Those that do not understand the past are deemed to repeate it.
1291 The tanners of Norwich England were brought before the local court charged with organizing and coding their tanning activities to the detriment of local citizens.
1293 the Cobblers and Sallie makers of Norwich were faced with similar charges.
700 years later same basic principles of "protection" was put forward in the Roosevelt "New Deal". All deals were promoted as protecting the consumer but in reality these were practices of legal monopoly of industries.
1880 The Interstate Commerce Commission created to restrict competition in the transportation industry not together the best deal fir the shippers.
The Civil Aeronautic Board exists to protect the domestic Aviation industry not the airline traveller.
Life Insurance Company had been a liberal cintributorto the Reoublican Nationak omitee inn1986, 1900 and 1904.
Mutual Life Insurance advanced the ideas that business has the duty to scotch unwelcome ideas and policies.
The history of corporations financing the politics eluded the principles of the Constitution and a free society.
The American Construction Council one of the first trade associations that created devices to raise prices and reduce output. It was created under president Hoover and Vice president Roosevelt.
They stated public objective of ACC to create of a code of ethics an euphemism for restraint of trade, "efficieny" and standardization of production. Most importantly was to provide the industry an opportunity to fix its own prices and production levels without fear of the antitrust prosecutions.
1933 The National Industrial Recovery Act was used as a form of monopoly or a combination or constraints in the restraint of trade.
With this act fair competition was degenerating into the dictate of the major corporations.
With this act the president could require all members of an industry to be licensed and that means that the president could revenue a license at his pleasure an infringement on due process of law and basic property rights.
Placing the power in the hands of an executive officer in case of an emergency can exterminate an industry. That emergency can be a power placed in the hands of one individual during the war.
This law was passed during Hoover Administratiin and put free born American citizens out of business without trial by jury.
We saw how big businesses put little businesses out of business during 2020-2022 while large businesses were allowed to run and small businesses were forced to close. And that not only in US but in Canada and other parts if the world. So we need to see where all started. Who was behind it. When was the idea put in the application and who benefited from this.
So in a free country a free man ought to be required to take out a license to engage in legitimate industry and somebidy should be given the power to destroy the value of his property, which you do when you bring about a situation where he cannot operate.
That seems approaching the point if taking the property without due process of law.
This law was passed in 1933 during Roosevelt presidency that was financed by Wall Street to get into power.
The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA) was a US labor law and consumer law passed by the 73rd US Congress to authorize the president to regulate industry for fair wages and prices that would stimulate economic recovery. It also established a national public works program known as the Public Works Administration (PWA). The National Recovery Administration (NRA) portion was widely hailed in 1933, but by 1934 business opinion of the act had soured.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Born: January 30, 1882, Hyde Park, New York, United States
Died: April 12, 1945 (age 63 years), Little White House Historic Site, Georgia, United States
Presidential term: March 4, 1933 – April 12, 1945
Vice presidents: John Nance Garner (1933–1941), Henry Agard Wallace (1941–1945),
Many industries were dominated by a few major firms in turn under the control of Wall Street investment houses.
Wall Street Banksters Financed Franklin D Rosvelt The Bolșevic Revolution and the Rise of Adolf Hitler. By Commander X
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