Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Earth Alliance And Q

 As Earth Alliance Unveils Revolutionary Shift: From Petrochemical Dominance to Tesla Technology and Free Energy"

The Earth Alliance, a coalition of forces of light dedicated to humanity's liberation, is poised to dismantle the cabal's stranglehold on the petrochemical industry. This momentous transition will usher in an era of free energy, Tesla-inspired technologies, and advanced healing modalities. By pulling the trigger on this transformative initiative, the Earth Alliance aims to replace outdated, polluting industries with sustainable, life-enhancing innovations.

_Q is a United States Military Intelligence Operation, working hand-in-hand with the President of the United States. Some could easily argue that Donasld J. Trump was hand chosen years ago by the United States Military to aid them in this critical and historic operation.

Q is not a single person, but a team of high-ranking persons with "Q" level security clearance, executing operations that have been planned for many years (the plan). Some of the objectives are: A) A massive information dissemination program meant to 1) expose massive global corruption and conspiracy to the people. 2) Cause the people to research further to aid further in their "great awakening". B) Root out corruption fraud and human rights violations worldwide. C) Return the Republic of the United States to the Constitutional rule of law and also return "the people" worldwide to their own rule. In short the Q operation is the greatest criminal sting and anti-treason/sedition event in world history.

It certainly does appear that we as a country are lawfully living out The Declaration of Independence once again

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the Governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to alter are to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying it's foundation on such principles and organizing it's powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

- The Declaration of Independence

Due to the classified nature of much of the information/evidence Q team holds, they can not just come right out with it, however, they can drop breadcrumbs that the people, often the 8chan "Anons", can dig into and help us all discover the truth. Further, it must be understood that the enemies in this war are monitoring Q as well. Therefore, some of the information Q drops is strategically misinformation/disinformation. Think Military game theory and "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. Sure, none of us want to filter through and try to discern truth from falsehood, however these warfare tactics really cause "We The People" no harm when they must be used, however they are devastating to the enemy and a necessary part of warfare. Military planning at it's finest!

The message above was taken from a blog called UFO Disclosure

We continue with the response of the people who know something about the subject

Saturday 16 November 2019 at 11:41:00 GMT
We re waiting for about 70yrs now for disclosure.And i bet it will be a new enemy to fight to.To unite mankind under one banner.But if aliens were hostile i guess we wouldn't be here anymore.Many officials always ve claimed bout no threat to the national security.Even Angeltons Papers refering to that. But also were a sign for the influence to folks in Washington. And if they ren't helpful anymore they re easy to manipulate. In any kind of possibility. Like wet works. Projects like Jehovah, parasite, parhelion, enviro(ment) and even this odd Spike and House Cleanings making things very odd to look through. Do this Special Groups like Green using MK Ultra and Artichoke Projects to use it on their own citizens and people in charge? In different layers of our society worldwide. The big question is ,during the alien encounters? Or after them? To look what's really happened to them? While in direct contact? Or is it all staged? Like the iron mountain equal programs? It wouldn't make me wonder. WTF is going on here since decades now? And if they re in control of alien technologies why they aren't using it for the benefits to whole mankind and all here on earth? I don't get it? They cannot be so selfish. Right? (referring to Gen. Tom Wilsons Claims).Thanks. Be the truth be with all of us. Cause there's just one.

Saturday 16 November 2019 at 13:00:00 GMT
What's with this MILABs ? Wasn't this run by them? Is there anyone that's really good out there? I think many normals are but those in power aren't .Cause power corrupts them. We need people from the public. Honest ones. That re not easily being turn around. To fight against life and our whole planet. We need real heroes. Worldwide. And i guess that most scientists doesn't even like what they re doing for certain groups. Those with the big money. I bet on it that many would change this path right into extinction. We will rush all with us. If we won't end it immediately.

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