No I am against everything you have done this 2 years. Stop begging.
You forced people to wear masks to breath on what they breath out.
You participated in keeping people inside so they do not benefit from vitamin D from The Sun.
You fire people that did not get vaccinated and we know vaccines have side effects that have 10 pages long according to pfizer.
You had kept people from seeing their families for 2 years. Depression and isolation and suicide was the result of that decision.
You gave land for 1 dolar to private companies while we pay high taxes.
You never said anything about daily chemtrails we are sprayed with.
Lockdown is against human rights.
Forcing get the poison that is the vaccine us against international laws established and the Nuremberg code.
Using sound weapons in Ottawa against people that asked for freedom from draconic rules is against all moral rules.
Using chemtrails above people that protested government mandates was and is wrong.
Using màsmedia for brainwashing population while we are paying for it via taxes is wrong.
Mind Control techniques and military used against your neighbors and Canadians is wrong.
We had enough of government overreach.
So no I will never vote for your party.
Separating people in vaccinated and unvaccinated and making companies to fire those that do not comply to these rules is wrong.
Bribery from big pharma of government is wrong.
Silencing dissident voices is not democracy. Facebook and other factcheckers paid to silence thise that oppose the bribed official position is wrong.
Allowing RCMP police and UN troops or whoever dressed in black was in Ottawa to beat people that asked for freedom was wrong. People protested there also because their kids were affected by the vaccines. Kids died after taking the vaccine.
Keeping people in jail such as Pat King because they protested against government is wrong.
Side effects of these vaccines were deadly for some and created heath problems for others.
Liluana Usvat- Taxpayer
Sent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message --------
From: Doug Ford <>
Date: 2022-06-01 19:45 (GMT-05:00)
To: Liliana Usvat <>
Subject: Liliana, are you with me?
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