents in recent history connected with UFO phenomenon.

Half of the Califirnia watched the event nearly all night. Two smaller UFO have been shot down.

3 then 5 then 12 ships appeared on the sky. Anti aircraft fired over them. The. Vehicles passed over Çalifornia iver 5 hours

We were naive with the understanding of the history of this planet.

1942  after Japanese attack of pearl Harbor  hundred of extraterratrial crafts and spacecraft carriers  swarmed iver southern California for several hours. The event was seen by half million of people. William Thomkins was one if them. He concluded thatbwas a massive interplanetary mothership from somewhere in the Gallaxy.  The mothership has disembarked hundreds of smaller landing type vehicles with a totally unknown mission onto planet Earth.
Theybwere not here to take over us but to investigate the insane dropping of atomic bombs.

Nuclear weapons technology is a big red flag and a no-no out in Galaxy.

After Los Angeles UFO incident Donald Douglas CEO of Douglas aircraft James Forestal Secretary of the Navy along with 2 military officers and a guy from MIT all whiteness the entire sighting. They were in shock for watching a huge mothershiphalf a. Ugh and the largest massive Naval space battle. There were hundreds of massive Naval space battke ships flying or some even parked for iver one hour at only 8000 feet above them.

These whiteness were aware of aliens existence influencing German SS but this was America.

Saint Germain

"Change is On The Horizon by James Rink" edited by David E Robinson

This book is based on 3 year research and thousands of hours of editing of a documentary by James Rink and was edited by David E Robinson that have seen the documentary and asked permission to make a book out of the information provided in the documentary.


The book presents how Saint Germain helped to bring about the beginning of an enlightened era which soon fell into darkness under the realms if the Illuminati and corrupt Massonic order.

The Story start when the Queen Elisabeth the 1st (1533-1603) ans SirnRobert Dudley(1533-1588) started an arranged marriage. Due to Dudley's political ambition the queen chose to maintain her virgin status. From this marriage came forth Francis Bacon (1561-1626) who was raised by an adopted family.

At age 15 while his parents were arguing he over heared thebtruth that he was the future heir of the King of England. All his life the queen kept dangling in front of him the mantle of power.

To be or not to be, that was his question. It was not to be. In 1603 Queen Elisabeth appointed King James VI (1565-1625) of Scothland to be her successor.

Grancis Bacin decided to raise above his circumstances in the pursuit of Scolari and political interests.

He had King James Bible translated. He wrote the Sakesperian sonnets.He persuaded KIng James to charter Newfoundland and was an officer in the  Virginia Company.
He was King James's Lord Chancellor.
He fathered deductive reasoning which set the ground for science and technology to liberate the humanity.

Secretly he was a master of the alchemical sciences and the occult. (Occult means hidden).
It was here that he began tonremember his past lives as the Prophet Samuel, Plato, Saint Joseph, Merlin, Roger Bacon and Christopher Columbus.

When he was the prophet Samuel he helped liberate rhe children of Abraham from the bandaje of corrupt priests and Philistines.

În the 5th century while Europe was fakking into dark ages he returned as Merlin, to help King Arthur establish Britain into a stringhold against ignorance and superstition. In 19th century his efforts blossomed and United Kingdom became a place where industry and individual initiative could thrive as never before in 12,000 years.

As medieval alchemist Roger Bacin (1214-1294) he predicted the invention of the hot air balloon, a flying machine, a magnifying glass, and mechanical propelled ships and carriages. And he wrote of them as if he had actually seen them.
He believed true knowledge seems not from the authority of others not from digmasbut is a highly persinal experience a light that communicate only to individual through the impartial channels of all knowledge and of all thought.

Roger Bacon wrote "Opus Magius" a voyage of three ships and the discovery of the New World.

In his nest life as Christofor Columbus he was inspired by these words .

When Francis Bacin became conscious of these incarnations he sought thise hidden treasures he placed away until his rebirth.

At the age of 13 Francis cinceived a time when mankind would go through a period if great restauration. He placed this vision for humanity in his. book "The Great Instauration"in which he formalized  his to hange the whole wide world through restauration of true knowledge after centuries of obscured neglect. He first devices here the scientific method that ultimately launched a new English Renaissance.

His ideas were kept in the shroud of secret societies. With his brother Anthony and some friends of Gray's InnLaw School they created a secret society "The Kings of the Helmet".

The name came from the Goddess Arhena who is depicted as wearing Pallas's helmet of invisibility and carrying the golden spear of knowledge.  Goddess Arhe a brings about wisdom intellect and the moral side if human life.

Athena's helmet of invisibility represent her silent war against ignorance and sloth.

1611 King James edition of the Bibke was commissioned in order to unite Anglican and puritan church leaders. The final draft was handed to King James who then passed to Francis Bacon so that he could revise the Bible that is still in use today.

