Friday, July 12, 2024

Underwater Cities

Source: US Insider Missions Space Arks Underground Cities &ET Contact by Dr. MIchael Salla (nonfiction book)

According to JP there are underwater cities in Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean's.

These cities are populated with Himan looking people.

JP told Michelle Sall about one if his missions to one such city at the botton of the Atlantic Ovean.

They have diplomatic negociation of technology exchange with surface hidden organizations.

The people of the underwater cities are slightly taller than us.apprix 6 eight (203 cm). They loock a little bit paller and they look similar to Asyan types.

JP reached the city with a cigar shape submarine (50 yards in length). The shop could go also in space not only under water.

The underwater cities  have tall buildings, vehicles; the oxygen is purer and there is a protective bubble around this city, but you can seebit moving with the ocean.

There were tall.buokdings similar to Dubai but many of them. You could see in the distance another little city. There were a total of three.

There was a pyramid shaped thing. JP converse with the guards of the city he did not enter the city but can observe from the entrance. They speak perfect English.  He found out that sometime the go out to the surface of the earth.

They say theybare good people, they have more technology.  JP observed the city and related the information to Michael Salla.  The city was 2 miles square and half mile.tall. it was brightly illuminated as Time Square of New York. They have plants comming from the side if the buildings.
He was excirting a person that collected an old book received from these people.

Dr Michel Salla speculated that that person was a Freemason. These people often accompany highly classified military missions and take away anything of value. In Transilvania Sunrise Serie of books Radu Cinamardescribe how Freemasonry infiltrated cintrol ancient technologies and ancient artifacts.

This is a message on Commander Valiant Thor Telegram

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