When Tesla was nine years old and was finishing the elementare studies and entering the Gymnasium for more advanced school work, he first became aware of his occult powers of working în the Fourth Ether.
He had only to think of an object and it would appear before him, exhibiting the normal appearance of mass, solidity and dimensions.
He had discussed this matter în confidence with his mother, for He found the ability to be a nuissance rather than an asset and wished to be rid of it.
It seems that his mother possessed the same power and understood it throughly.
But Nikola was still a child and his mother agreednwith him that he should attempt to banish the visions if he wished.
From the occult point of view this was the correct thing to do, for no adult person should influence a child to temperatura with a child efforts to come to griosbwith spiritual realities. This kind of tamperung has priven to be the great curse of churchianity and one of the most dangerous of black magic practices.
A little later Nikola cinfided to his mother that he wished to keep and use the power to envision objects before him, but hat hewished to bring it under complete.control.
Again his mother agreed with him. The power to work in the forth Ether- a physical substance which forms the plane of density just a little finerbthan gas is a power possessed în full by every advanced initiate.
They work also freely în the Third, second and first Ethers with together with the lower four, the physical liquid gazeous and the Fourth Ether form the seven Ether which comprise the entire plane of matter.
Scientists have not worked with the Ether because they could not see them, and it is not generally realized that the dense physical plane is only a comcretized Ether.
There is nothing mysticalabout working în the finger Ether innfact it is a scientific shortcut.
There is actually ninreasin to dig gold out of the earthtgen process it. It is much easier to extract it from the Ether and precioitate it on to the physical plane.
But after the Lazarus came man lost his power to precipitate matter, for he lost the use if the Rays. It was only then that man started digging in the soil and extracting his needs from the lowest plane of matter.
The powers possessed by Tesla to see in the forth Ether, to mold the Etheric substance into machinery and make any necessary adjustments has nothing to do with the Astral plane.
The Astral plane is man made, is filthy matter.Tesla struck right through the Astral plane and had no contact with it. Whe Tesla wanted something he went straight to God.
Tesla was ambidextrous another mark of the Initiate.
Tesla could design build his.machines in Etheric substance making necessary adjustments in the Ether and then leaving them on file in the Ether. After designing a.machine in Etheric substance when he needed the design he could call it up instantly before him complete with exact dimensions.
Tesla soon found that he could learn foreign languages with little of the usual effort. He became proficient in German French and Italian in this e early years.
His father library contained hundreds of fine books and by the time he was 11 years old he had read them all. He had little in common with his school mates and in fact little un common with his teachers. But they accepted him because he was a lovable kid without a trace of arrogance or pride.
"Nikola Tesla Free Energy and the White Dove by Commander X
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