Many workers were. Written anonymously under pen name such as William Sakespeare because goddess Atena was known to carry the spear of knowledge which she used to shake the serpent of ignorance. So the name Shakespeare came as a symbol.

Talking about the two children of Queen Elisabeth l at that time would have resulted in imprisonment and death.

At age 12 he was enrolled in Cambridge University.  Mysteriously Queen Elisabeth provided funds for his education. At age 15 he found about his royal blood so he was sent to France where he learned how to cipher codes to learn new ways to protect information and lasso worked with masinic secret societies which sought to reform French language.

When he came back 3 years later he built Kings of Helmet part of secret Sicieties found with Risicrucuan teachings which dated backnto Atlantis.

The Rosicrucian were a group of secret societies which believed knowledge and wisdom  was eternal and should be freely available to those who seek it.

The Rosecrans secret society inspired Francis Bacon to write the book Great Instaurarion" which would restore paradise in earth through knowledge ans Virtue.

In addition to the Rosicrosse and Knight's of the Helmet secret societies was rhe Freemasson secret society whose members  passed down the secret of building the massive Cathedrals.and cartels of Europe.

After 1603 the death of Queen Elisabeth,  King James succeeded to the tone.
Francis Bacon was pronounced Viscount St Albans and Lord Canceļor.

He was given the task to reform freemassonery which was a.clike for rhe elites.

He intended to transform it into a fraternal order of philosopher under 3 principles of brotherly love, relief for the poor and seeker if the truth.

He redrafted the nine degree of the King's Templar into 33 degrees which became rhe basis of freemasonry today.

Francis chose 33 initiations from a simple Elisabethancipjer which equaled the numerical values of his signature.
B= 2 A=1 C= 3 O= 14 N= 13
His masonic teachings of in error divine potential and enlightened spread and laterresukted in the creation of the United States of America.

He faked his own death in 1626, then traveled to the Racoczi Mansiin in the Carpatian mountains of Transilvania now located in Romania.

He continued his study in Alkemy preparing for his physical Ascension under Master R.

On1684, May 1 he mastered the secrets and ascended into 14th dimension transmuting his mortal body into an immortal angel conquering death itself.

The highest form of alchemy is. Ot transmitting base elements in gold but instead the transmutation of the soul with the oneness with the God.

After Ascension occurs rhe soul would chose ro serve higher dimensioms.

Francis requested to joinThe Great White Brotherhood of Light who are sould whi chose to stay in earth until rhe entire huma ity would Ascend.

His Karmic board gra Ted his request and he materialized a new body as the Comte de Saint Germain. He chose this name from Sanctus Germanys meaning "Holy.Brother".

As Saint Germain he never aged, was an accomplished singer, pianist, violonist.

He served as consolelor to Kings and princesess.

After Saint Germain ascendent he remained in Transilvania. Not much is known from that period.
1710 Saint Germain appeared în. E
Venice. He i troduced himself as the Marquiz de Montferrat and appeared 40 years old.

He shared in 1727 the art of transmitting lead to gold wit German bankers în the hope tha wealth generated would benefit humanity. They used it for themselves.

1729 he abandonate support fot these power brokers and created World Trust. He stipulated that World Trust would be released in the Year 2000

1737-1742 Saint Germain traveled to the Shah of Lersia where he learned the art of precipitation and enlarging gemstones.

His Masonic secret Society was infiltrated by the Satanic Fraction of the Bavarian Lodge if Freemasonry. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

UFO and The US Presidents

According to Dr Stranger that met Commander Valiant Thor he received confidential information regarding the Space Brothers. The Space Brithers have influenced many US Presidents.

George Washington had a spiritual experience at Vakket Forge.  He experienced a space visitation regarding his own destiny as first president of America. He discussed this with his chaplain, his wife and close friends whi also held.military ranks.

Abraham Linkon was contacted during 1861-1865 by beings labelked by press 'space people' who accompanied Linkon throughout the Civil War. He was warned by a space entity in his dream not to go to Ford Theater, he ignored that and consted him his life.

Harry Truman 33 th president had close encounter on Juky 4 1946 prior to August 5 1945 when the first atomic bomb was dropped in Hirosima Jaoan. Truman .met with space people in more that one occasion but was afraid of Natuona Security Council to relate that fact

1953 Dwight Eisenhower the 34th president of US met The space Brothers at Edward's Air Firce Base. Three UFO had landed there  The pilot of the first UFO got into the second UFzo and UFO 2 and 3 lifted off leaving one UFO on the runway.

Military individuals dragged the UFO into a hangar and placed heavy curtains of security over the whole place.

The president Eisenhower was brought in along with several members of the Joint Chiefs, several members if the NATIONAL Security Council, representatives of Rockefeller's office and representatives of Rothschilds.

The craft was 30 feet in diameter. Everyone stood back and the strangest phenomenon occurs. UFO dematerialized before their eyes. It has been claimed that they have motion picture of that event. Then it materialized again. Theybsaybitnwas the direct cause of Eisenhower first hearth attack.

To this day UFO has remained at Edwards It is still there. They gave it every test that they gave Val Thir's garment including the acid test and the laser test.

Richard Nixin also flew at that place and saw it himself.

Every president since Eisenhower has been to that site and seen that ship.

Germany have pleaded to be allowed to take it to their countries for tests.

America 's Top Secret treaty with Alien Life Forms Plus the hidden History of Our Time. By Commander X

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


The mai patent fir HARP were issues to Bernsrd J Eastlund for Methids and Aparatus for Altering a Region în the Earth's Atmosphere Ionispherr and /or Mafnetosphere.

Eastbound was employed by ARCO a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield.

According ți New York Times abd Washington Post this project is a huge electromagnetic Ray aimed at Upper Atmosphere of the Earth, or ionospheric heater.

HARP is a system of electronic broadcasting used by the Military of the United States, not a.civilian one as press releases .

One of the capabilities of HARP is mind control.

America în bound by treaty to bow the control of the authority to the United Nations.  This means that JARO is under the control of the New World Order's mouthpiece the UN and the use of this gigantic electromagnetic projector is not beholden to the people of rhe United States.

According to Dr Nick Begich and Jeabe Manning în Nexus Magazine, " US AirnForce documents reveals that a system had been developed for manipulating and disruoting human mental pricesses through pulsed radio Frequency radiation over large areas. (That is what HARP is doing).
(chemtrails that will be bombarded later with microwave)

According to Zbigniev Brzezinski former National Security Advisir to US President  Carter and JF McDonald Science Advisor to US  President Jhonson as they wrote about the use of Power beaming transmitter for geophysical and environmental warfarethe effects might  cause negative effects o  human health and thinking.

The Mental disruptiin possibilities for HARP are most disturbing. According th geophisicist  Gordon JF MacDonald accurately, times artificial excite electronic strikes could lead to a pattern of oscilations that priduce high level powers over large regions of Earth. This way one could develop a system that would seriously impair brain performance of a very large populations in selected regions over an extended period.

MacDonald wrote papers describing mind control technologies.

US Air Force issued the statement:

" The potential applications of artificial electromagnetic fields are wide ranging and can be used in many military and quasi-military situations.

In all cases the EM electromagnetic systems would be used to produce mild to severe psychological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation.

The ability of individuals to function could be degrades so that they would be combat -ineffective.

They can provide coverage over large areas.Theybare silent and countermeasures to them may need difficult to develop.

UGOS,TESLA AND AREA 51 by Commander X

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Mind Control Technologies

One of the applications of Tesla Technology was engineered by the Russians in order to decimate.western world through electromagnetic broadcasting. The project has been referred as Russian Woodpecker.

This is a series if electromagnetic broadcasts that began in July 4 1976. This was accomplished using Tesla Magnifying Transmitter which Teska patented in 1914.

These broadcasts disrupted communications all over the planet in the 3 to 39 megahertz bands and pulsed at 10 times oer second.

What is the purpose of Russian Woodpecker?
Speculations are from weather manipulation to mental and emotional destruction of population.

Nirth Western United States was continually irradiated with Extremely Low Frequency waves.l that were set to matches biological frequencies in order to du9licatr life energies of the larger population.

NBC admitted in Juky 18, 1981 that the purpose of Russian Woodpecker was to influence Human Behaviour.

One of the main  Teska magnifying Transmitter sites discontinued broadcasting due to the Explosion of Chernobyl Nuckear Power Plant that was the main power source. Some observers suggested that Cernobyl may have been sabotaged by Westerb powers in order to disrupt Woodpaket Broadcastung.

In 2978 Specula Magazine stated that electromagnetic signals can induce earthquakes at distant points and severe atmospheric disturbances.

This is not just speculation. When Tesla was testing his broadcast power at the beginning of the 20th century it set off lighting power outages and hundred if firest fires.

Since October 1976 USSR has been emitting extremely low frequency signals from a number if Tesla type transmitters. These signals lock-in brain wave signals.

The signals created ozone depletion in the atmosphere which was discovered in 1977 one year after Russian Woodpecker went online.

These kind if transmissions disrupt the Earth Ozone Layer.

United States has a corresponding technology called the America  Buzzaw. This is a osychi-active signal which is designed to interface with the mind if the human being by the way if mind brain connection.

The signal is broadcast in multiple carriers  the carrier hop from one frequency to another anywhere between 4 MHz ti 30 MHz.

They have a multiple transmitter. They inky come in phase at a target site.

The signal has three modes.
1) The first mode is a search mode. They transmit a signal and a psychically sensitive human being picks up the signal and sends something back.
2)  The second mode is the general transmission of a psychic interruption function which interrupt psychic function.  It has a tendency to lower the psychic awareness of the population.
3) the third mode is when they target an individual .

So innocent people are war casualties of criminals in charge of producing the equipment and usung these broadcasting stations.

These emissions station should stop.